ActionScript 3.0 :: NavigateToURL Code Btns For Dreamweaver Frameset?

Feb 18, 2010

coypaste an AS3 bnt code to use in-conjunction with a Dreamweaver frameset.

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B_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, getPage);

function getPage(Event:MouseEvent):void
navigateToURL( new URLRequest(""),"_self");

I'm just checking the swf in Flash CS5 using ActionScript 3, publishing with command+F12 (key command on Mac OSX), but that alone should work right without exporting? And to go a little off topic, could someone kindly tell me how to embed the swf as HTML code, as I'm trying to setup this swf as an intro to my website and need to embed it as HTML for my index.html page.

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set1_mc.thumb01_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MO USE_OVER,hooverOver);
function hooverOver(event:MouseEvent):void


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Jul 8, 2009

I'm trying to set up a loop for a movieclip btn with the instance name "btnEnter". btnEnter is loading XML content from a file called menuDef.xml
Here is the code I have inplace so far,
var link: URLRequest = new URLRequest("menuDef.xml");var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(link);var i:intvar myXML:XML = new XML();//call the loaders load function to load the specified URL


Right now I have only the  item_spacing  and item_count variables in place, but I'm not sure of my next step?

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calloutHolder_mc.attachMovie("mar01callout", "callout_mc", 0);
calloutHolder_mc.callout_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function(){


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><buttonsDanish>
<forside name= "Forside" url= "" />


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Apr 7, 2009

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on (release) {
getURL("page.htm", "framename");


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Jul 23, 2009

I'm trying to get some accordion style btns to close if the mouse leave the's the code I have in place thus far:
stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, closeall);function closeall(event:Event):void {
if (btn1.currentFrame != 0) { btn1.gotoAndPlay(10); }    if (btn2.currentFrame != 0) { btn2.gotoAndPlay(10); }    if (btn3.currentFrame != 0) { btn3.gotoAndPlay(10); }    if (btn4.currentFrame != 0) { btn4.gotoAndPlay(10); }
If my cursor leaves the stage nothing happens?

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Professional :: Frameset Get URL Action Script Works But Not In All DW Framesets

Feb 13, 2010

The Frameset get URL Action Script below works fine in fixed Top, fixed Bottom and fixed Bottom fixed Top button bars but not with fixed Left or fixed Right, Framesets what is the problem and correction? Here's the code: on(release){ getURL("mainFrame1.html", "mainFrame");}

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Frameset - Flash Segments: How To Send Values

Dec 20, 2005

I am in the planning stage of an application. In fact, the application already exists but I am thinking about how to improve it. It's a sports event commentary viewer- it allows the user to view live commentary on soccer games, written by news scouters during the process of the game. Right now, it's all one big file, reading 7 different XML files on the fly, evaluating and processing them and displaying the data on screen.

It works well enough like this but now the whole thing is supposed to be expanded with live news feeds and a videoclip gallery, etc... and even though it would be possible to just keep expanding the file, I thought it would be cool to instead make several segments and put them in an HTML frameset. Now the question is: Is it even possible to pass values from one flash file that is running in one frame- to another one, running in another frame? Of course I will know the framename- so could use getURL with the framename as a target... but that would fully reload that frame and "cold-restart" the swf in that frame- I don't want that.


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IE Not Recognizing Post Data Using LoadVars From Flash Inside A Frameset?

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This code is being run from a frameset in IE8. When the new window is opened, the form data is not being recognized. It appears that the http header, "content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", is not being passed into IE and this is causing the post data not to be processed. The data is there, IE is just doing nothing with it.

This code works fine in FF and Chrome, and in fact the correct headers are passed in FF and Chrome.

NOTE: The new page is on a different site, but i don't know why that would cause a problem with a POST and not a GET.

Flash code:

varSender = new LoadVars();
varSender.title = _parent.tCourseTitle;
varSender.notes = input_txt.text;
varSender.send("", "_blank", "POST");

I have tried adding the header to the send request, but that has no effect at all. The contenttype header is still missing and it still works everywhere but IE.

My current work around is to use a GET instead of a post, but that's ugly and it limits us in the size of data we can pass but for now at least it works.

