ActionScript 3.0 :: How Responsive Loader.Close Function Is

Nov 7, 2009

Does Loader.close() stops loading at once, or it continues loading certain number of chunks before stopping? Is it viable to run concurrent loading process in the background and then stop it abruptly (or even pause if possible) if user needs something else loaded immediately? And what about loading of other types of external content?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Test If Loader Has A Stream Loading Before Calling The Close() Function?

Nov 4, 2009

I'm loading an image into a container. The container is simply a loader object with a progress event listener and a complete event listener. It is loaded when a thumb is clicked in the gallery and it displays the image larger.Basically it is possible to interrupt the loading process of the current load stream and load something else by clicking another thumb in the gallery before it's complete.

If you call loader.close() when nothing is loading, Flash will call back an error saying that there is no stream attached to the loader object.Is there a way to test if the loader object is presently loading, and if so to close it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loader.close() And Safari (3)?

Oct 5, 2008

I've got a little problem: I made a preloader class that features a stopLoadProcess() method that simply calls Loader.close(). Well, it does work, but in Safari, after calling it, I have an error: Safari complains that 'there was an error loading 'that asset''' (something similar). In other words, Loader.close() in fact works in all browsers, in Safari too, but Safari also throws that error when calling the method.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Close A Netstream In A Loader Object?

Jul 20, 2009

I'm working on my portfolio, and I'm having a bit of trouble. I'm loading a custom made video player SWF into my main SWF, and it works well so far, but the NETSTREAM doesn't close when I remove the child after I return to the main menu, and the audio keeps going.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loader.close() Method Won't Stop A Progress

Jun 4, 2007

I'm running into some problems using the close() method.I'm trying to build a class that checks a resource size before loading's very simple: I use the Loader class to load the resource, listens to the first progress event and immediately closes the connection with the Loader.close() method.However, the close() doesn't seem to stop the Loader after the first progress event is a quick copy & paste frame code just to demonstrate my point:

import flash.display.Loader;


The ProgressEvent is thrown until the big.jpg loading is complete.How could I stop it just after the first progress event?

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Flash :: Can't Remove All Loaded Children In A Gallery Because Can't Close() A Loader?

Jun 15, 2011

My problems comes in when you have to open a different image album and have to eliminate all the previously loaded children in the movieclip. When i load a new album i used a code you posted here: AS3 How to remove previous loadersbut the problem is that sometimes the user leaves the album page before ALL the pics laod so when they click on a new album to open it a new image is placed somewhere else cause the loader has already been launched. I've tryd to close() the loader but it doesn't seem to work.Here you can see the working site to see what im talking abouy you have to click on an album, leave before all the pictures load and open up another one.

function getImage(href:String):void {
var loader:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload Loader / Remove Child / Close Button

Oct 16, 2011

i successfully managed to work out the loader script, and load a external swf file into my current project. Now that its working and all is well, i realised that only way to get back to 'main menu' was to close the whole thing. I tried to sort it out with a simple 'back' button but no success there. As mentioned in the title thats the options i found so far but cant seem to quite understand them tbh. I just want it to work so that I easily can manouvre back to 'main menu'.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loader.close() - End Any Previous Data Loading Progresses

Jun 9, 2010

I want to end any previous data loading progresses.. But I can't manage to do this.
I tried lots of things (as you can see couple of them below), but it just can't stop downloading of images. I click to first gallery button, it starts to download thumbs and the first picture. Then I click to second gallery button and it adds more download progress to the previous ones.. (Every gallery has 4 thumb, this way every click adds 4 thumb and 1 picture. It's download count grows 5+5+5 to infinite) This code is from my thumb class.. Every thumb downloads it's own little image..


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Remove All Loaded Children In A Gallery Because Can't Close() A Loader

Jun 15, 2011

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This is the code i used in a gallery that loads images sequentally. My problems comes in when you have to open a different image album and have to eliminate all the previously loaded children in the movieclip. The problem is that sometimes the user leaves the album page before ALL the pics laod so when they click on a new album to open it a new image is placed somewhere else cause the loader has already been launched. I've tryd to close() the loader but it doesn't seem to work. Here you can see the working site (to see what im talking about you have to click on an album, leave before all the pictures load and open up another one.

function getImage(href:String):void {
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.CO MPLETE, imageReady);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: MOUSEOUT Not Responsive Enough

Oct 5, 2011

I am making a project that has a lot of buttons, each of which has mouseout and mouseover functions. I noticed that if I'm fast enough with the mouse, I can trigger a mouseover function, but the mouseout one will not trigger. One would think that if Flash can detect the mouseover, it would certainly also detect the mouseout, but it does not sometimes.

