way to make a preloader begin at 10, and countdown to 0? - kinda like the oldschool reels in film would do. here's the code I'm using that displays loading beginning at 0, and ending at 10. Essentially I just want to reverse this.
I am having trouble getting my preloader to fill from bottom-to-top instead of top-to-bottom. I moved my registration points to the bottom left on the symbol like suggested in a previous thread and it didn't help.[code]
Im trying to design a countdown timer, with the ability to set the countdown time through buttons.I would like to have the dynamic text field to display the countdown numbers in HH:MM:SS format.I would also love to have a 30 minute button, and a 15 minute button which generates the time in the text field.Then a start and stop button to begin or end the countdown sequence.
So I have this mc: this.slidingMenu it's a mc of a ring shaped menu, which turn around when 2 button get clicked. When the button on the right, mc goes forward until stop(), when the button on the left mc goes reverse until the stop(). In the first case i use gotoanplay, and everything goes fine. For the second I use prevFrame, like this:
I have a countdown to a specific date. Mine is 31st of december 2009. But I want a number related to the countdown. So it starts with lets say 8000.Now I have the number related to the amount of days. 62 is 8000, 61 is 7500, 60 is 7000... etc. When you enter the page it checks the countdown date and relates a starting number, every 3 sec. the number goes decreases. I want to add an action to every countdown. I know there must be a better way of coding this...
The best would be that the number decreases realtime, so everytime you go to the page number changes... Does anybody know a good way of doing this or provide a related tutorial link ? I really tried to find an example, but every countdown tutorial is related to time only....
Code: onEnterFrame = function() { var today:Date = new Date(); var currentYear = today.getFullYear();
how to make text acting as a preloader so that its color changes as preloader percentage. i dont mean how to apply the math, i mean how to mask it or whatever action to achieve that effect?
like for example imagine the red is constantly growing to the right letter by letter (actually pixel by pixel:
I just started working on a preloader screen that includes a preloader mask over a logo and a percentage dynamic text. I can get either or to work but not both at the same time. I notice that if I remove stop(); I can get the percentage to work but not the preloader image. With the stop(); embedded the image preloader works but the percentage doesn't.
I want to make a preloader for flash mx 2004 that when it finish becomes to decrement another time. I would like to do it to modify the flash preloader component.
i tried the tutorial that teaches you how to create a preloader....i followed the instructions and it still doesnt work! what's wrg?[code]on my first frame actions....i put the "gotoAndPlay (36)" cause i tried a previous preloader that took more than 1 frame and didnt want to change my button's "goTo" frames...but i figured it wont change anything..anyways, i put that line of code as my first frame action....by double clicking the timeline..then i create a symbol for that frame 1 and created an animation.
In a game I'm working on, I'm using the ColorTransform class to the turn the 'enemies' red as they fall off the screen after they've been hit by one of the player's 'missles' with the following [code]...
Can I somehow undo the ColorTransform to an enemy once it has been applied, or does he have to stay monochromatic thereafter?
I use this code i found on this forum. i want to control an MC to act like a buttopn, on roll over it plays the movieclip forward, on Rollout it plays the movieclip backwards.
This script works ok, but on when reversing it feels slow and often it doesent reverse to the start of frame 1 in the MC.... It is very sensitive to quick mouse over and out. The quirky reverse is possible because i use prevFrame...is there another thing i can use?
Basically I have just created an animated button using frame labels, and was wondering if there is any way to reverse the timeline.
Currently my code looks like this:
Code: btnHome.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, btnHomeOn); btnHome.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, btnHomeOff); function btnHomeOn(event:MouseEvent):void {
The way it's coded here, if the user removes the mouse from the above the button the timeline continues from homeOff.What I want is for the timeline to reverse from its current position instead of just playing forwards from a fixed point.
I have a quick question for any flash smartypantses out there....I'm looking for the most efficient way to do this weird thing...
I'm trying to create 6 menu buttons (all text) that when you click one, a submenu drops down (more lines of text - that fade in individually).
What I'm having trouble with is figuring out how to get this submenu to "close back up" (animation) when someone clicks one of the other main menus (Colors or Locations, in this example.)
How can I get it to perform this animation BEFORE it navigates to the next menu section?
is it possible to play a movie clip (or simply, main timeline) in reverse order e.g. suppose, there is a movie clip, few frames in that, of course it will play from first frame to end frame, and also, i want them to play from end frame to first frame.
I apologize for being a newbie. I have been trying to figure out how to reverse an EKG movieclip to go from right to left instead of the direction it is currently moving:
how I reverse through frames.I can certanly have a loop that calls prevframe.But, what I want is to know when I have reached a certain frame.The only way I can think of how to do this is to know the exact number of frames, and then use a loop that loops the exact number of frames I need.
Its been a while since I last posted but I was hoping someone would be able to help me asap. I am so nearly there but something is not quite right. I have alot of faith in this forum so I'm hoping someone out there can help! Here we go:
I have various movie clips within movie clips, these all work fine. Within one of the MC's, i have a button with instance name "left" and one called "right". These are used to cycle through my work (this is for my portfolio). The right button works fine, just plays the timeline of the MC using frame labels. I built my site last year but its going through a complete overhaul on the structure and coding side cos quite simply, its a mess Last year, i placed this code ON the "left" button itself:
how can i reverse the frames.what i mean is if for example u have a motion tween of a circle sliding to the right.what should i write in the last frame of the motion tween so the circle will go back..._current frame--?
been looking for a countdown timer for a prank im tryin to pull :P. i just want a certain time to countdown and then do watever. i have made a dynamic text box but dno the coding for it.
I am trying to create a count down timer in as3 that will accept how many minutes passed to it for example one part of the swf I have to make a 30 minute countdown timer...on the other part, I have to 0 out the timer and start a 35 min timer.
I have a game that causes you to lose if you don't complete a task in a certain amount of time.I want is for the timer to cause the player to be sent to a lose frame.Im using AS2 in Flash CS5
i want to create 2 differnt countdown. i have tried so many scripts and variations allready but failed.1st one is a 10.00 minutes countdown that goes down very fast and ends whithin 12 seconds. 2nd is a simple 100-0 countdown in 12 seconds as well. they start and end at same frames.i want to make them both in as3.0 and then place them in an existing fla.
how to create a countdown timer using AS2. It works great but now I need to add more actionscript. Our company is releasing a brand launch in Chicago (CST) so I want the countdown timer to be the same for everyone's computer, even if they are in NY for example. I did a trace for the offset and it returned -6hr (360min). How do I add the offset. I looked everywhere but I could not find it. I want to grab the time from the user's computer and then add the getTimezoneOffset and subtract -6hr or 360min right?
Also, I just thought of this - when the clock hits 0 or a negative value... I want to tell my flash piece to go to the next frame so they don't see the clock counting backwards. :)
this.onEnterFrame = function() { var today:Date = new Date(); trace(today.getTimezoneOffset()); var currentYear = today.getFullYear();