Actionscript 3 :: Multiple Timers With Different Delays Mutliple Events On Complete?

Dec 30, 2010

i use several timers with different delays at once. on timer complete, i want to fire specific events.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Multiple Sounds From The Custom Positions (delays)?

Dec 9, 2009

I need to realize something like a multiple track player. The users can upload multiple tracks and start to play them together. My problem is to allow the user to define a start position of each track to allow a synchronization between them, something like this:

Track 1: start at [x] sec.
Track 2: start at [y] sec.

where the user can input the x and y. I've tried with AS2 (using netstream and SetIntervall) and AS3 (using netstream or sound and timer). If I set the same x and y both tracks are playing simultaneously. But not if the x and y are different.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Control Events On Timeline With Simple Timers

Feb 8, 2010

OK from the title you can tell I'm now a AS3 newbie. Its a shame because I was good intermediate at AS2 and all of a sudden I'm back at square one - and I'm no programmer so there's little chance of me learning AS3.

1) Back to the problem. I used to control events on my timeline with simple timers and such, utilising code like: _parent.MC1.Play(); Now that doesnt work, _parent and .root are gone, and I can't even get basic things to work anymore. I want to do is advance "MC1" to the next frame.

2) Is there a *simple* reference/summary of what happened to my old AS2 commands somewhere.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Reset Multiple Timers

Oct 21, 2009

Action Script and I am having a rough time finding the solution to making my timersloop after the last timer has completed

Here is the code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var learnDone:Timer=new Timer(3000);learnDone.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looping Multiple Timers?

Aug 5, 2009

There is probably an easier way to do this and I would be great full if someone has the solution. This code is on frame 1 and is the only frame in the .fla, I am trying to get it to start over once it finishes the last timer. What I really want to do is create a picture banner with 4 images visible at a time and each one transitions to 2 or 3 different images periodically. Is there a better way of doing this with code? I really don't want to animate this all on the time line. here is the code I have

ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timers Slowing - Making The Timers Reset At Lower Intervals?

Dec 13, 2010

In a game I'm making the timers that I use go one speed when I run it by pushing Ctrl-Enter in Flash but when I run the external .swf file created, the timers go considerably slower.I have managed to work around this by making the timers reset at lower intervals but I would rather not have to resort to this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Manually Stopping Multiple Timers?

Aug 27, 2010

I have a swf containing 3 scenes (all individual external swfs) at 10 second intervals. This is how I do it:
So after the 10 seconds are up, it goes to the next frame, where I have the same script, with another Timer variable (MyTimer2), loading another swf. Same for the 3rd scene.
All is fine, until I need to manually change scenes. I have 3 buttons, each representing a scene. When the user clicks on any of them, the scene will change to the one selected. I think you have a good idea how it works.
Now, as you might have seen it coming, the manual "override" messes up the original looping Timers. I currently have gotoAndPlay("frame") on each button, and this causes 2 Timers to run at the same time (the current Timer, and the new one).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop That Creates Multiple Timers?

Aug 9, 2011

I am trying to get this simple logic to work correctly. Right now, the trace is:

int 0
int 0
int 0


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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Multiple Countdown Timers To Schedule Indoor Hockey

May 4, 2010

The program I aim to create here will run a series of countdowns, all day long, one after the other, basically counting down to the next event.For example:

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-20 minute countdown til intermission
-2 minute countdown til second half
-20 minute coundown til games over
-5 minute countdown til new game starts

I have been given a lists of times for which to begin each timer (and its duration), but the tutorial I followed earlier uses an onEnterFrame function.I need some way to determine the closest timer that should be running, without killing the CPU with onEnterFrame. This task seems like it should be simple, but I can't quite wrap my head around it.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Countdown Timers To Schedule Indoor Hockey

May 4, 2010

I've successfully made a countdown timer countdown to a predefined date (Christmas, and yes it was a tutorial). The program I aim to create here will run a series of countdowns, all day long, one after the other, basically counting down to the next event.

For example:

1 minute countdown til game begins
20 minute countdown til intermission
2 minute countdown til second half
20 minute coundown til games over
5 minute countdown til new game starts

I have been given a lists of times for which to begin each timer (and its duration), but the tutorial I followed earlier uses an onEnterFrame function. I need some way to determine the closest timer that should be running, without killing the CPU with onEnterFrame. This task seems like it should be simple, but I can't quite wrap my head around it.


View 6 Replies

Flash :: Preloader To Load External SWF Without PROGRESS And COMPLETE Events

May 27, 2011

I have created the following preloader saved as "preloader.swf" that loads an external SWF file as follows:[code]I was reading to try avoid the PROGRESS and COMPLETE events since these events don't work 100% of the time.Now my question is this: is there a way of how I can go about to have the same functionality of loading an external SWF file (as above) but WITHOUT using the PROGRESS and COMPLETE events?