Is there any way to make it more responsive? My only option as of now is to run mouseover if statement checks every frame for every button, which defeats even having any listeners at all.

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CS4 Flash Simply Gallery - Everything Is Non-responsive

Aug 21, 2009

First time posting, and limited experience with Flash, however I have some decent exposure to coding, so I decided to search the web for a nice Flash Gallery Animated Script 2.0. However when I code my gallery everything is non-responsive. Is it because I have a newer version of Flash and the coding is for an older one?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Transparent 'mouse Responsive' Area?

Nov 29, 2010

I want to put a transparent area on my stage.  When the mouse enters that area I want to be notified (so that I can do stuff).I expect to use some code like"addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseInRemote);" - but the qustion is "What do I add to my stage?"

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IDE :: Getting Responsive Keyboard Movement - Multiple Keys Pressed

Feb 16, 2010

Im having a problem getting responsive keyboard movement. I have a key_up listener which fails to trigger when 3 keys are down. E.g. Imagine up and right keys are being pressed to move up + right. The user wants to change to moving up + left. The user presses the left key before lifting thg right key. I have a key_up listener to detect when a key is no longer being pressed. However in this scenario it fails to trigger when 3 keys are pressed. Even in this online example, there is the same problem, look how unresponsive it is when chaging from up right to up left really quickly. [URL]


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Flex :: Run Function On Popup Close?

Mar 3, 2010

I've got a flex project that I'm working on. Currently I've got a popup that consists of another mxml file containing a form.

Once the form is filled in and submitted I'd like to run another function then the popup closes on the main mxml file, but I'm not sure how to go about doing this?

Here's my popup code

private var weightadd:weight_add; //POP UP ADD WEIGHT FORM
private function weightAdd():void {
weightadd = new weight_add();


Currently in my weight_add.mxml file I'm using a button to close the popup, I'd like have this button close the popup and then call a function in my main.mxml file - I'm just wondering how I go about doing this.

<mx:Button x="186" y="83" label="Cancel" styleName="formbutton" id="cancel_button" click="PopUpManager.removePopUp(this);"/>

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Sliding Menu Whose Speed Is Responsive To _xmouse?

Nov 12, 2003

I am trying to make a sliding menu whose speed is responsive to _xmouse (slow at the center and fast at the sides...) does it need to exist in two pieces? the problem is that it seems impossible to define 0(zero) as anything but just that...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Function Invoked When Closing Projector Using The Default Window Close Button?

Apr 10, 2007

I am making a flash application and I am trying to find function to use when I press the close button of the projector window. I dont want to make a button that uses fscommand("quit") since this would be impractical knowing that a default close button on the window is already available. Anyway the purpose of the function is that when I close my application, a dialog box/message would appear as a reminder that some data has not yet been saved and give the user an option to save or quit the application.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Close Browser By Clicking On Close Button Embedded Swf?

Jul 27, 2009

i want to close browser by clicking on close button embedded swf. I have tried fscommand("quit"), but which is not working on browser.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access XML Outside Loader Function?

Sep 27, 2011

I want to load my XML, listen for the complete loading and then be abble to access the loaded XML in the main part of my program. I need to do so cause I want to load and process, like 10 or more XML in this project.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Different Between URL Loader And URL Request And Their Function?

Jan 30, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Use Fade In Function For Loader

Feb 13, 2006

I am trying to use fade in function for loader.loadMovie(this.main), but if I change the code 'loader.loadMovie(this.main)' to fade_in(loader.loadMovie(this.main)', it only can running for first frame, then stuck.

this.thumbHolder.onRelease = function() {
title_txt.text = this.title;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Loader And Add Parent To It Outside Of A Function?

