ActionScript 3.0 :: Grouping The 3D Objects?

Jul 4, 2009

I have created a cube using a class and applied rotation using append rotation method. when i create instance of the cube and add a child cube the rotation does not apply for the child.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Grouping Objects To React To Command

Mar 8, 2009

I'm new to coding in AS3 and is there way to group a couple of files in order for my to minimize the amount of checking the processor needs to do when running a game. Attached is the code. It works but I plan on adding more walls in the future and that may cause a lot of lag.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Grouping Objects In-Game?

Oct 25, 2006

How would I create a brand new movieclip and then dynamically add two or more existing movieclips to it(not talking about API)?

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Grouping Causes Motions To Shift?

May 7, 2009

I have a simple movie of a person - torso, arms, legs, each on a separate layer.  I'm adding a walk cycle and use tweens to move the arms and legs.  This works fine when I export to an swf.  But when I group and try to export to a movieclip, the arms jump way up.  This seems like a simple problem of adjusting coordinates, origins, etc.  But I'm kind of a newbie, so does someone have a suggestion for me?  How do I export to a movieclip and have it playback the same as when exporting to a swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Grouping Nodes In XML?

Jun 21, 2010

Is it possible to group the nodes in actionscript, which have same parent nodes but different child nodes.For example, if we have two records,


<CHILD1 value="1">
<CHILD2 value="2">[code].............

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Grouping MC's Together For Command

Jun 3, 2007

I have four buttons, with instances of:


When I click my map_mc button - I want ALL four MC's to have an alpha of 0. But what I want to know is whether I can have a group name for these 4 MC's. For eg: menubuttons


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Grouping And Validating A Form?

Aug 25, 2011

Im a scrub when it comes to flash (but i gotta start somewhere) and started making a form.I made a validation on the orders email and the orders details.The purpose of the form is to get some information about trips.there are 10 rows with 4 fields.the 4 fields is a date, from, to and time textfield.

i wanna group up and validate these fields so that if you write something in "from" you have to write something in "date", "to" and "time".

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Flex :: Create Dynamic Pivots With Grouping On Fly?

Jan 17, 2012

How ever I want to be able to do this dynamically.

The usage in the project is to be able to represent any data from a database, with any number of possible groupings on the horizontal and vertical axis.

Could someone offer some guidance on the most efficient structure to get an XML return in order to build these kind's of pivots on the fly. All the examples I have seen are statically defined. What I would like to do is be able to have a structure for a return that could give any level of grouping and data return from a web service call.

The tool I'm building is a reporting tool, so users could drag any DB field into column or row potentially so the key thing is the ability to define and build "any structure" a user would want.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Grouping Multiple Mc's Inside Another Mc Using Script

Jan 8, 2011

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Flex :: Add Columns Programmatically And Set Grouping On AdvancedDataGrid Control?

Aug 22, 2009

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1. Add Columns at runtime ( programmatically )

2. Specify the column grouping ( programmatically )

3. set method to be used to show summary row ( programmatically)

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Flex :: Exclude Single Items From Grouping In Groupingcollection?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a flat data array that comes form a remoteobject, I want to group whatever is to be grouped, but leave single items (the ones with no common data with anything else) alone and without grouping, it's annoying to open each node only to find there's just one item inside, so there was no need to put it inside that group anyway. I can't find any reference and I don't know if getting the hierarchicaldata out of the groupingcollection and then iterate thru it would be any good, sounds like a lot of duplicate work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Grouping Cide For Object Together - Cutting Down Code?

Jan 15, 2011

Basically I'm making an XML based quiz with three possible answers for each question. The only problem is that I'm having to write the code several times for each possible answer, and I'm sure this can just be condensed down to one or two statements using a loop. Here is the code I'm using:

var theQ:question = new question();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Grouping Array Values After Specific Shape?

