ActionScript 3.0 :: Grouping And Validating A Form?

Aug 25, 2011

Im a scrub when it comes to flash (but i gotta start somewhere) and started making a form.I made a validation on the orders email and the orders details.The purpose of the form is to get some information about trips.there are 10 rows with 4 fields.the 4 fields is a date, from, to and time textfield.

i wanna group up and validate these fields so that if you write something in "from" you have to write something in "date", "to" and "time".

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May 8, 2009

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private long number ;

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// (theres other non related code here)
if(countryDataXML.achievers.achiever[0].profile as XMLList && countryDataXML.achievers.achiever[0].profile.length() > 0){


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(RUN SWF here)
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Apr 25, 2011

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var variables : URLVariables = new URLVariables();
var varSend : URLRequest = new URLRequest ("contact.php");


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stop()nextBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextBtnClick, false, 0, true);function nextBtnClick(e:MouseEvent):void {var input1:String = T1.text;var input2:String = T2.text;var variables:URLVariables = new


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How ever I want to be able to do this dynamically.

The usage in the project is to be able to represent any data from a database, with any number of possible groupings on the horizontal and vertical axis.

Could someone offer some guidance on the most efficient structure to get an XML return in order to build these kind's of pivots on the fly. All the examples I have seen are statically defined. What I would like to do is be able to have a structure for a return that could give any level of grouping and data return from a web service call.

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Apr 3, 2009

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How such a name looks like is the following:

1. a 4-digit number
2. a dash (-)
then either
3. one of the letters Y,R,G or B
4. a 2-digit number
5. the letter R
3. just the letter N

I tried & I tried but I just cannot find it.

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Nov 11, 2011

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<mx:StringValidator id="loginValidator" source="{loginTextField}" property="text" required="true" minLength="2" />

validatorErrorArray = Validator.validateAll([loginValidator, ...])

Now the problem is, it also validates characters like */- and ;',./ etc i want to validate only numbers and or alphabets. If anyone can point out mistake and changes that should be made

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Regex :: Validating Email Address (Specific Domain)

Dec 9, 2011

I'm Using EmailValidator for Validation:
<mx:EmailValidator id="Email_Validator"
property="text" required="false"/>

And My Code is:
var isValidForm:Boolean=true;
var validatorArr:Array = new Array();
var validatorErrorArray:Array = Validator.validateAll(validatorArr);
isValidForm = validatorErrorArray.length == 0;
if(isValidForm) {

It is working fine. But I want domain should be "" if some other, validation should return false.. How can I achieve this? I think Regular Expressions are useful. But I don't Know to use the same in flex?...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Grouping Cide For Object Together - Cutting Down Code?

Jan 15, 2011

Basically I'm making an XML based quiz with three possible answers for each question. The only problem is that I'm having to write the code several times for each possible answer, and I'm sure this can just be condensed down to one or two statements using a loop. Here is the code I'm using:

var theQ:question = new question();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Grouping Array Values After Specific Shape?

Mar 6, 2011

Array of color id-s represents a 3D Array of values. I've represented each value with a color(Blue is 1, Red is 2 and Green is 3). So for the example the array for the image would be:

ActionScript Code:
var myColorArray:Array = [];
myColorArray = [


Now, I have an array of predefined shapes/objects. I'd like to replace the grouped colors with the shapes that I have. I'd like this to follow the rule of finding the largest shape first and then down to the smallest one.Now let's assume that the L shape is A, the Z shape is B, the third one is C and the last one is D. Now our new Object array would look like:

ActionScript Code:
var myObjectArray:Array = [];
myObjectArray = [


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ActionScript 3.0 :: DataGrid : Grouping Data By Item Property?

May 25, 2009

group items in a DataGrid by an item property, fer example:Say you have a list of products, and the products belong to categories, like, Summer products, Winter there anyway to group products in a DataGrid under separate headers? IE: Winter (all winter products follow) Summer (all summer products follow). I can already order by category, but instead I want to do this:

Winter Category
1. Winter Product 1
2. Winter Product 2
3. Winter Product 3


Do it need to create a DataGrid for categories and nested DataGrids for products per Category? Or is there some built-in way of grouping within a DataGrid?

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information on how to embed a flash object[.swf] in a page with no validation errors?

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