ActionScript 3.0 :: Render Bitmapdata / MovieClip On Text

Jan 21, 2011

I got a requirement to render movieClip on text.URL...I need to replicate the beeded text part.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: BitmapData - Render All MovieClips From Loop

Jul 5, 2009

I realized that you cannot make duplicates of movieclips that have loaded images, so here I am with bitmapData to solve the trick but I cannot get it to render all the movie clips from the loop.

ActionScript Code:
XMLParser.load("resources/images/file.xml", onFinish, null, false, true);
function onFinish($success:Boolean, $parsedObject:Object, $xml:XML) {
var Items:Array = $parsedObject.item;
for (var i:Number = 0; i <= nTotalItems; i++) {
[Code] .....

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex: Render An Unrealized UIComponent To BitmapData?

Aug 21, 2009

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Low-level Code Required To Render Texture (BitmapData) To Stage3D In 2D Space?

Oct 13, 2011

I've looked at the following website for some information on writing AGAL to render Textures / Bitmaps to the Stage3D object: url...But it seems to cover more about how to create objects in 3D space. Maybe it can't be avoided?What would be the bare-bone necessary AGAL code & AS3 code to write to render multiple sprites to the Stage3D?No Filters, Effects or Shaders required - just position, scale and rotation transformations. Also, I'm not looking for existing 3rd party APIs that do this under the hood. I would like to experiment this low-level language myself.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Render Text As HTML Dynamic Text?

Feb 3, 2010

1. I added a text box to my frame, set it to Dynamic Text, then clicked "Render Text as HTML".

2. If I type <div>Test</div> into the text box and hit Ctrl-Enter, it displays the text "<div>Test</div>"

3. Same thing if I enter <a href="#">Test</a>

The text is not rendered as HTML...

Tried importing an XML into the Dynamic Text box: same results. Tried HTMLEncoding the values as <div> and it says <div>.

Perhaps the "Render Text as HTML" means HTMLencoding. Anyone know how to set it to "render the HTML tags"?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Re-render A MovieClip?

Jun 3, 2010

I create a backGround MovieClip object and assign to it a MovieClip from my library.I use addChild to add it to the display list.This is the background for my movie.At some point later on, I want to change that background.If I simply assign a different MovieClip to backGround, nothing changes when I run the movie.I thought there was some method I could invoke that would re-render the backGround MovieClip, but I can't find anything.

I can simply add it again, but that seems like a waste of memory.I've done a removeChild, updated backGround, then addChild'ed it again, but that seems a little klunky.Isn't there some way to update backGround in place without having to remove it and re-add it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Render Several Tables Into A Movieclip?

Apr 13, 2011

I am using a html parser [URL].. to render several tables into a movieclip.My problem is: as it takes some time to render, the only one actually being added to the movieclip is the last one. I would use a timer, but that means I would need to call a function, and I am using a "for" loop to build the movielips. Is there a way to say "wait for x seconds before continuing processing" in ActionScript3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Render A Movieclip Into A Bitmap

Sep 30, 2010

I want to render a movieclip into a bitmap, and then chop the bitmap up into pieces (a grid). Ultimately I want this to result in an explosion but right now I'm working through the code that creates the grid of bitmaps. The test movieclip I created is a square with some straight lines and swirly colors, in order to make it really obvious whether I'm rendering the bitmaps accurately. I'm working just in the Flash IDE, and my movieclip (mc) is in the Library.


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Render Text As HTML?

Jun 8, 2009

Has anyone else had trouble with the Render Text As HTML function in CS4? I want to use two different fonts in the one textfield. Looks fine in Flash but when I export the swf, only the first font is used.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: SimpleZSorter - Render Movieclip Inside The Flash Ide

Apr 5, 2009

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Actionscript :: MovieClip Replacement That Converts An Existing Imported MovieClip To A Sequence Of BitmapData

Jun 22, 2011

I've written a simple MovieClip replacement that converts an existing imported MovieClip to a sequence of BitmapData. This removes the requirement for Flash to render vector data in the MovieClip on each frame.

But BitmapData has a huge memory footprint. I've tried converting the BitmapData to a ByteArray and using the compress() method. This results in a significantly smaller memory footprint. But it has proven impractical. For each redraw, I tried uncompressing()'ing the ByteArray, then using SetPixels to blit the data to the screen, then re-compressing() the frame. This works but is terribly slow.

