I'm trying to get two different apps to communicate through a file. I would like app 1 to append some text to a file, and app 2 to notice, and read the new bytes (not the whole file). There is an event, ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, that is supposed to fire when new data is available on a FileStream, but it only fires when I first open the file. Basically, I would like to leave the FileStream open, listening like a socket on the end of that file for changes.
I am writing a process where users will need to select a file that far exceeds their availble RAM and have that file broken up into small chunks (for upload). I'm able to create a File reference to said file, but when I try to pass it to the fileStream, it appears to try to read the thing into memory before acting on it. Is there a way to get fileStream to just take the reference to the file and then utilize readBytes the way it's documented? it's called when the user selects the File in the browser dialogue.
I have an interesting issue I'm trying to solve. I have a url that will give me back either a 403 or a 500, depending upon certain criteria that I control. When I put the url directly into the address bar, I get the error, but I also get the Response XML as I'm expecting. However, when I use myLoader.load(new URLRequest("[my_url]")), my IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR eventHandler fires off and I also don't get the Response XML. Is there a way I can get that Response XML by modifying the params I'm using for load? If not, what is the best way to accomplish my goal?
?Why does the load method of the URLStream class dispatch Event.OPEN instead of IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR when the SWF is on a webserver and when trying to load an invalid URL?
The same doesn't apply when running the SWF locally.
I'm developing a tile engine with actionScript-3 for IOS machines. Is there a way to package JPG files with IP and then read them with Adobe Air's FileStream Class. I need to read files asynchronously.I understand how it works on desktop.
var file:File = File.documentsDirectory.resolvePath("myfile.txt"); On desktop, means: [user_dir]/Documents/myfile.txt
I am looking for a way to save an array of sprite on the user drive and then read this array...I saw method for saving text file. It quite simple... but it seems that saving an array is not very documented.
I have a functionality working with a file hardcoded through URL Loader, but I want to be able to select the file from anywhere on my harddrive in an Air application.
public function loadFile(): Array { csv = new URLLoader(); csv.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
I try to write an xml object via AIR with FileStream.writeObjectI'm doing like this:
var _file:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("test.xml"); var _xml:XML = new XML("<data><name>Testname</name><email>test@test.de</email><time>1331290186848</time></data>");
Is there a way to check file name case when loading a file? For example:
My URLRequest has this: "filename1.swf", but the actual file on the server is this FILENAME1.swf. Since the file names do not match case, is there a way i can have flash and AS3 catch this?
I am working with Flash 8 and am wondering if there is some script to add that would have the .fla check the external XML file every few seconds for updates?
once a video file has been encoded into an flv is there a way to confirm the compression settings? Say if I wanted to double check that I had the right setting or duplicate setting of a flv I encoded earlier, is there a way to access this info?Like QT you can choose Movie Inspector.In QT I opened a flv file that was encoded with a Max data rate: 50kbps (I know, I know very low but it's the setting I was given). I then selected Movie Inspector thinking it could do the trick but it listed the data rate as 359.68 kbits/s.is if I encoded at a Max data rate: 50kbps how is 359.68 listed as it's data rate in QT?
I have a flash file that sends some request to php file every 5 minutes. How can I check if the request from flash file has been sent from my website or from other place. I want to be shure that someone is not sending requests from other locations. It is very important for security reasons. Will the following PHP code work?
I am using flash cs5 and developing for iOS. I am using the application storage directory as well. But, in my code, a file in the storage directory is trying to be read before it is created, and therefore results in errorst?
Is the onLoad function the only way to find out if a file exist or not. As for now. I'm looping through a xml file. if image exist i add the filepath to an array if not, i ignore it. But if i check the filepath with onLoad. All the images in the xml file are loaded. I dont want to load the files yet.
var fileFound:Boolean = new Boolean(); var fileExists = new LoadVars(); fileExists.onLoad = function (success)
Whats the best way to check if a file is on a server (the same one that the flash file is on). I need to call whatever the function maybe before using LoadMovie.
I am trying to read a XML file and check a parameter for duplicates of that parameter in the file. There could be up to 200 entries with this parameter which is a number. How can I check to see if there are any duplicates?
is there a way to capture the Error loading message as a boolean when loading an external file (AS2)? I wanted to make a decision based on the success for loadMovieNum.
The scenario is that I have a file that I am loading with loadMovieNum and all is working successfully.
The circumstance I wish to cover is if the file is missing for any reason, I want to load a placeholder movie.
I have looked at onLoad and onClipEvent(load) but these appear to only be for movieclips and not external files.