ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Sound Channels At Different Vols?
Jul 14, 2009
is it possible to have multiple SoundChannels? And have a volume control control multiple volumes?
i have a site that uses .flv's with sound all throughout. Volume control is attached to a sound transform that affects the stream. I also added a piece of code to this function that creates a new soundtransformation object, adds it to a soundfactory object i have in a private var and adjusts that volume by 40% of the .flv's volume. This seems like it should work - but doesn't so i am wondering two things. a) can i have multiple sound channels (in this case the stream and the channel i made for bkg music) b) if i can why do my sound transformations not get implemented on this music track. I also tried to explcitly set the music volume to 0.4 via a sound transform right after i load it - which does not work either.
heres the code
ActionScript Code:
trace("current vol is :" + currentVolume + " And 40% of that is: " + (currentVolume * 0.4));
var st:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(currentVolume, 0);
stream.soundTransform = st;
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Aug 22, 2011
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one png with an alpha channel (supposed to serve only as a mask)
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var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData( 320, 320 );
bitmapData.draw( drawingLayer );
bitmapData.copyChannel( maskBitmapData, new Rectangle( 0, 0, 320, 320 ), new Point( 0, 0 ), BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA );
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<s:BitmapImage id="mask" source="@Embed(source='...')" cacheAsBitmap="true" />
and also as
private const BodyMask:Class;
var maskBitmap:Bitmap = new BodyMask();
and assigned them to the mask property of a s:Group element (cacheAsBitmap=true) where the operations on the graphics object occured. i also tried reassigning the mask after each draw operation.
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<channel ref="my-secure-amf">
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ActionScript Code:
public var image : Class;
The problem that i'm having, is that when i assign the colors bitmapData to a bitmap instance to display it, the background color is showing as black, even though the default fillColor of a bitmapData instance is white. how i can use the alpha channel data to create an 8 bit, grayscale image, that's the reverse of the channel?
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Jan 19, 2003
Iam searching vor solution so adjust different volumes for multiple sounds. That means:
Sound1 Volume 100
Sound2 Volume 20
I have tried that with the following script:
DayNature = new Sound();
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Apr 15, 2010
Is there any way I can have multiple sound buttons that works as stop buttons for each other? I mean.. I now got 3 buttons that start 3 different songs, but they overlap each other when I press more than one. I'd like Song 1 to stop when I press Song 2 or 3. And vice versa
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May 3, 2010
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firstSound = new Sound(BGMusic_mc);
but when it starts to play the voice sound the volume jumps up to 100. I need the first sound to stay at 10 and the voice sound to be at 100.
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Oct 31, 2007
I have a main application that plays two different sounds, a background music and a SFX. I have added a button that, when pressed, loads another swf called options.swf onto a higher level. This swf contains two volume sliders for each of these sounds so that I can control their volumes. Each volume slider is an instance of a movie clip I have created which contains a sound object called 'activeSound.' On options.swf I have the following code:
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Nov 8, 2009
I am using actionscript 2.0 and I am trying to create multiple sound buttons that trigger multiple different .mp3 files via mouse click.I have gotten it to work with one sound file using this actionscript [code]but as soon as I add another button and try to link it to another file it does not work.I would like to make it so that even if I click another button to start another sound, the first sound keeps playing.
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Jul 28, 2009
I am trying to put a few songs on a website, not as an .mp3 player, I just want to be able to assign individual buttons to control them.ow, and it works great. I would like to now how to add more and assign them to their own buttons seperate from the other songs.This is the code I have for one song
var url:String = "";var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);var sound:Sound = new Sound();sound.load(urlRequest);var sc:SoundChannelvar startTime:uint=0;
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Apr 10, 2012
I'm having trouble with sound in Flash. I may have went about coding the wrong way, because most of my codes are on frames.
So, I have these two variables
var outsideDay:Sound = new daysong();
var outsideNight:Sound = new nightsong();
And I want to play these songs on a specific frame. However, the sounds play sporadically, like 50 times at once. I think it's because I have other codes that link to the frames with a Enter_Frame function. How can I get the sounds to loop and not play multiple times at once?
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Mar 30, 2011
My issue is that I have 10 small audio clips and I want to make them into variables that i can access later in the code. But I'd be happy if I didn't have to write the same code 10 times down over and over to create/access them.[code]...
A question on the side, is there any built in sound generator in actionssccript 3.0?
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Aug 24, 2004
i have a problem manipulating multiple sound objects in MX. i have a main background loop object and a button rollover object (which plays on specific buttons). i then have a volume slider which will set the volume of only the main bg loop object. but when i tested it, it seems that the volume of the button rollover object is also the same with the main bg loop object's volume. meaning, if my main bg loop's volume is down to 50, the button rollover sound volume is also 50.
here're my codes:
//code on 1st frame
mainLoop = new Sound();
mainLoop.onSoundComplete = function(){
hoverSound = new Sound();
//code on slider MC
_root.mainLoop.setVolume(this._x); //this._x is between 0-100
//code on sample button
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Sep 3, 2004
I have a site where as you click links, you move forwards through a city. I want to fade sound files in and out, overlapping, depending on where you are in the city.As yet, I can't have two sounds playing at once.I have found a site with the effect I want, it's atI have two sound loops at the moment, one of cicadas, one of a city at night, both saved as separate .swf files, which I have loaded onto the main timeline on layers 14 and 15.
The code for the two loops is:cicadas.swf, FRAME 1
var volPercent = 20;
cicadas = new Sound(cicadas);
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Nov 9, 2005
I am controlling all sounds through actionscript. does anybody know if there is a way to play multiple instances of same sound using actionscript?
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Jun 11, 2006
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Jan 15, 2007
The quick question is I can only get this to play sound once - then it won't do it again I am making a math game for my young kids - it adds numbers from 1 to 5 the variables A & B are randomly generated and make C
The sound reads out a string A + plus + B + equals + C (5 sound files)It does this the first time the flash is played, however, when the flash movie goes back to the previous frame, and generates new variables - it will not play the sound files anymore.
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