ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Move Blinking Text Cursor

Apr 30, 2010

I am using a text Input component that captures a phone number. What I am trying to do is have an "-" be inserted after the first 3 (area code) digits have been typed and again after the next set of 3 digits.


Everything is working fine except that the type cursor does not move to right after the "-" has been added.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Move Blinking Cursor Too?

Aug 15, 2009

I've got a main textfield myTextfield01. When I put focus on another textfield which is empty (either manually by clicking on another field, or like below using setFocus) I want the focus to go back to myTextField01 again. And put the blinking cursor and the very end of whatever is typed into it. So I tried this.
myTextfield01.onKillFocus = function(newFocus:Object) {    if (newFocus.text == "") {        Selection.setFocus(myTextfield01);        Selection.setSelection(myTextfield01.text.length-1, myTextfield01.text.length);    }}; 

But that didn't work. It went back to myTextfield01, but the blinking cursor stayed at the empty textfield and any text typed would be added to that empty field.When I put this in frame one:
myTextfield01.onKillFocus = function(newFocus:Object) {    if (newFocus.text == "") {        nextFrame());    }}; 
And this in frame two:
Selection.setFocus(myTextfield01);        Selection.setSelection(myTextfield01.text.length-1, myTextfield01.text.length);   

it did work. Both focus and cursor where in myTextfield01 again.So why doesn't it work when I combine it all in one frame?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input Text - Any Way To Hide Blinking Cursor?

Feb 19, 2011

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PHP Code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Focus Input Text Field Cursor Blinking

Jun 16, 2011

I'm in and out of AS2 and it's been awhile.if this is possible to reliably create this state for an Input text field.Ideally the text area has some text in it as a prompt tot he user, and the cursor is blinking at the end of the prompt text. When the user clicks on the box, it resets to empty content and the user can type their question.I have the text area set up with prompt text, instance name. Tried this code and it does not work:[code]Right now when i click on it, the text prompt text remains and the cursor shows one line below the prompt text.

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Professional :: Input Text Have Focus With Cursor Blinking Without User Having To Click It?

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Cursor Blinking When Flash App Opened?

Feb 17, 2009

I had written movie player for my website few months ago and I'm upgrading it by adding some new functionality from time to time. Not long ago I've observed quite curious behavior of my browser. If my site is opened in one of tabs in browser, the cursor is blinking, from arrow to handcursor, when I'm rolling over links. Interesting is that it happens in every tab opened in browser, if only one of them contains my website. Closing my site returns every other tab to normality. I tried opening my site with blocked this one .swf file (my player) and also was everything ok. I've tested this on few different browsers and systems and it seems to happen in MacOS (tested in Safari, FF2, FF3 and Opera) Windows (in FF2, FF3, Safari, Opera IE6, IE7 and Chrome), no matter if installed version of FlashPlayer is 9 or 10. On Ubuntu Linux it doesn't happen in FF3, nor in Opera (only this two browsers tested).

I've built my player in Flash CS3, using AS2. Unfortunately, I don't know in which version of my application the problem has occurred. Of course I could examine whole code line by line, but that's about 2.5k lines and it is not the work I want to do if not necessary... I've searched lot of forums, but I found solution nowhere. Maybe someone had spotted such a strange browser behavior or simply does know, what may cause it?

The problematic site is [URL]. If you want, open it in one of tabs and try to play with links in other, you'll see what I'm writing about.

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Flash :: TextArea Has Blinking Cursor?

Jun 16, 2009

Is there a way to tell if a Flex TextArea has a blinking cursor? One indication is if the component is focused: focusManager.getFocus() == textArea

But it's possible to have a blinking cursor without having the focus. I'm not sure if the converse is possible (focus without blinking cursor).

Edit: The rub here appears to be a distinction between "component-level" focus and "player-level" focus (per the FocusManager docs). I haven't yet found any great explanation of the latter or APIs to it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stage.Focus - Blinking Cursor After String

May 12, 2011

stage.focus = txt_firstnameEdit;
I need to make the blinking cursor at the txt_firstnameEdit when I enter the stage. but the blinking cursor appeared infront of string_0. string_0 is pre-entered in the textbox in my code.

