ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Separate File Instead Of Putting It On Frame?

Dec 7, 2010

Basically I am making a flash website and it is due in next week and I can get a gallery working by putting the actionscript onto a frame inside the flash file however I was just informed that I must make a seperate action script file instead of putting it on the frame.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Putting Actions On Frames Outside Of The First Frame?

Dec 12, 2010

I've heard a few things that people recommend not doing unless you absolutely need to. I'm new to actionscripting. I come from a PHP/Javascript background. I was wondering what kind of things are good and bad.I heard using scenes wasn't a good idea. As well I heard that putting actions on frames outside of the first frame isn't such a good idea unless you absolutely need to.I'm curious what good practice is for working with amfphp. Should I make an AMFPHP class in flash? Do I avoid putting functions into the frame actions

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Putting Code From .as Files Directly Into A Frame Instead?

May 8, 2011

I have a situation where I am modifying a working FLA file to work in just one Scene of a project I am working on.The FLA file is linked to two external .as files.

I would like to take that code and call it from Fram 1 of the Scene as it will only but used for that scene and I do not want it affecting the other scenes.
I removed the package wrapper and changed any private function/public function just to function etc.part of the issue is calling on Movieclips in the library.I am trying to use drag and drop to drag Movieclips to Target transparent Movieclips.
The .as files uses:
import THE;
In a function I use:
the = new THE();            addChild(the);            the._targetPiece = tTHE_mc;            the.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, checkTarget);            the.x = 103.50;            the.y = 72.60;
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ActionScript 2.0 :: Putting A GoToAndStop On The _down Frame In The Actual MC?

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I have managed to script the swap depth AS into my movie, however, I have come across this problem.

I have three MCs on the stage acting as buttons. On rollover, the expand and slightly cover this other MCs. This is fine as long as that particular MC is on top.

So, here's what I did:

_root.button1.onRollOver = function() {

this works fine except it only does it once. I need to do it everytime they roll over.

I tried putting a goToAndStop on the _down frame in the actual MC, but it didn't make a difference.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Txt File Into Flash By Putting The Url In A Xml File?

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HTML Code:

Now I load it into arrays in flash: image[0] and description[0]. The images is displayed the way I want to, the thing is I want to pass on the url that is in description[0] to a loadMovie or something like that. If i say desc_txt.text = description[0]; it will just show AW0001.txt in flash. I've also tried this with load and loadVars but I can't figure it out.

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Flash :: Putting A File On Website?

Nov 18, 2009

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<*html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />


But when I view it on my website this pop-up comes up What am I doing wrong =/?

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Putting A Flash File On Website?

Nov 28, 2010

I'm having trouble with publish my flash file. I have uploaded my flash file (flash.html) and (flash.swf) to my ftp. Then I copy and paste the html code onto the page of my website which is (without the star)

<*html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Putting A Html Swf File On Web

Aug 8, 2011

I created an swf and a HTML output. Localy it works when I double click the html except IE.keeps telling me I need to accept the plug in. Verry annoying. But if I put the HTML and the SWF on the website the HTML is blank no movie.I cut the HTML down to a minimum as well. Any ideas what would be missing that is needed. Tried the original generated html as well.[code]

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Is it possible to export text from a text field, which has been created in Flash and export it into an external file such as a text file or Word document?The idea is that information will be collected by the user into a text field within the swf. Hopefully, this information can then be exported into an external file which will allow the user to work on and edit at a later stage. It needs to be a separate editable document. Is this possible? I'm using Flash 8.

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CS3 Input Fields - Make A Book With Flash Where Each Page Is A Frame In The File?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A List Of Names And Putting Them Into A Computer File?

Jul 25, 2010

I am trying to create a list of names which is generated by a swf file that contains buttons representing letters of the alphabet. The user generates a name by clicking on the letter buttons until the letters of the name have been spelled out and then clicking on abutton to add each name to the list. The names are generated inside the swf file but I want the list of names to be deposited in a file within a folder of the computer and remain there as a permanent record after the swf file has been closed. I can do the Actionscript 3 programming associated with the letter buttons but I would like to know how to send the names to the computer file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Up If Leave It Embedded In The Movie Clip Instead Of Putting It Into The .as File?

Feb 21, 2008

if i have the following actionscript on frame1 inside a movieclip with the identifier name "inventory"


i get no errors but i also do not get the text to show up in the code that follows. (it DOES show up if i leave it embedded in the movie clip instead of putting it into the .as file)

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Make / Use 20 Separate Timers?

Jan 19, 2011

I need 20 separate timers, to be used with 10 separate objects, and need to be able to start, stop, and edit the delay time of each timer separately.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: When Click A Separate Button That Takes Me Back To Frame 1

May 22, 2011


I am also having issues with the logo loading a second time when I click a separate button that takes me back to frame 1 with the code that creates the empty movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking To A Specific Frame Within A Separate Movie Clip

Nov 12, 2009

I'm working on a Flash navigation system.

Currently, when you click on "Recent Projects", you are brought to a frame containing the following actionscript:

attachMovie("recentProjectsBody_mc", "recentProjectsBody_mc", 1);
recentProjectsBody_mc._x = 60;
recentProjectsBody_mc._y = 195;

This loads a new movie clip of a simple slideshow which has 7 frames. You can click through these frames with left and right buttons.

I no longer need the left and right buttons. I need a group of 7 buttons sitting under the "Recent Projects" link which each link to a different frame of the recentProjectsBody_mc movie clip.

I assume I need to load this movie clip before I link to a frame within it. But then how do I link to a specific frame within that movie clip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Combine Separate .AS File And .FLA File

Feb 23, 2010

I am wondering why is there a seperate as file in a zip I downloaded? There are the files and slider.fla. There is only one frame in the fla file and I was wondering if I can combine the fla and as file to make it work, since I will be combining it with another file. This is the file:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make Preloader Separate MC

Jan 12, 2009

So my preloader is working nicely. But how do I make the preloader an MC by itself? So that I can neaten up the main timeline, and also it will make it easier to reuse the preloader if its, its own MC.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Movie Play Frame X To Frame Y Then Switch To Frame Z?

Nov 21, 2007

I have my flash on multiple scenes, and would like to play an animation when clicking on the navigation button before switching to a different scene.

I'm halfway to accomplishing this.

Here is what i used



The above code is on a blank keyframe. Changepage1 is the start of the animation and Changepage2 is the end of the animation.

Upon clicking the navigation button it plays the above scenes.

However it doesn't change scenes to scene "Home2".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Two Separate SWF On The Same Webpage Control Each Other?

Jun 30, 2010

I've done a search and found out about LocalConnections but I don't seem to be able to apply them to my issue.

I have two separate SWF files that appear on the same web page. Both are simple animations and all I want is when the first has finished playing for the second to start, and them when that has completed restart the first one again (and so on...).

I'm also guessing that in order for this to work I'll need some code in the first SWF to detect that the second has finished loading otherwise nothing will happen when the first SWF reaches the end.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Make A Separate Class For Each Soundclip

Nov 23, 2011

I am making a little story thing which is sort of like a slideshow but I use sound in many parts of it. I searched online and the AS3 way of doing it seemed to be linking an imported sound clip to a class. My question is: Do I really have to make a separate class for each soundclip or is there an easier way of doing this if I plan to use these sounds multiple times? For reference, it should be roughly 434 sounds by the time I'm done

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