ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Control Events On Timeline With Simple Timers

Feb 8, 2010

OK from the title you can tell I'm now a AS3 newbie. Its a shame because I was good intermediate at AS2 and all of a sudden I'm back at square one - and I'm no programmer so there's little chance of me learning AS3.

1) Back to the problem. I used to control events on my timeline with simple timers and such, utilising code like: _parent.MC1.Play(); Now that doesnt work, _parent and .root are gone, and I can't even get basic things to work anymore. I want to do is advance "MC1" to the next frame.

2) Is there a *simple* reference/summary of what happened to my old AS2 commands somewhere.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pause A Movie Timeline (that Had A Few Timers)

Dec 20, 2009

I am not too sure if I can make my problem clear. I wanted to make a simple pause and play button. My main timeline will have a movie (MyMovie) with animations in it, so when I pause, I will need to pause it as well. At first, I did not have any problem, as I could just pause using both using stop() and Mymovie.stop() as well as with play() and in the main timeline.

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IDE :: Adding Click Events To A Simple Slideshow Flash

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I downloaded the trial of flash cs4 and have created a simnple flash.I am creating a simple slideshow, each of the slides should be clickable and redirect the browser.I created images then imported them and they were automatically converted to symbols.I combined the symbols using some motion tweens.I then created an actions layer and created clasic tween wher I want the user to be able to click.My problem is I cant get it working. I think I am not referencing the right objects.[code]I have tried setting the object reference to the motion tween instance name, the classic tween name on the actions layer and the symbol name none seem to work

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control The Timeline In Flash Movie?

Apr 3, 2012

I'm trying to control the timeline in my Flash movie.  How I have my movie set up is:
1.  The main timeline with AS, sound, some text that appears at the end of the movie (credits), and a movie clip of an entire scene with background.  Inside the movieclip background, I have several other movie clips of parts of a duck animating, the background scene changing color, and a mask that opens and closes the scene (at the begining it opens and at the end it closes), and an object that I just added ( a ball).  I gave the ball an instance name of ball_mc and all I want to do is to make that ball stop from looping the animation when the ball's movieclip is done playing. 
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I have been doing some searching around some and have come up with import flash.display.MovieClip; and this.stop(); or this.gotoAndStop(); and/or gotoAndPlay(); and ball_mc stop();  I've tried using these codes, but I'm still missing something.  Sometimes, I get an error that comes up and says that my varable isn't defined.  I have no idea how to define a varable?what i need to do to control the timeline to make my movieclip ball_mc stop playing at the end of the ball's movieclip on the timeline?

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var introLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var introReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("intro.swf");
introLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
function onComplete(e:Event){

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class iaicu.mycampus.ClassSchedule {[code].....

Keep in mind that these classes are more elaborate, so events are intended to be more useful.

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IDE :: Simple Button - Associate Events With Handlers

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I have recently read and practiced the instructions given in "Buttons in Flash" tutorial on this site, and although everything works beautifully it does not give me the code for linkage i.e. either external website or mail.

The existing code is:
function setupEvents() {
// associate events with event handlers
myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickButtonHandler);
myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, hoverButtonHandler);
} setupEvents();
[Code] .....

How do I include the relevant behaviours to these buttons?

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text_content.attachMovie("text_content", "text_content", 10);
There is a marker inside this mc called "news". I need a script in the main timeline that will gotoandStop "news" within the "text_content" mc.I have tried, amongst others


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for(var i:uint = 0; i < buttonArray.length; i++){
buttonArray[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, buttonRolledOver);

What i want to do is only play a sound with the roll_over event when the left click is held down.

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// heres my code


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Control Simple Box Movie Via Arrow Keys

Mar 14, 2002

I'm trying to control (via the arrow keys) a simple box "movie" on the main stage using this code:

onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if (Key.getCode( ) == Key.LEFT) {
this._x = this._x - 3;
} else if (Key.getCode( ) == Key.RIGHT {
this._x = this._x + 3;
} else if (Key.getCode( ) == Key.UP) {
this._y = this._y - 3;
} else if (Key.getCode( ) == Key.DOWN) {
this._y = this._y + 3;

I keep getting this in the Output window when I test the movie.
Scene=Scene 1, Layer=box, Frame=1: Line 8: ')' expected

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control Mouse Events On All Buttons?

Apr 23, 2008

What I make usually is have an array and set different levels of mouse blocking.


I have the menu, the contents, and lets say something else that appears on top of everything called animation.

mouse_block = new array(false,false,false)

The first false corresponds to the menu, the second to the contents, etc.

So, I check on every clickable mc if their level is false or true.

//do what ever it is suposed to do


My problem is that I need to write that on every movieclip...

Can you point me a way of optimizing this?

I thought of using the prototype, but from what I know you can only create new methods an properties.

Is there a way of modifying the mouse events like onPress or onRollOver?.... or create your own mouse events using those as a starting point?

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Professional :: Control Speed Of Simple Movie Using Arrow Keys?

Mar 19, 2010

I have a simple animation that I would like to control the speed of the movie using the right an left arrow buttons. Keep pressing right arrow to speed up, and keep pressing left button to slow down.

