ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #2136: The SWF File MyGame.swf Contains Invalid Data
Apr 26, 2010
I have two classes. One is my Document Class, and another extends my Document Class. It doesn't work, and gives me this error "Error #2136: The SWF file MyGame.swf contains invalid data."
I am getting runtime error #2136 'The SWF file at %1 contains invalid data' (I know, %1 is a reference to the file producing the error) All I did was change some button graphics to movie clip types and have solved all the type mismatch and other syntax errors. This is a file I have been working on and posting about. This is getting annoying. What would be causing this type of error??
I built a little game in the spare time.I've a DocumentClass and four other classes. Once I realized I could not restart the game when finished playing, I thought I should create a new instance of the main class (DocumentClass) to launch it again.The problem is that, by doing so, I get Error #2136,"The SWF file contains invalid data". What happens?
I have a problem with creating instances from classes created from embedded data taken from an external .swf which has loaded into its library various images exported to ActionScript as BitmapData.What confounds me is that, of 22 images that I'm loading, 14 of them work fine and can be instantiated and displayed to the screen in a test program. The rest of them throw Error #2136, "The SWF file contains invalid data."I'm using Flash CS4 with Flex 3.4.
----- Attached is a .zip of a few files: library_tester.fla - contains the code for testing the library Assets/GridGame/grid_Library.fla - contains the library
Right now, the code in library_tester hits the error when it attempts to create Logo after creating two other variables set onto the stage.
I am trying to make a game like the escape game you might have seen on the internet. I have got all the movement pretty much sorted its just I cannot get the game to restart. I am relatively new the AS3 so bear with me on this. I have a Main class, an enemy class, a player class and a button class. The button class creates the restart button and from the main class, when certain conditions are met, an event listener is added to this button instance to say "on click... do this...". I do not no what to put to make it reset the game however. I have tried to clear all the objects when the game is over but I cannot get the game to restart on click. I figured if I can just add a new Main class instance then the game would be reset but I cannot seem to do it...
This is where I figured I needed to create a new instance of the main class but it just won't work. It comes up with an invalid data error in the output panel. By this point in the program, practically every object has been removed from the stage and display list and the game is over and is ready to be reset...
I got a problem with adobe flash cs4 : I can't launch it normaly and its says that a fatal error has occured.. I really don't know what I must do.. Please, help me.... I've just lost like 3 or 4 files of adobe by trying to reinstall it.
package { import flash.display.MovieClip; public class DocumentClass extends MovieClip { public function DocumentClass() { trace("document class created"); } }}
This actually works, but I want to have the possibility to re-instance the DocumentClass (because I want to restart a game and the Main class is the DocumentClass).In the first frame I have:
import; btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, restart);function restart(evt:MouseEvent){ var d = new DocumentClass();} But this code (I simplified my situation, but the result is the same) throws an error: Error: Error #2136: The SWF file file:///E|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Pepper/My%20Documents/FlashDeve lopment/PepperGame.swf contains invalid data at DocumentClass/restart()/frame1()
What can I do to restart my game by calling the DocumentClass point of entry? Is this possibile?
I just want to use some variables out of another class, but when i make a new instances using the code from the error-class i get this error:[code] this last class Game2 is used as document class.
I created something that'll allow me to have a character and walk with it, but I did this all in the document class. And because this is going to be more complicated I wanted to move that to a Character class. So I did this:
Now the issue is when is on the line in my character class that calls the new Character(); Because when I comment it out, I don't get it anymore.I get this error: Error: Error #2136: The SWF file ..../vs.swf contains invalid VelunaStory()I don't think it's anything inside the Character class because I tried commenting out all the functionality so it's just a shell of a class and I still get this error.
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, Pixel_Perfect); function Pixel_Perfect(e:Event):void {[code]....