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Flex :: Difference Between Complete And UploadCompleteData Events For Class Filereference?

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When I upload a file using a Flex application,what is the difference between complete and uploadcompletedata events? In which cases one of them will be dispatched and the other one won't?

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AS3 :: Flash - Listening For Multiple Events On Multiple Objects?

Sep 20, 2010

I currently have an over, out and click event for 8 different objects. The over and out events are identical for each (tween expands object and then shrinks it back for the out state).I have previously asked for an easy way to declare those events, and now I was looking for an easier way to handle them.

Here's my code:

function growGarage(e:MouseEvent):void{
scaleTweenX = new Tween(map_garage, "scaleX", Elastic.easeOut, 0.648, 1, 0.5, true);


I've tried using a single function and then using "this" as the object of the tween but that expanded the entire stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple SWF - Complete Never Called

Dec 21, 2010

I've got some code that loads multiple swf files -- it works great, EXCEPT when the swf files are really small - then they load before the listeners are called - so the "COMPLETE" is never called. So my app just never works.

Here is Actionscript Code:
var _swfLoader:Loader;
var _swfRequest:URLRequest;
var allSWF:Array = new Array();
function loadSWFS():void{
allSWF = ["f1.swf","g2.swf","bob.swf"];
[Code] .....

My currentSwfProgress function always seems to work - so if i load 5 swf files, i will get the trace from the currentSwfProgress 5 times -- but not from the loadComplete function. I have been reading though, that the ProgressEvent.PROGRESS listener is unreliable in certain browsers (chrome for one). I think if I could somehow call the loadComplete function from currentSwfProgress function - that would work, but i do not know how to get the "EVENT" needed in loadComplete from the "ProgressEvent" used in the currentSwfProgress. Maybe something like this...

Actionscript Code:
function currentSwfProgress(
if ( =={
trace("1 - FILE LOADED!");

View 3 Replies

Flash - Waiting For Multiple Loaders To Complete

Nov 23, 2011

I have an arbitrary number of images I want to load. I want to load them, wait until I get an Event.INIT for each, and only then proceed with the rest of the program. I know I can do that by having an Event.INIT listener update and check some count variable, but is that the standard approach? Is there a more elegant or AS-specific way?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Single Event COMPLETE For Multiple Loads

Sep 24, 2009

I am loading multiple image files, but they all finish loading at different times and pop up on the screen at random. if theres a way to make an event COMPLETE for multiple files that would wait for all to load before triggering a function?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Music Navigation Bar Mutliple Tracks?

May 7, 2003

I'm trying to create a music bar that will have next/prev track buttons.I thought of creating an array of the tracks and navigating through the array.Naming the tracks "track1", "track2" etc, start with track1 and increase the number after every pass through the loop. Although I thought of these I could not get the code to work.

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Professional :: Mutliple Forms Save User Input?

Aug 23, 2011

I have a site that contains approx 20 pages of lengthy forms. The forms exist on single frames within the flash movie. This application is used as a demo only, so I do not have a need to submit the form data. The demo is used to go back and forth from form to form and fill in mock data. The problem is when the user goes from form to form the data they have entered is not saved. Is there a way I can set all frames to remember the data entered into the form without having to set every form control instance? There thousands of fields in these forms and I am trying to avoid individually naming them and scripting them to save their values.

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Professional :: Copy And Pasting Mutliple Layers (with Objects) From One Movieclip To Another?

Dec 14, 2010

I am trying to copy frames from 6 different layers along with the objects (action script, tween motions, buttons, graphic elements) from one movieclip to another. But once I do that, everyhting seems to be shifted and if I try to reposition the items in the new clip, it seems like I would have to repeat after every keyframe for each layer.

So my question is A. Is there a way to duplicate a movie clip but give it a instance name (an entirely new movieclip with the same frames and layers in the same position as the previous)?

B. How can I move mutliple objects across layers and keyframes?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf With Mutliple Buttons To Load Child Swfs That Can't Get To Work?

Mar 26, 2009

here is the scenario..I have a picture on the stage that has multiple items that have hotspots/links over them that should open a child swf on top of the background and show details about the items. I found this code in someone's post and I am trying to modify it so that works for multiple buttons currently works for a button loading a single swf. The name of the instance name of the buttons is the same as the name of the swf file that they load so I thought I could do something that when the button is clicked it would pass the name of the button into the URLRequest but I can't figure it out. Here is the code I am using.

////////////////////////////////// code from the actions layer
var bioloader:Loader;
var biocontainer:MovieClip;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loadvars Delays Script?

Jan 29, 2008

I use loadVars to load values from my database into my flashmovie. The problem is it takes a while until all the values been loaded, and untill that is done I can't run any other commands. When I for example hit a button nothing happens untill all the values from the database has been loaded. Is there a way around this problem?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloading Delays With Exported Objects?

