ActionScript 3.0 :: Randomly Show Bitmap Every Second?
May 30, 2011
I'm doing an AIR/FLASH PROJECTOR random bitmap application. The bitmaps(pictures) are stored in a server. In my application, there are 1 button 'ROLL', which will toggle the randomly picking of butmap and show them out.
Q1:Currently, I'm able to retrieve the picture from server when I clicked the 'ROLL' button and show it on flash stage, but how do I set a limit to stop the same bitmap from showing up again and again on my next roll? (it should only show up 1 time)
Q2:The other issue that I dont know how to create an animation every 0.5second, changing the picture to another picture (trying to show the thrilling feeling).For example, when I clicked the ROLL button, the application will randomly pick 1 picture and some other pictures to do a simple animation. The picture will keep changing at an interval of 0.1seconds or so, and will slow down to interval of 0.2seconds, and slow down again and again. Finally, after doing that animation for like 5seconds or so, the "randomly picked picture" will show up. And this randomly picked picture will not show up again at the next roll.
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var original_bitmap: Bitmap;
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import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.Bitmap;[code]......
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var bData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(myObject.width,myObject.height);
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Jun 10, 2011
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What I want is show the contents of the .ppt in this manner(it would be better if it support the animations in the ppt)?
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Apr 27, 2006
I have one MC that he has an gray color, when I compel it, it is gray, everything is fine so far. I had to create one param in the HTML pra to be able to change at any time of the MC color ex:"meuFlash.swf?&cf1=ff3300>...", any time that I change this MC color , my MC change too. I create this. [AS]new Color (fundo_mc.fundos_mc).setRGB (parseInt (cf1, 16));[/AS] My problem is the following one, when I speak in the HTML that I do not want to use this color "ff3300", I only want to use "meuFlash.swf?...", mine MC are all black, it are not of the gray color that I already had left, I do not know because it is all black.
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Jan 27, 2009
URL...that has videos in the work section (click work, then the tv icon or the radio icon at the bottom of the page) that will randomly not load.THe weird thing is that the files have never moved, and yet, the same computer on the same ISP using the same browser that could view the videos 2 days prior, suddenly cannot.I'm also having an issue where the flash won't even load on startup randomly.This had happened one time in the past, and I took the page from a test area of the site and put it live, and it solved the problem. So my last ditch plan z is to make a mirror to link to in case the videos aren't loading for a user.
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Aug 8, 2009
I have a movie clip divided into three scetions. The first section starts on frame 6, the next on frame 11 and the last on frame 16. Is there a way to get flash to choose randomly between only those frames (6,11,16)and not the frames in between(1-5,7-10,12-15)?
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Jul 20, 2010
I'm trying to place my mc's at a different position each time the game starts but within a certain area. I've used random before...
...but I want it to be randomly between the coords
_x 150 and 450
_y 250 and 350
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Aug 18, 2010
I need to call external SWF's so they randomly appear within my main SWF. When one ends, the next will start and so on. I searched the forum and found a thread with the code below and have run in to an issue.
Each of the external clips is set up exactly the same... same length, same tweens, etc.
The code below is sitting the first frame, on the top layer within my main SWF:
randomClips = new Array ("Journey.swf", "Doobies.swf", "LedZep1.swf", "PinkFloyd1.swf", "Stones.swf");
function randomBackground() {
The main movie is one frame long and has three layers. The top layer has the Action Script (above), the bottom layer has my background image, and the middle layer holds the empty movie clip named mtClip
When loaded to the server, the movie plays and one of the external SWF's will load. When it ends, I need one of the other SWF's to load. What happens is that rather than randomly playing one of the other SWF's, it repeats the original external SWF. If I refresh the main SWF, it randomly selects one of the external SWF's and it will constantly repeat.
The external SWF's have no Action Script. I tried it with putting a Stop on the last frame, but that didn't help.
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Mar 22, 2012
I've 3 movieclip on stage which is mc1,mc2,mc3at first they are alpha=0What I want is when i click on revealBtn, 1 of them will show up as alpha=1.But with my code below, sometimes I need to click about 5 times or more only can make all those mc show up.Is there any solution for what I wanted? I've try splice but it's still not working well.
var mcArray:Array = [mc1,mc2,mc3];
for (var j:int = 0; j < mcArray.length; j++)
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Code: Select allfunction startGame(){
I gues you see this is for a card game (hearts).If I want to mix the cards I have to mix the array...
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