ActionScript 3.0 :: Interactive Image Scroller - Arrows On Left And Right Side

Sep 11, 2009

I want to make an interactive image scroller. I am making a webshop and I want a flash to scroll through some of the latest products (3 or 4) that I put in myself and animate or whatever, maybe there's a better and easier way. I want this movie to have these products scrolling from right to left by auto with maybe an ease effect, but when you move your mouse pointer over the whole movie I want it to stop, and when it stops I want two arrows appear on the left and right side of the movie which will be clickable and you will be able to scroll through the products with them as well.

It doesn't need to have an external XML connection where you insert scrolling speed and so on. Of course it would be simplier, but without is fine too. I will try to explain in what terms I know of:
-Mouseout/rollout = 3 or 4 products scrolling one by one from the right and ease in to the middle, pause 4 seconds, then scroll out to the left with an ease. Looped.
-Mouseover/rollover = Movie stops and then you can use arrows on both each side and scroll by yourself. But I don't know if I want this only to be available when the product is in the center of the movie, or else it would be kind of weird if the movie stopped when one product was just about to go half-way out or in.

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this.onMouseMove = function() {
constrainedMove(bg_mc, 4, 1); };
function constrainedMove(target:MovieClip, speed:Number, dir:Number) {
var mousePercent:Number = _ymouse/Stage.height;
[Code] .....

The zip containing the fla and html files are located here - [URL].

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Here's the AS2 way:

1. Timeline has only 2 frames

1. Make movie clip and give it an instance name (in this case: box_mc). Make sure this takes up frame 1 and 2 on timeline.

2. On a sparate actions layer on frame 1 put this down:

mouse_x = _xmouse;
setProperty (_root.box_mc, _x, mouse_x+((getProperty(_root.box_mc,_x)-mouse_x)/2));

3. On frame 2 of actions layer put:

gotoAndPlay (1);

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Nov 11, 2010

I am on a tight deadline and looking for the AS3 code of how to do what this company does on their site:URL...However, I don't know AS3.Literally my project requires I recreate the what is shown with the hand holding the sharpie and moving only back and forth restricted to a centered rectangular area at the bottom of the screen.I know how to import the image that follows the mouse to the stage, and to make it a movieclip. Let's say I have named the instance "Image_mc".Does anyone have the actionscript for how to do this? Do you attach it to the object or to a keyframe on a separate actions layer?

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May 9, 2006

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The code for this loading is ..
myLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
function loadPics() {
myY = 0;
myX = 0;
for (i=0; i<=_root.image_array_length-1; i++) {
_root.attachMovie("image", "image"+i, i);
this["image"+i]._x = myX;

Now when I am making this scroll I am confused as to what to target to make scroll - the 'image' movieclip is in the library and uses linkage identifer of 'image' for the script... and also seems to sit on the highest layer/depth each time....

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looking to create an image/mc slider that moves form right to left via user clicks of a left and right button.I would assume I would create an array to hold a series of mc's in (my images) and then tell the left and right buttons CLICK events to move linearly through the array (displaying next in line and previous etc.

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Way with actionscript to determine the right and left side of a movie clip? I have a row of dynamiclly loaded pictures that load into a movieclip and then have arrows that scroll the photos left and right using an interval and _x +=10. The scroll works great. Only problem is, it just goes on and on and on if you keep pressing the arrow. Is there any way to tell it where the left and right side are and not to let either side go past a certain point.

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I have an Image called "PanoramaImage" (which is very long in width). I want this image to move from right to left & from left to right automatically.

I am using flash as3. I am loading this image from the same folder where the .fla file exist. my image to move by using Up & Down arrow keys.

The following is the sample code i found on web.

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.CO MPLETE, completeHandler);
loader.load(new URLRequest("panorama.jpg"));


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Move An Image Left To Right And Right To Left Automatically?

Apr 24, 2005

I have an Image called "PanoramaImage" (which is very long in width). I want this image to move from right to left & from left to right automatically.I am using flash as3. I am loading this image from the same folder where the .fla file exist. Right now I have the code which will help my image to move by using Up & Down arrow keys.The following is the sample code i found on web.

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.CO MPLETE, completeHandler);
loader.load(new URLRequest("panorama.jpg"));
var content_mc:Sprite = new Sprite();


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