Enemy1 is a class is that makes a difference
I didn't write this code as i am not this advanced yet but really needed this script, this script normally works but now i am recieving errors
Error: ArgumentError: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData. at flash.display::BitmapData/ctor() at flash.display::BitmapData() at IceMountain_fla::MainTimeline/Pixel_Perfect()
I'm getting an Invalid BitmapData Error #2015 at flash.display::BitmapData$iinit() that points to the line of code below where a BitmapData object is created. I am using this function to create only a few hundred Item objects, each of which is only 166 px by 96 px in size so I don't believe that the problem has to do with running out of memory. I also used system.totalMemory to trace memory consumption but it showed that only a few tens of megabytes were used when the error occurred. I have tried setting the BitmapData and Bitmap objects to null because that was a solution I found on another site. That didn't work. I tried dispose(). The error occurs intermittently, sometimes after running my app a few times and sometimes when I first load it. I am not refreshing my browser over and over in order to run the app. I cannot figure out the exact sequence of events that leads to this error. In earlier versions of my app, I was able to successfully use the exact same function (minus the lines where the BitmapData and Bitmap objects are set to null).
public function cloneItem(item:Item):Item { var itemClone:Item = new Item(item.ID,, item.bpCost, item.bcCost, item.quantity); var tempBitmap:Bitmap;
I remember darkly that the XML class in AS3 would throw an exception if you tried to give it data in it's constructor that was not a valid XML string. But now I got a case where the XML happily takes every kind of data no matter it's valid XML or not...
var xml:XML; try {[code]...
... doesn't throw any exception. qname seems not to be null. WTH?
I am writing a slideshow that takes a random image from a media RSS feed and creates a bitmap and adds it to the stage in a random position on the stage so that each new image lays on top of the last. The actionscipt works fine, but after a time, the computer runs out of memory and I get a ArgumentError: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData. error.
My thought was, instead of adding child on top of child, I would just add the new image to the original bitmap or perhaps a copy of the bitmap and swap from old to new with each newly added image. Is this a possible solution and can anyone help with some code ideas? All the examples of BitmapData.draw() show only addig one object at a time per bitmap. I don't know if it is possible to add/merge/combine bitmaps.
I have the following code which loads a sound, 'test.mp3', and then lowers its pitch, also slowing it down. The sound plays correctly at the lower pitch but at the end of the sample, I get this error: 'RangeError: Error #2004: One of the parameters is invalid.'. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix this problem?
I'm getting an Invalid BitmapData Error #2015 at flash.display::BitmapData$iinit() that points to the line of code below where a BitmapData object is created. I am using this function to create only a few hundred Item objects, each of which is only 166 px by 96 px in size so I don't believe that the problem has to do with running out of memory. I also used system.totalMemory to trace memory consumption but it showed that only a few tens of megabytes were used when the error occurred. I have tried setting the BitmapData and Bitmap objects to null because that was a solution I found on another site. That didn't work. I tried dispose(). The error occurs intermittently, sometimes after running my app a few times and sometimes when I first load it. I am not refreshing my browser over and over in order to run the app. I cannot figure out the exact sequence of events that leads to this error. In earlier versions of my app, I was able to successfully use the exact same function (minus the lines where the BitmapData and Bitmap objects are set to null).
public function cloneItem(item:Item):Item { var itemClone:Item = new Item(item.ID,, item.bpCost, item.bcCost, item.quantity); var tempBitmap:Bitmap;
I am trying to use ZendAMF to do remote method calls to a MySQL database from Flash and I keep recieving the NetConnection.Call.BadVersion error. My Server is working correctly. Apache 2.2.14 My PHP is working correctly. PHP 5.2.11 My Database is working. MySQL 5.0
My first problem was a security error in Flash. If you try to run a local SWF from the Flash IDE to a web service online, you'll get a security warning which will throw the BadVersion error. However, the security error won't show up if you 'TEST MOVIE' so it took me a while to realize that. I changed my testing process to remove this variable. I am now able to implement my php class code successfully using AMFPHP, which essentially rules out my class as the issue (I think). It seems to be a problem with the Zend implemntation of AMF.
I have followed a tutorial from Lee Brimlow here: [URL]. I was unable to get this to work locally, and I've moved my content onto a web server and can call the Class and Method from my SWF. I've used Charles to view the response. When I go to validate the response in Charles I get this: Validator: Failed to Parse XML Document. Reason: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x0) was found in the CDATA section. Line: 65 Column: 87 Can it be handled in PHP?
