ActionScript 2.0 :: One Layer Can Move Quicker Then The Movie Frameset ?

Feb 28, 2003

i just want to know if one layer can move quicker then the movie frameset

exmple { movie frameset is 12 i just want one layer to go at 20 }

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Movie In One Frameset Affecting A Movie In Another?

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Dec 16, 2010

I want to know if there is a faster way to take several bitmaps and arrange them one after another in a single layer in a movie clip.

This is how I am doing it currently.

Stage 1: Import the bitmaps to the stage

Stage 2: Distribute the bitmaps to layers

Stage 3: Make the first bitmap a movie clip symbol and cut the other bitmaps' frames

Stage 4: Go into the symbol, create a new layer, and paste the frames.

Stage 5: Click and drag the other frames into one layer, one after the other.

I now have a single movie clip with all my bitmaps ordered one after the other in the timeline.

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Flex :: Get App To Load Quicker?

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We've got an app written in Flex that displays data from our app. The .swf file is only 427kb, but it takes a full five seconds to load in Firefox. This is a headache for our users because they need to access the page that contains the app frequently. (The app displays documents, and it's really slow to march through a list of them).

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Is there anything we can do to debug this issue? Or is the Flash player just slow?

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I know it's possible in flash to change one frame of an html frameset with the click of a (flash)button, for example:

on (release) {
getURL("page.htm", "framename");


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Feb 13, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Frameset - Flash Segments: How To Send Values

Dec 20, 2005

I am in the planning stage of an application. In fact, the application already exists but I am thinking about how to improve it. It's a sports event commentary viewer- it allows the user to view live commentary on soccer games, written by news scouters during the process of the game. Right now, it's all one big file, reading 7 different XML files on the fly, evaluating and processing them and displaying the data on screen.

It works well enough like this but now the whole thing is supposed to be expanded with live news feeds and a videoclip gallery, etc... and even though it would be possible to just keep expanding the file, I thought it would be cool to instead make several segments and put them in an HTML frameset. Now the question is: Is it even possible to pass values from one flash file that is running in one frame- to another one, running in another frame? Of course I will know the framename- so could use getURL with the framename as a target... but that would fully reload that frame and "cold-restart" the swf in that frame- I don't want that.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: What Happens When Event Dispatches Quicker As Eventhandler Can Handle It

Feb 13, 2010

You got an eventlistener for an object that can dispatches events in intervals of 0.2ms.And if the eventhandler would need 0.5ms for his operation, what would happen? (listener and handler are in the same class).Would the last event overwrite the event before? In my case, I get some data from a xmlSocket, and I thought, that some datastrings can come in quicker than to work it off in my handler.

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IE Not Recognizing Post Data Using LoadVars From Flash Inside A Frameset?

Sep 16, 2010

This code is being run from a frameset in IE8. When the new window is opened, the form data is not being recognized. It appears that the http header, "content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", is not being passed into IE and this is causing the post data not to be processed. The data is there, IE is just doing nothing with it.

This code works fine in FF and Chrome, and in fact the correct headers are passed in FF and Chrome.

NOTE: The new page is on a different site, but i don't know why that would cause a problem with a POST and not a GET.

Flash code:

varSender = new LoadVars();
varSender.title = _parent.tCourseTitle;
varSender.notes = input_txt.text;
varSender.send("", "_blank", "POST");

I have tried adding the header to the send request, but that has no effect at all. The contenttype header is still missing and it still works everywhere but IE.

My current work around is to use a GET instead of a post, but that's ugly and it limits us in the size of data we can pass but for now at least it works.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swf Link To Open The Bottom Frame On A Frameset Website?

Oct 5, 2009

I have a web page with 2 sets of is called top(top.html) the other one bottom(bottom.html).on the top frame i have an SWF movie which includes a button/link that when clicked goes to a do i make that link open in the bottom frame so that i have top.html on top and page1.html in the bottom

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using SWF To Launch Page In Specific Frame Within HTML Frameset?

Dec 11, 2007

I have an HTML frameset with a leftFrame and mainFrame. My navigation has been built in Flash and the SWF is embedded in the leftFrame. The pages that the nav link to need to load in the mainFrame.I have gone through your tutorial "Flash & HTML Frames" but unfortunately it doesn't work - it opens a new window.

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