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Walking Animation (MovieClip Control By Keyboard Events)

May 2, 2009

I have two MovieClips, and both are controlled by keyboard events. One is a globe that I want to rotate in one direction or the other. The second is a walking animation that should change direction or stand still depending on which key is pressed or if none are.

Here is the AS Code:
/*var rightDown:Boolean = false;
var leftDown:Boolean = false;
var upDown:Boolean = false;
var downDown:Boolean = false;*/
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
[Code] .....

You can see that I've tried a few different methods, but neither has worked correctly. Using the timer came close, but then the globe kept speeding up, and I couldn't get the walking animation to default back to the standing animation. Here is the .fla [URL].

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control Mouse Events When Object Is Resizing?

Jan 19, 2009

I have some Movieclips that play sounds on mouse over, and end the sound on mouse out. That has worked fine for me.I just implemented some tween animations on the rollover (they enlarge), but now I am having problems because the animations cause multiple mouse over/out events.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play The Timeline With A Simple Button?

Sep 23, 2009

direct me to a simple technote on how to play the timeline with a simple buttonexample:in AS2 you could attached script to button something like

on MouseEvent {


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IDE :: Use 2 Separate Timers In A Flash?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm trying to use 2 separate timers in a flash solution (CS4, AS3). The second timer won't fire. I need 2 constant events. one could drive the other

I'm displaying a different image every x seconds. I'm fading the old image out and then fading the new image in. Unfortunately, I've not been able to get these events to work in tandem. fade in and out times are both 2 secs & need to be sequential.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Class - Point It To The Main Timeline?

Feb 3, 2011

In the Main Timeline I have

import FlashVar;
// Instantiate FlashVar Class and Pass Root.
var myFlashVar:FlashVar = new FlashVar(this);


Now I have to pass 'this' when instantiating the class so that later I can use DocRoot to get the loaderInfo for FlashVars.Is there any way to not have to pass 'this' and have the external class point to the Main Timeline?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Events Not Firing For Timeline Preloader In IE

May 14, 2007

This is problem is cropping up in Flash CS3 rather than Flex, but it's Actionscript 3.If you paste the code below into the main timeline on frame 1 and test it in Flash, the COMPLETE and INIT events both fire. And in Firefox and Safari it works too. INIT and COMPLETE both fire. But in IE (6 and 7, both with the latest flash player) on a PC only the INIT event fires.

var debugText:TextField = new TextField()
var onRootLoaderInit = function (event:Event):void{
debugText.text += "INITIATED." + " "
} var onRootLoaderComplete = function (event:Event):void{
debugText.text += "COMPLETE." + " "
} loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onRootLoaderInit);
loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onRootLoaderComplete);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control Mouse Click Events In A Multi-dimensional Array?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a question regarding the use of mouse clicks events in a multi-dimensional array (or a "2D" array as we refer to them in Java and C++).
I have an array of objects each with a corresponding mouse click event. Each object is stored at a location ranging from [0][0] to [5][8] (hence a 9 x 6 grid) and has the specific column and row number associated with it as well (i.e. tile [2][4] has a row number of 2 and a column number of 4, even though it is on the third row, fifth column). Upon each mouse click, the tile that is selected is stored in a temporary array. The array is cleared if a tile is clicked that does not share a column or row value equal to, minus or plus 1 with the currently targeted tile (i.e. clicking tile [1][1] will clear the array if there aren't any tiles stored that have the row/column number

[0][0], [0][1], [0][2],
[1][0], [1][1], [1][2],
[2][0], [2][1], [2][2]

or any contiguous column/row with another tile stored in the array, meaning that the newly clicked tile only needs to be sharing a border with one of the tiles in the temp array but not necessarily with the last tile stored).
What is a clean, tidy way of programming this in AS3? Here are a couple portions of my code (although the mouse click event isn't finished/working correctly):


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Timeline Events - Add Listeners And Send Out Dispatchers?

Apr 30, 2009

In my SWF, I have a movie clip that I wish to play itself immediately after the site loads. I have two other movie clips that are required to play once the first movie clip has reached frame 13. This is a function that I would like to repeat, as the first movie clip (followed by the other two) will be required to play the others after certain mouse events within the movie.

PHP Code:
hello_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, click_handler);
function click_handler(event_object:MouseEvent) {
/* Do something with this event */

While others import class objects and operate under package headings when describing how to add listeners and send out dispatchers.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion Failed: Cannot Convert To

Mar 27, 2012

iam making a game and i almost finish except one error i couln.t get it

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert to
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert to


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Control Timeline And FLV Together?

Dec 3, 2009

Where can I find ready-made buttons that will control an FLV and a timeline together? I have a swf with an FLV and I animate images and phrases on a movieClip timeline timed to what they say in the flv. I set up cuepoints that trigger the animations, so when users scrub, pause, etc. the timeline eventually catches up with the FLV, but it would be a lot nicer if the pause, scrub, etc. would do the same to the timeline and there was no lag time.

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