ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Images Load Quicker?
Sep 3, 2009
Are their any tricks or things I can do with actionscript to make images load quicker? I have a full browser xml image gallery and the images are physically big but optimised in Photoshop. I have a preloader to display the loading amount, but is there a way to speed up the loading?Flash image galleries I've seen have images of similar size to mine but seem to load quicker. Is there a way to partly preload the images before they are used. I don't want to preload all the images cos that would take ages.
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Apr 28, 2010
We've got an app written in Flex that displays data from our app. The .swf file is only 427kb, but it takes a full five seconds to load in Firefox. This is a headache for our users because they need to access the page that contains the app frequently. (The app displays documents, and it's really slow to march through a list of them).
I've confirmed that it's not a slow web server problem. The .swf appears to be cached in the browser. Firebug reports that every time the web page accesses the .swf, the app server returns a "304 Not Modified" response, meaning that the load time from the server is almost zero.
Is there anything we can do to debug this issue? Or is the Flash player just slow?
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Feb 4, 2009
I'm trying to make a program to load multiple images. So far, I have
import flash.display.*;
import flash.filesystem.File;
As far as I can tell, it's convinced that I'm trying to use the load() method from the scrollpane class (that's where the context help takes me). How do I specify that I want to use the loader class method?
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Mar 5, 2005
how make my buttons load text or images into a set area on a flash site.
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Nov 9, 2011
I have loaded some images through XML and attached into dynamically created MovieClips named mc0,mc1,mc2...etc.
_loader.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLoadingAction);
var img:Bitmap = Bitmap(;[code]....
Everthing works fine. But it is shaking so that it was not looking good.How do I achieve smooth movement?
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Dec 16, 2010
I want to know if there is a faster way to take several bitmaps and arrange them one after another in a single layer in a movie clip.
This is how I am doing it currently.
Stage 1: Import the bitmaps to the stage
Stage 2: Distribute the bitmaps to layers
Stage 3: Make the first bitmap a movie clip symbol and cut the other bitmaps' frames
Stage 4: Go into the symbol, create a new layer, and paste the frames.
Stage 5: Click and drag the other frames into one layer, one after the other.
I now have a single movie clip with all my bitmaps ordered one after the other in the timeline.
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Mar 29, 2010
is it possible to modify this script to make images load like a fade in/fade out slideshow. It works with buttons to action the transition I want, but I want a similar script to play a simple slideshow with same transitions.
this.pathToPics = "images/";
this.pArray = ["home1.jpg", "home2.jpg", "home3.jpg", "home4.jpg", "home5.jpg" ];
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Feb 21, 2012
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exmple { movie frameset is 12 i just want one layer to go at 20 }
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Feb 13, 2010
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Jan 24, 2010
I've created a small game with Box2d for AS3 - I have sprites attached to the stage that take their position from the underlying Box2d world. These sprites are mostly PNGs.When the game runs with DrawDebugData() bening called every update, it runs nice and smoothly. However when I comment this out, it runs choppily. In both cases all my sprites are being rendered. So it seems that it's running faster when it's drawing the debug data additionaly (i.e. my sprites are on the screen in both cases!)What's going on? Does drawing the debug data flick some sort of 'render quick' switch? If so, what's the switch!? I can't see it in the Box2D code.
function Update(e){
m_world.Step(m_timeStep, m_velocityIterations, m_positionIterations);
// draw debug?[code]...
Interestingly, If i set the debug draw scale to something different to my world scale, it slows down to 19fps. So there's something happening when it draws the boxes under my sprites causing it to run quicker..
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Nov 20, 2009
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Then, after loading a list of images from an XML file, I call a function that I called "createImages". This function then takes the list of images and creates a bunch of loaders:
So far, so good! I now have a bunch of loaders each with a different name "img1","img2","img3" etc.
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Jun 21, 2007
I have a photo gallery that loads many images using a for loop (image data is from XML file). Simplified code looks like this:
var photos_xml = new XML();
photos_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
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Jan 9, 2010
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Oct 17, 2004
I am pulling external images, I have my main image, and five small images, I have that to make the small images when click to appear in the place of the main image, but I am not obtaining to make they to click, I am placing my archive who to want to make download
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Jan 26, 2009
im loading multiple images but how do I make sure the program will start once all images have dispatched a complete event. like make a universal loader for all the other "small loaders" if you understand.
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Oct 2, 2010
I am using actionscript 3. I can load an image in a class but how do Iload a number of images eg 4 images that animate.?These 4 images are a walking sequnce of a character. I am unclear after googling an loading multi images in as3( just love google).
Loading a single image I load this into a loader Once loaded I load the image into a bitmap and add to a sprite I then add the spite to the stage Q)Now for 4 related images I load 4 loader or 4 sprites or 4 bitmaps or do every thing 4 times?I want to do collisions eventually and I need bitmaps but bitmaps seem useless to use other than collisions.Googling for answers isnt helping me clarify this!
