ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing Classes In CS3?
Jul 23, 2009
I have a project that I want to import an external class (Caurina) I have the folder on my desktop and I'm trying to find out how to import and where in Flash do I do this. I got as far as looking for the folder in the publish settings tab (Mac)
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import fl.transitions.*;
and when I tried to add a this Tween:
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Jun 1, 2010
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Mar 26, 2011
I currently use actionscript 2 and the package Tweener to perform many of my animations etc. Essentially its a class for tweening items with code.
So it all works fine when my folder structure is like this:
- Myflash.fla
- Myswf.swf
- Folder called caurina which holds all of the Tweener classes.
And in my fla file I import the Tweener classes by calling the following lines of actionscript 2:
import caurina.transitions.*;
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Jul 26, 2007
I'm having a problem with my preloader and importing Fuse classes.
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Jul 28, 2010
Right now in my 3D work folder I have a long list of demos and benchmarks all importing classes from my rumblesushi3D folder (package rumblesushi3D), which contains my entire 3D engine.
It's too long and cluttered, and now that I'm about to start work on my first game, I'd like to put all my publishable work into folders - such as demos, benchmarks, then a folder per game.
The files in these new folders now need to import classes from the same 3D engine that's now in the previous directory (rumblesushi3D).
The only alternative is to place a copy of my 3D engine folder in each folder, which I obviously don't want to do.
Say for example, you have a FLASH_WORK folder, in this folder there is a com folder with all the classes you use. All the document classes of your work are in FLASH_WORK, so the same folder depth as com obviously, and are not assigned a specific package.
If you put all these document classes into a folder called archive (created in FLASH_WORK) for example, is there any way to import the classes from the same com folder, now at a previous depth, without renaming ALL the classes in com to [URL]etc etc ?
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import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]....
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Jul 6, 2009
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specifics: i'm creating a panorama app with markers that are papervision3d planes. they use a movieClip texture that i've created and i want to configure textfields and display pictures that describe the info in the marker. i created a class file that configures the panorama. but i also have a class that defines the symbol's behavior. this movieclip has symbols in it it's stage that i've defined (ie: name_textfield, description_textfield, etc..) when i compile the project, the compiler errors saying that the variables/identified internal symbols are missing.
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Aug 20, 2011
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Document Class (
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Jan 5, 2011
I just started using flashdevelop and I have some problems with importing all classes.
1. I used export all classes to SWC file and I added it to the library in FD. How can I import instances placed on the stage without creating AS linkages? I don't want to export these instances for AS, because some of them are textfields. By making linkages I'm forced to transform them to Sprite or MovieClip (am I right?) and my methods connected to these object don't work anymore.
2. When I export my project in FD, I get error 1065: variable Main is not defined. Main is my document class. I made this class my entry in FD.
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Mar 24, 2010
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Aug 23, 2011
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Jan 9, 2010
The examples I'll use don't do anything - they're classes without ANY members - no variables, methods, anything.
Let's say I extends Sprite and call it MySprite.
I save it in test.core
Now I create another custom class called MyWindow that extends MySprite.
I save it in
Then I create another class that extends MyWindows (the example I'll use is a document class - but that doesn't matter - I've tested using an instance too).
Notice that I'm not even trying to instantiate the helper classes - just having them there throws the error.
If there is only a single helper class, everything runs fine.
Also note that - as far as I can tell - this only happens when extending one class from another package, then extending that class with more than one helper object.I'm pretty sure there's no namespace bumps or typographical errors, as this is a very pared-down version of the original application.
EDIT: seems the problem exists even without the crossing packages - even extending MySprite in the document class with multiple internal classes generates this error.
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Feb 3, 2012
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1) How are libraries commonly distributed in AS3?
2) Is there a .jar equivalent in AS3 that developers can include, but will only have access/knowledge of the classes I've declared as public?
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gfxRoomImg - interactive - only image / no colour
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Sep 15, 2011
I am new to classes and I am just starting to follow tutorials on how to assign classes and sub classes and I am wondering when you assign a base class or class to an object(Symbol e.g movieclip) through the properties, are all instances on the stage no matter how many and what they are named influenced and is the Stage/main timeline always the parent? and just one more question, is the parents objects display list all the movieclips that are used on the stage or all the instances on the stage?
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Jun 19, 2011
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Jun 25, 2009
I've created a base class to house some basic functions I'd like to have across several movie clips in a game I'm making, however, when I link a custom class to the same movie clip I get the message; "The base class will not be used because the class specified is already defined and extends its own subclass. If you wish to use the base class, specify a class name in the Class field that will be auto-generated or enter the default base class 'flash.display.MovieClip' in the Base Class field." I removed the 'extends MovieClip' inside the Class but it still shows the message. Does this mean that I cannot use a custom class and a custom base class on a movie clip?
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Aug 1, 2011
how to get a Class file up and going in Flash and that works fine but say I want to import other classes. I try "import testCass" above in my import statements section of my as file and that doesn't work. What do I have to do to get that to work?
View 6 Replies
Oct 30, 2010
I spent the day making a really neat (my opinion only) animated button that I want to use as a common component on a web site I am working on. The button is isolated in its own FLA and SWF file(s). The plan was to import the common button, add a text label, and position it appropriately on the page. Then move on to the next button or whatever. That's the plan; now here's the problem: I'm completely at a loss as to how to go about doing it. I've tried to follow a couple of tutorials, but, I keep getting lost.
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