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I have a web page with 2 sets of is called top(top.html) the other one bottom(bottom.html).on the top frame i have an SWF movie which includes a button/link that when clicked goes to a do i make that link open in the bottom frame so that i have top.html on top and page1.html in the bottom

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im using a page with two frames. the top frame is the navigation and will always stay the same. the bottom frame has a big flash movie. when you roll over the buttons on the flash movie in the bottom frame, i want stuff to happen to the movie in the top frame. is this possible?

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Embedding .swf With Dreamweaver?

Apr 18, 2010

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now, i cant see anything... can anyone tell me how to add a swf using the wysiwyg option

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Swf And Links In Dreamweaver

Dec 11, 2009

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Center Swf In Dreamweaver?

Jul 28, 2009

I have been looking all over the place for what seems like should be a really easy thing to accomplish.I have a swf that is 1060x630px and I would like to center it on the page... at the moment it just sits in the far left corner of the screen when I export it to html. My knowledge of html is minimal but I am guessing that this needs to be done in dreamweaver.

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IDE :: Embedding Swf Into Dreamweaver?

May 19, 2009

[URL]you will notice a slight flash of a white box before the preloader starts, i'm trying everything to make it go away! this box seems to be the same size as my embedded swf. the site and preloader are all in one swf. all i need to do is make that white box the same color as the background so it is is the code from dreamweaver (you'll notice im sticking in color values wherever i can!)

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


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Upload A Swf Or Flv File To Dreamweaver?

Oct 15, 2009

I have a flash site (finally) but I need to host it through dreamweaver. I cant do it. I tried loading it thru the media option and it gave me an error. I have a lot riding on this site and Im at the last step only to find some new obstacle in my way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader For Swf In Dreamweaver

Jun 7, 2009

I am new to Flash and Actionscript, so bear with meI am buidling a website in Dreamweaver CS3. Is it possible to create a preloader for an swf file, inside a div tag within a Dreamweaver document?. Take my friends site for exampe, which I suspect is made entirely in Flash: [URL] When you,click on any button inside "portfolio", a preloader symbol appears ,but the movie does not procede without the control of the red next and previous buttons at the bottom right corner. How is this done?.

I am reluctant to design everything in Flash, is that I have heard search engines such as Google have trouble indexing website's that are made entirely from Flash. Or am I wrong in thinking this?.

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Publishing Flash To Web With Dreamweaver

Aug 19, 2009

CS3 on a 2.4 ghz intel core 2 duo Mac running OS X 10.5.8.I have been able to create my webpages and upload them to the host. They are viewable, linkable etc. Everything is working, but now I want to include some flash elements.I built a flash file in action script 3.0 and saved it in the files folder of Dreamweaver, I dragged and dropped the swf file into the design screen and saved it. I have uploaded the html file, the swf and fla files and the created js file to the host server, but the flash element does not appear on the page when I view it in the browser.

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Any Way To Embed SWF Into Dreamweaver Template?

Nov 12, 2009

I don't know why this is so difficult, but I'm unable to embed a swf generated in flash into a dreamweaver template. I can finally create a few basic animations and want to test them out in the dreamweaver envoirment. What is the simplest path to accomplishing this? For example if I open flash, create a simple animation, like a ball moving across the screen. If I save that SWF, what's the next step after opening dreamweaver. I just want to be able to test it the site with dreamweaver or see it "live".

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Professional :: Flash Swf. In Dreamweaver?

Jan 20, 2010

I placed my swf. file in DW, uploaded swf. file  and DW file to ftp site and the page shows up with a black area when page is reviewed on website.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loading .swf's In Dreamweaver CS4

Feb 28, 2010

I am having a nightmare time trying to get a flash 8 movie loading in a CS4 generated webpage. Basically the design is straight-forward enough. I have a master page which loads a swf into layer 10 (this is my custom "player skin" with a control button). This player swf loads a series of movies into layer 5 of the master in response to a users click. The problem is that the .swf works fine standalone, it works fine in a basic html document but when I embed it in my web page through dreamweaver only the master swf loads and it sits there like a bump on a log.

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