May 8, 2009

I am having some trouble with a game I am creating. When debuging the preloader does not show until about 75% of the movie is loaded. Before this the movie is just a blank white stage. I have several objects that need to be exported and they have all been changed to not export in frame 1 but this did not help. I unlinked the original class (the stage's custom definition) which acted as the bridge between external classes and the main stage and turned that into a variable. After all this I still can't get it to start before 55%. Anyone know why it is doing this?

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Professional :: SWF Plays Immediately In FF But Long Delays With IE(8)?

Oct 8, 2010

Who'd have guessed it, my SWF plays immediately with FF, but I'm getting long delays with IE8.  I've come a long way from when I started this project.  I think I have everything in the right place and have the right files to work with.

I'm using SWFObject 2.2 think I'm using it properly.  I used the generater (air vers.) to generate the html file.  The file now plays and I have a background that displays right away (it's an image of the what first shows up).
where I can improve: [URL]..I've compressed all the images, but the file is still rather big.  I expected problems with FF, but it plays immediately .

View 21 Replies

Media Server :: RTMP Streaming With HLS Delays

Feb 25, 2012

Currently, we are streaming using RTMP, but I want to switch to HLS to allow iOS devices to stream our video. I do not want to encode two separate streams though because we are operating with limited bandwidth on mobile data cards. If I stream using the livepkgr, the delay to iOS devices is about 12 seconds which is OK. However, on desktop clients, we have live scoring integrated with our video, so we cannot have a delay that long. My question is, if I connect to the same stream in a Flash client for the desktop, will the delay still be that long? Or will it stream in real time to flash clients with the delay only for iOS devices using HLS? Also, am I correct in assuming that I can do this on 1 stream, or do I need to setup a separate stream for RTMP and HLS?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add In Delays (Flash) - Alternatives To SetInterval?

Apr 23, 2010

While setInterval is handy, it's kind of limiting. Every time I want to add a Tween I have to add a new method. I do not want to alter the structure of my code just to add in some delays. Isn't there any way to say this without making methods for A and B?

// do A
// wait N seconds
// do B

I don't want to use a while loop with Dates because I think it will be blocking.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Slide Show Goes Wacky With Delays?

Mar 17, 2010

So I haven't used AS in quite a while, and never got much practice, but I manage...The general idea I'm working with I have a folder of Pics, and A folder of Slides (the slides being pics with Text over them)I want X amount of images to play randomly from the pic folder, then a Slide is played, then it goes back and continues.How I have it right now it works alright through the first slide, but the slide sticks a bit, the "picsShown" goes crazy and starts tracing 2, 3, or 4, maybe more? numbers at the same time, and it never goes back to frame 3 to show another slide.Code is as follows:

Frame 1

picNum = random (229) +1;
slideNum = 1;
slidesTotal = 2[code]......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: URLLoader Fires Event.COMPLETE Although Not Complete

Jun 14, 2011

I made a test where I download a file using URLLoader - something like this:


in the middle of the downloading process I physically disconnect the internet connection. the download stalls - but after aproximately 30 seconds downloadSuccessful is invoked, although only half of the data was downloaded. how can I make sure that the data to be downloaded is complete and correct?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Complete Event Triggered But Loading Can't Complete

Feb 17, 2011

I am loading in binary files with the url class which can be quite large 10mb + and it works fine on my server but another server I am testing on it can sometimes not work. Sometimes it will not load the file and other times it will only load about 20% and it throw a complete event??? Then of course other times it works fine. This server is https maybe that has something to do this it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Preloader Delays Displaying Preloading Progress

Jul 15, 2011

My project Home Page contains several 'heavy' instances on stage. So as to entertain a visitor while all they are loading I start preloading transition. However despite all my efforts my custom preloader delays displaying preloading progress for a while: althoug preloader wheel rotates, progress value displays as 0% for several seconds - from 1-3 seconds in normal browsers up to 5-6 seconds in Safari (which I consider to be worst one for Flash). if someone could clarify me whether I should listen for ALL the children loading progress so as to fix this issue or just never mind (e.g. every button on stage consists of two VideoPlayers, one TLFTextField, one Timer, two Sprites and one attached sound; now I'm listening for two VideoPlayers loading progress only...)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swf With Time Delays Added To Skip To Next Part Of The Video

Jul 21, 2009

I have a swf with time delays added to skip to the next part of the video.[code]Now I have another swf that loads the video into a container using the code below once a user clicks on some text.[code]The first time the user watches the clip it does PERFECT! but if a user is to click the link again half way through the video it throws all the timing completely off. You can see I tried using unloadMovie to unload anything from the frame when a user clicks the text to make sure the video wasn't playing back behind.I was wondering if it may be the fact I have.[code]for all my timed breaks (different times of course) should I rename each myInterval or something?

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