Mar 6, 2011

Array of color id-s represents a 3D Array of values. I've represented each value with a color(Blue is 1, Red is 2 and Green is 3). So for the example the array for the image would be:

ActionScript Code:
var myColorArray:Array = [];
myColorArray = [


Now, I have an array of predefined shapes/objects. I'd like to replace the grouped colors with the shapes that I have. I'd like this to follow the rule of finding the largest shape first and then down to the smallest one.Now let's assume that the L shape is A, the Z shape is B, the third one is C and the last one is D. Now our new Object array would look like:

ActionScript Code:
var myObjectArray:Array = [];
myObjectArray = [


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ActionScript 3.0 :: DataGrid : Grouping Data By Item Property?

May 25, 2009

group items in a DataGrid by an item property, fer example:Say you have a list of products, and the products belong to categories, like, Summer products, Winter there anyway to group products in a DataGrid under separate headers? IE: Winter (all winter products follow) Summer (all summer products follow). I can already order by category, but instead I want to do this:

Winter Category
1. Winter Product 1
2. Winter Product 2
3. Winter Product 3


Do it need to create a DataGrid for categories and nested DataGrids for products per Category? Or is there some built-in way of grouping within a DataGrid?

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Flex :: Display Number Of Items In A Grouping For Advanced Datagrid

Oct 19, 2011

I have my ADG displaying data like this:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Grouping/Parsing Image And Text Arrays For CurrentTarget?

Feb 11, 2009

Tag Team back again! I feel like I'm on the right track here, but I'm lacking some operative vocabulary along with a fundamental understanding of how this might work.

Some background: There's a great Quality Measures Flash app here. I'm not trying to go all out and pull from an XML to load my content - I just want to accomplish something similar, though much simpler, using the items in my library.


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Flex :: Disable Double Click On Advanced Datagrid Grouping Title?

Jan 20, 2011

I have an advanced datagrid that has a grouping on it. With the items inside of the grouping I have it setup where you double click on an item and it will create a popup that allows the user to edit that entry. The problem that I am having is that I can double click on the group title and the popup is activated with blank information.[code]...

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Flex :: Grouping Collection Separating Numeric 5 From String "5"?

Apr 8, 2010

I have an advanced data grid. The data provider for this ADG is an ArrayCollection. There is a grouping collection on an ID field of this AC. Example of a couple items within this AC the AC var name is "arcTemplates":

filterFunction = (null)
length = 69
list = (mx.collections::ArrayList)#1


Problem: In my AC example there are a few items, items 0, 32 and 56 properly sort and group to their templateTypeID, but item 55 does something weird. It seems to sort/group on the numeric 5 instead of the string "5". Gets stranger. If I change the name property to contain text (so 1234x) it then correctly sorts/groups to the string "5"

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Jan 16, 2011

Internally Flash obviously keeps a list of the primitives drawn using Graphics so I wondered if you have many such primitives in a Sprite, can you re-position/remove/alter individual items rather than clear and re-draw everything? Or is this deeper into the bowels of Flash than you're allowed (or recommended) to go?

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Php - Flex Is Deserializing Generic Objects From Zend AMF Instead Of Strictly Typed Objects

Mar 4, 2012

I'm using Zend AMF to send my remote objects to Flex. I've defined a Constant class and created getASClassName() method. Then I've created Action script class in flex.

Objects are send successfully, but they are deserialized to generic Objects in Flex instead of specific ones. EDIT: On network monitor in Flex I can see that AMF value is set to Although array from event.result contains Objects.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Does Setting An Array Of Objects To Null Erase The Objects From Memory

Apr 27, 2010

I have an array of temporary objects created in a for loop. The objects are of type class "Tile", a class I created. However, it appears that whenever I create a lot of tiles in the for loop, the program slows down indefinitely.

While the array is whiped at a later trigger point, I am thinking that perhaps these Tile objects are not being erased from memory. They are being created on the fly in a for loop, and the array is being reset to "array = []".