Here is my ZendAMF code: <?php error_reporting(E_ALL|E_STRICT); ini_set("display_errors", "on"); ini_set("include_path", "./frameworks"); require_once 'Zend/Amf/Server.php'; require_once 'Animal.php'; [Code] .....
I am stuck in custom video player for a long time. The original example of the thumbnail buttons are jpg image. They work. However, instead of stable place of the thumbs, I changed the thumbs to swf file with motion.
I got the error. Select allVideoError: 1004: Invalid source at at[URL]::_load() at at at source() at MyVideoPlayer_fla::MainTimeline/playVideo()
Here is my AS3 code Code: Select allimport*; var thumb_width:Number; var thumb_height:Number; var thumbs_x:Number; var thumbs_y:Number; var video_x:Number; var video_y:Number; [Code] .....
i have an air app that i put some updater code into and i keep getting 1 of 2 errors.When i test the app in Flash i get Error ID: 404. Invalid HTTP status code: 404.when i install the application and run it i get Error ID: 2032. Error #2032. the error windows are the windows that are written into the code to come up so i know that part of the code is working. Any ideas or similar experiences?
var appUpdater:ApplicationUpdater = new ApplicationUpdater(); var window:NativeWindow; var windowContent:myWindow = new myWindow();[code].....
I have an air application that loads an external swf when prompted by the user. In the external swf, I have a class that loads all the necessary fonts for that particular swf. When my air application attempts to load the swf I get ArgumentError: Error #1508: The value specified for argument font is invalid.
var loaderContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(); loaderContext.applicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain; var loader:Loader = new Loader();
in the server all is working good.compile from local heres my error
ArgumentError: Error #1508: The value specified for argument font is invalid. at flash.text::Font$/registerFont() at Fonts$iinit()
I am trying to rebuild "Pixelator" class writen by Eric Hallander, becouse I need it for my personal site, and orginal class doesn't give me all that I need. I thought I have everythig right scripted but after compilate debuger gives me an error:
ArgumentError: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData. at flash.display::BitmapData$iinit() at tmk::Pixelate/::pixelateOut()
This is code of my MainClass - calling a Pixelation effect: Code: package src { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.display.Bitmap; import flash.display.BitmapData; import tmk.Pixelate; [Code] .....
I've been working on a simple mosaic generator for a project and have been crashing Flash consistently by trying to add too many bitmaps to a Sprite. I can crash Flash every time with the following:
for(var i:int = 0; i < 10000; i++){ var d:BitmapData = new BitmapData(20,20); addChild(new Bitmap(d)); }
I get a 2015 error - invalid BitmapData.9000 works without issue... 10000 crashes. Problem is I need 10000.Is this a known limitation? I could try using multiple sprites and adding say 5000 to each, but that wouldn't be easy with this project. But if I have to I have to...
i'm trying to play external videos using netStream.
My script work fine with .flv files, but with .f4v it doesn't work with Firefox (i've tried versions 3.6 and 4): I get NetStream.Play.FileStructureInvalid
F4v files was exported using Media Encoder from Premiere.
Here's a part of my code:
ncConnection = new NetConnection(); ncConnection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler); ncConnection.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler);
I am running into an issue with passing variables from Actionscript 3 to PHP.This is a very basic program just for testing purposes to find out if this will work.Here is the Actionscript 3 coding (One button named 'btn_Submit' and one text box named 'txt_User' are on the stage).This is a very simple attempt to input text into an 'Input Text Box', upon pressing a submit button, it should pass the text to a php file named 'test.php'.The .swf file and the test.php files are both located in the same directory on my webserver (main directory for subdomain '')For the URLRequest parameter, I have even tried just ("test.php"), without success:
import* import*; var myVariables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
I am trying to use the reflect class from " .html" but I keep getting this error:
ArgumentError: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData. at flash.display::BitmapData() at Reflect() at Site_fla::GalleryPage_29/loadThumbs() at Site_fla::GalleryPage_29/sortXML()
btw, first I used assigned thumbContainer as the mc argument (outside the loadThumbs() function) and it worked but not exactly what I wanted... because I thought it is supposed to update when the movieclip is animated but it actually didn't... when I use a scroller, only the thumbs that are first loaded to the stage get the reflection..