Jun 11, 2010

is it possible to create a loader and add parent to it,outside of a function or is there a function that runs once when the movie is started that i could add things like this into

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Flex :: Loader Event Complete Function Only Being Called Once

Feb 21, 2011

So, I'm trying to load resources, add them to a dictionary, and have a drawing method search through that dictionary and draw based on certain predicates. I have a function that iterates through an Vector of Strings, calling on an instance of Loader to load them instantiated as a URLRequest.

private function loadImages(urls:Vector.<String>):void
var loader:Loader = new Loader();


So the issue is: Only the first images in my Vector are drawing. Upon further inspection, I found that the completeHandler was only being called once (I put a trace in the complete handler to check). However, the Loader is invoking load everytime the loop iterates. I tried instantiating separate loaders for each resource, just to see if it would work, but I had no luck with that. Do I need to make separate loaders and event handlers? Or am I just not using Loader correctly?

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Arrays :: Flash - Data Being Lost Outside Of Loader Function

Nov 4, 2011

Trying to make a grid based question answer game and load variables from a text file using for loops into an array. I wanted to reduce redundant code and use for loops to populate my arrays. The issue I am having is with my arrays being lost/destroyed outside of the loader function.

I understand that if an array is declared inside the function, naturally the array would be destroyed upon exit of the function. However I am declaring the arrays outside of the function so the arrays should remain intact after I exit the function.

BTW - I'm not having an issue with the loading of the data. The data is loading correctly. The array is simply being destroyed after the data has loaded.

//Create the arrays to hold the
//categories, questions, and answers
var categoryArray:Array = new Array();
var quesAnswArray:Array = new Array();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Load Function On A Loader Two Movie Clips Down?

Oct 6, 2009

Call the load function on a loader two movie clips down?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign Value To Loader And Retrieve From Event.COMPLETE Function?

Aug 19, 2009

i'm loading in multiple images using the same loader using a for loop. what i'm trying to figure out is how can i tell when the first 4 images are loaded. is there away to attach and index to each loader and then get it from the event in the on complete function? below is the code i'm using:


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Actionscript 3 :: Passing Local Variable To Loader Anonymous Handler Function

Oct 22, 2011

Why isn't this working as I am thinking it would:

var i:int=-1;
for each(obj in myData)


If I add i to an array (like myArr.push(i)) it will have 3 elements, 0, 1 and 2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Current Sprite To Loader Function For Image Gallery?

Nov 30, 2010

I have set up a functioning xml image gallery with simple left and right arrows. I am now trying to make it an infinite looping gallery swapping the first and last sprites in an array and + and - their x value so they "physically" move in the photos container.

All of this works fine except for the actual loaded image. The xml data, name description, and image to be loaded are set up in one function and all the data is added to the sPhotoSprite (sprite) in this function. This All works perfectly..

A second function is then called to add the current image:

var currentImage:Loader = Loader(;
then currentSprite.addChild(currentImage); (the sprite is declared at the start)

The problem being that the sPhotosSprite is no longer reference-able. I've tried :

imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Eve nt.COMPLETE, function( evt:Event)
{ imageLoaded( evt, sPhotosSprite )
} );

But this only ever returns the final sprite. The same problem of only ever returning the final sprite occurs when I try setting an external sprite to hold the current sprite in it and then referencing it in the second function.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Put A Close Button In The Window MC To Close The Window?

Mar 23, 2007

*let say i have a mc called A. it can call a MC with an instance name called window_btn.window can be drag and double click.i want to put a close button in the window MC to close the window.

how to call the close button in the MC?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loader Or Loader Context - Container Loads The Module From An Absolute Path

Jan 23, 2009

I have two swf files, each one almost with the same classes, the most important one is a Singleton class, each swf does "singleton.getInstance()". The diference is that one swf is like a container and the other one is like a module. So when the container loads the module from an absolute path like loader.load("file://c:/modules/module.swf") or loader.load("[URL]"), two different singletons (same class) are created

But when the container loads from a relative path like loader.load("module.swf") , just one singleton is created (that is what I want) I am just intrigued with this behavior, could someone explain me this? PD: I believe is something related to loaderContext and applicationDomain but It also appears that isn't working right. -Patricio Foieri , Vertigo Labs

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loader Event.INIT Fires But Loader.content Is Null?

May 9, 2009

The title describes the problem: Loader.load() is firing the INIT event, but in my listener it's reporting loader.content as null. The description for INIT event is "Dispatched by the associated LoaderInfo object when the properties and methods of the loaded SWF file are accessible."I'm loading a lot of JPG images, and 95 percent of the time it works fine; the init listener fires and reports valid loader. content.I absolutely need loader.content available because I need to set the bitmap smoothing property to true.I've tried using Event.COMPLETE and it has the exact same problematic behavior.

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