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Jul 16, 2009
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Jan 23, 2007
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arrayrow = new Array()
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Apr 6, 2007
I have successfully dynamically loaded Jpegs into my flash document(using PHP), but then I have another small problem.When I dynamically load the image (example: image_icon_bluesky.jpg) I then need to tell the MC that is holding the loaded image that it needs to do this...
on (release) {
_root.image_bluesky.alpha = 100;
SO basically every time a new image is loaded in my sort of "loop" script. I need to tell the image that it needs to put specific code onto the MC using specific "image" details for that specific image.
I hope this is clear. Basically what I'm trying to do.On my flash stage I already have MC's that have their alpha properties set to "0". Lets say there are 3 images. One MC is called Blue, other is called Red and the last one is called Yellow.Now using AS + PHP I have dynamically loaded 3 Jpeg's .
and so on for each image....I have tried to explain this as well as I possibly can. I just wanna know if this is possible or if there is a simple way of doing it
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Nov 10, 2009
I needed to translate a SWF file, and used Sothink SWF Quicker to decompile the swf file.Now I want to re-compile it, with the changes made. How can I do that?When I try to "Publish" or "Export" the file with the same program, the new file is only with about 250 bytes, and the previous one had about 450 KB.
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Mar 16, 2011
I'm pretty new/bad at actionscript (3) for web. I have a site up for a client/friend [URL], but it takes FOREVER to load. I'm under the impression that a good way to make the site load faster is to load in swf's externally. Right now, the site, in its entirety, is one big movieclip. I have large images (movieclips) for background images. If you look at the site and are kind enough to wait for it to load (aprox. 45 seconds or so) you will notice how the background image changes when you click to go to each section.
I am trying to find a way to load in the background as external .swf's to cut down on the initial load time. I'm also open to any other ideas. Below is the as3 code for my buttons/how they direct the site. I'm hoping to use a similar/generic style to load the background images. I'm hoping to load the movieclips underneath the rest of the site, and use the same naming scheme (e.g. homeBTN.swf) to keep it organized.
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Aug 4, 2007
I'm trying to make a preloader for a little flash project that involves re-assembling a load of rectangles to make up a pattern.Idea is that instead of the usual load bar i wanted to make use of this pattern that is relevant to the project and have it rebuild it self with these rectangles flying in from the side. So far I have got the tweening sorted using the tween class and staggered the 42 (yes took a little while, probably an easier way so let me know on that also) rectangles using 'setTimeout' so it releases each 100milliseconds after the one one before it. This probably the wrong way to do it but i wanted to check how it looked and this was the one way i knew how to do it.
I want to make it so that these rectangles fly in a complete the pattern once the loading has finished, but on a fast connection I don't want it to rush the animation but for a slow connection I obviously want it to adjust the release time and maybe even the travel speed to compensate.
I had an idea of maybe working out the percentage loaded divided by 42 and then run an if statement to see if that percentage for that segment had been reached before 100millseconds had passed, if 100 had passed then release the rectangle, if not then hold the rectangle until 100 m/s had passed. Not sure if that is the best way to do but that's why I'm looking for some suggestions from more experienced developers.
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.Regular;
// declare variables
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Dec 24, 2009
How I can make this script lo load mp3 files via an external xml file like music.xml and if is possible to load random
music = new Sound();
music.onSoundComplete = function() {
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Dec 8, 2009
I've got a Flex/as3 application that is embedded into my webapp. Currently we're embedding images into the swf and loading them like:
public var foo:Class;
There are two things I'm trying to accomplish. The first is the images in the swf are part of a pool of images that the whole web app uses. Currently i have 2 sets of images, one set are images that the rest of my app uses, and the other are duplicates that are used by the swf.
The reason for that is build related (ideally, we could fix this, but fixing the build process is something bigger than i want to tackle at this point in time) I have a ton of images to load up and instead of having a giant ugly if/else block, i was hoping to make a naming convention for the icons, so i could just build a string at runtime and use that to load an image. Is there a way to look up embedded images via a path, or image name? It seems that images/foo.png is floating somewhere around in the swf. Can i get to it without using foo?
myImage:Image = someMagicalFunction(foo.png);
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Jun 13, 2009
Im currently making a flash website. and trying to make it as light as decided to load images dynamically.Im using UILoaders.I drag the UILoader from components into the main timeline and set the source as 1.jpg, because the image is in the same folder as the .fla file.and scale - false
Tested the movie but nothing shows up. i guess i need some coding? but i dont know where to add the codes. on the same frame? or in frame 1? i also need the image to fade-in.the end result im looking for is, as i click a button. 3 images show up at the same time, fading in.
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Jan 21, 2010
I have about 20 images. And on click I need the images to load in to a MC. I've used this script to each frame. (shown are example scripts are placed in two frames.
1. The stop command dosen't seem to function. It keeps on restarting.
2. Getting an error "1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild through a reference with static type flash.display:Shape."
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Feb 24, 2010
I have some AS2 code which loads up the images via an xml file. I have been asked to eliminate XML entirely and have images be loaded from with in the library. Aside from images, there are other xml nodes such as:image_name, image_description and such.What would be the best way going about eliminating the XML and getting the code to load images and other related info from the library.
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Jul 7, 2011
I am building an application built by external action script 3.0 files only. I want to load 5 images on a UILoader using the data providers of a combobox, both located in the library.[code]...
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