For example this is what I see in the textbox...
I = The blinking cursor.
How do I make the blinking cursor go behind like this?

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does anyone know how to make the initial text in an input text box disappear once your cursor changes from the arrow to the type cursor? For example, I have an input text box which has the text visible saying "enter your email address here" I want this text to disappear automatically when the user goes to type something there...

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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">


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Feb 15, 2010

Have tried to create to create script, by using FOCUS, to move the cursor to next input text box, but not succeeded so far. Anybody knows a source for this kind of script.

The other pondering has bee, how to wipe off predefined text i.e. the text that first shows up in the message input box, when the form is opened. At the moment to be cleared by marking and DEL. I am looking to something like when the cursor moves in text dissapeares in the first instance only.

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18 Seconds To Move Screen Cursor?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cursor Move Back To (100,100)?

Apr 26, 2011

I have made a simple "maze game".Player is sent to frame 10 if they reach the end goal or frame 20 if they accidentally "rollover" my walls (button). In frame 1, I successfully remove the mouse and add a Movie Clip to the Mouse/Cursor. I remove the MC when they go to frame 10 OR frame 20 and then when they replay and are sent back to frame 1. The MC again appears as the Cursor. GREAT.  Now here's my problem. When they are sent back to frame 1, I want the Cursor to be at an exact position to replay the game. Right now, it ends up wherever they have the cursor pointing and if it is touching my "walls", game over immediately. Here is the code I have on frame 1. It is working BUT I need to add code that makes the cursor ALSO go to a specific position.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Move Cursor Position In TextField?

Jan 17, 2007

I am creating a keyboard in flash. i want to move cursor position in TextField to insert new character

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Move ToolTip With Hand Cursor

Jun 15, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Doesn't Move With Cursor?

Nov 19, 2011

I'm trying to make a movieclip move with my cursor when the startGame button is clicked, however the movieclip that i'm going to parent to my cursor is in the second frame of mainMc....
there is no error generate in my code when tested but the movieclip that i;m going to parent stuck on the left side and refuses to follow my cursor? why is that happening? It would normally work if i just use it without thanks click event.....
below is my code:
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /
function start_Game(e:MouseEvent):void{


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Flex :: Move Cursor Inside Textarea To End?

Jun 21, 2011

I have a text area control on a form that is supposed to accept 5 digit US zip codes. I have assigned the control a keyUp event that checks the number of characters entered until it reaches 5 then forces a new line.

public function forceNewLine(event:KeyboardEvent):void
var maxLineChars:int = 5;
var currentLine:int = 1;


It works fine except that when the new line is inserted, the cursor moves to the beginning of the textarea. I want it to go to the end.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Move A Mc Depending The Position Of The Cursor?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm trying to make a movie clip move left or right depending if you move the cursor to the right or left on th screen. The clip is long and it have a lot of thumbnails and when it reaches the end of the stage has to stop. I have achieved this, but when the mc comes to the side of the stage it is getting slower and slower and I need it to move with a constant speed.


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Ball_MC That Move Instead Of The Regular Mouse Cursor?

Jan 28, 2009

i did a ball_MC that move instead of the regular mouse cursor.i trying to make a delay movement for the ball, but i dont succeed.(the movement that i talk about is like in the green apple movement

the code of my movement is looking like this right now:
function mouseMoveHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
getChildByName("myplayer").visible = true;


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I like how the ball stretches more the faster you move your cursor. How is that done?[URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Move MC Depending On Position Of Cursor

Sep 14, 2011

I'm trying to make a movie clip move left or right depending if you move the cursor to the right or left on the screen. The clip is long and it have a lot of thumbnails and when it reaches the end of the stage has to stop. I have achieved this, but when the mc comes to the side of the stage it is getting slower and slower and I need it to move with a constant speed.

This is the code:
var x_down:Number = 2900;
var end:Number = -((x_down)/.8 + 50);
var key:Number;
var c_key:Number;
var start1: Tween = new Tween( padre_mc, "x", Regular.easeInOut, padre_mc.x, (padre_mc.x + 280), 1, true);
[Code] .....

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