Are the objects still in memory or are they cleaned up when the array is set to []?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Objects Class Find And Change Another Objects Xy Properties?

Oct 13, 2010

What I have is a game with a Level object, inside the Level is a Player object, and they don't have instance names given, what I'm trying to figure out is how to do is make it so that the player can change the x or y properties of the Level object.
To be more precise, I'm making it so that when the player moves in a certain direction, he either moves accross the stage, or he starts moving the Level object around the stage, it'd be in an Event kind of function, now I can easily make the Player move, but I don't know how to make the Level object move which the player is inside of.

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Flex :: Converting Array Of ObjectProxy Objects To Custom Objects?

Jun 10, 2011

I have a service which returns an Array of ObjectProxy objects. I would like to cast this to a custom object (a value object) and create an ArrayCollection. How can I do this?ited:I am using Django and PyAMF for the backend. I had to write a custom SQL query and I am wrapping the resulting records in ObjectProxy and sending the whole result as an ArrayCollection.Here is my client side code:

private var _list:ArrayCollection;


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Java :: Why Value Objects Coming Back As Generic Flex Objects

Aug 4, 2011

I will try to give as much detail as I can. I am creating an CRM application using Flex(Cairngorm 2)/Java/Hibernate. The basic problem I am having is this: I have a Customer class in Java that has an ArrayList of Address classes. I have a Customer class in Flex that has an ArrayCollection of Address classes. When I make the remote object call for a Customer I get back a Customer object in Flex, but the ArrayCollecion objects have a data type of Object instead of Address. If I try to call for a List of Address classes I get the same result. If I try to call for a List of Customer classes I get a list of Customer classes in Flex. Using tomcat 6 with the following jars:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Aligning Variable Sized Objects And Objects Inside Them

Jun 29, 2006

How do I align a movieclip, which width and height is user-defined, inside another object (this one is static, though). Top-left alignment is easy, x=0 and y=0, but what about center, center left, bottom left, etc? Math(.round) i suppose, but how?I want an object (static) inside the movieclip (user-defined) to stay aligned to, for instance, the top right corner, similiar to the minimize, maximize and close buttons at the top right of your browser.. The height and width data is pre-defined by the user in another file.But that does probably not make any difference...

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Loading Objects And Dragging Objects To Create New Instances?

Sep 22, 2009

I want to create a flash movie which firstly loads a selection of images/objects into a portion of the frame. After this is complete, the user can then drag these objects onto another area and the object will be created where the user has chosen. The user can then drag another instance of the ojects onto the area.

For example, there is a background of a lake in one area. A selection of boat pngs are loaded in an area below the lake. The user can drag these boats and place them on the lake. They can drag a boat multiple times if they wish.

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Actionscript 3 :: Listener Will Be Executed For Objects Hidden By Another Objects?

Sep 27, 2010

I have two movie-clips, one is small-box and another is big-box .Both are rectangular shape. Small- box has an index 0, and big-box has an index 1. Their x,y are same and big-box being big in size gets hide small-box. Now the problem is the listener attached to small-box does not fire as big-box is on the top of small-box. what would be the way to get listener fired when click on small-box area??

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Flash :: Recycle Objects When Creating An Array Of Objects?

Dec 18, 2011

Is this the correct, most efficient way to recycle objects when creating an array of objects?

package com {
public class CreateList extends MovieClip {
//this is the object I will be recycling
private var newProperty:PropertyRow;
//this is the array I will use to reference the objects


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Stage Objects From Other Objects?

Jul 24, 2010

I have drawn colored rods which I have placed in the library and have put one of each on the stage with instance names likeblueRod_mc, etc.I place them around with time-line code like
blueRod_mc.x = 300.0;I have now created an Actionscript class called Problem.I build a new object from Problem which I have called Riddle.But when I put blueRod_mc.x = 300.0 in a method (of Problem),I get the message that blueRod is not accessible.So I triedstage.blueRod_mc.x = 300.0;That did not work either.

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