So I was wondering if anybody else has an approach I could try. In Flash, is it possible to compress bitmap data in memory and quickly blit it to the screen?

I wonder how native animated GIFs work in Flash. Does it uncompress them to BitmapData behind the scenes, or is frame decompression done on the fly?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS4 Render Text As HTML?

Feb 4, 2009

Has anyone else had problems getting the "render text as HTML" button to actually produce that result? I've just got a blank fla with a simple, multiline, dynamic text area with the "render text as HTML" button pushed but simple tags(<b>,<i>,<p>) just show up as characters instead of formatting.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Text Vs Html Render?

Sep 24, 2008

I had this line in my file before loading the XML file : XML.ignoreWhitespace = true; Even if this parameter is set, when I take the node and push it in the html textfield, all HTML is parse, I mean bold, italic, etc.., but It keep all tabulation space of my XML file

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CS3 Dynamic Text Box Won't Render Simple HTML

Sep 11, 2009

I've done this dozens of time before but for some reason any new dynamic text boxes I make will not properly render the HTML in them even with the HTML control turned on.

I'm using CS3 with Actionscript 3, targeting player 9. I've tried AS 2, and different players all to no avail. I've tried embedding fonts, and not embedding fonts with no change in behavior noticed. I do want to use AS 3 (and wrote a bunch of code for it in a different file already), but even in a new empty file I'm still seeing this behavior.

I've made a real simple (one line!) file with a text box to demonstrate.

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FlashBuilder 4.5 :: Render Text Without Lifecycle For Upsampling

Sep 8, 2011

I need to find a way to "upsample" text from 72dpi (screen) to 300dpi (print) for rendered client generated text. This is a true WYSIWYG application and we're expecting a ton of traffic so client side rendering is a requirement. Our application has several fonts, font sizes, colors, alignments the user can modify in a textarea. The question is how to convert 72dpi to 300dpi. We have the editior complete, we just need to make 300dpi versions of the textarea.

1) Get textarea and increase the height, width, and font size by 300/72. (if ints are needed on font size I may need to increase the font then down-sample to the height/width)

2) use BitmapUtil.getSnapshot on the textarea to get a rendered version of the text.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Render Textbox Text As Html

Aug 25, 2003

i have an mc with a textbox which i'm loading with data from an external text file. the box is set to 'render as html' but the tags in the text file are being ignored.

(i've tried everything i can think of, including starting from scratch several times...)

is there something that i'm missing, or is flash just playing up?

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IDE :: How To Get Text Render Fonts In Bold Or Italics

May 7, 2009

I've seen this a few times and I've tried all the "fixes" but I'm still missing something here. I have "[CDATA[" tags and render as HTML turned on. My AS has HTML "true" and childNodes. However I still can't get my text to render fonts in either BOLD or italic. [URL].

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Movement Triggered By Socket Event - Screen Render?

May 11, 2009

I have a flash project that's implementing a simple two player game. I have added an enterFrame function to my main movie which listens for keyboard activity in order to move a cowboy gunslinger. Whenever the cowboy moves, I send a message over a socket to a server which dispatches the movement to the other connected client. This works pretty well, however, the movement messages tend to arrive in clumps which results in jumpy animation of my cowboy on my opponents screen and jumpy animation of his cowboy on my screen. To illustrate, i put a trace in my enterFrame function because I am imagining that this function will run roughly once each time my main movie renders the screen. I also put a trace statement in my function that responds to network traffic and moves the remote player's cowboy on my screen.

Here's the output:
enter frame:4
enter frame:4
enter frame:4
client movePlayer running
client movePlayer running
client movePlayer running
[Code] .....

As you can see, I'll get several messages in a row from the remote client which instruct me to move their cowboy ('client MovePlayer running') and they will all run in a row before the screen updates. I'm guessing I should be using something like updateAfterEvent but this method is only provided by Mouse, Timer, and Keyboard events.

So a few questions:
1) Can someone recommend a good approach to force a screen render each time an incoming movePlayer event arrives over the socket? It's important to note that my function for handling these events has no visibility to the original socket data event.
2) Am I right in understanding that the enterFrame function of my main movie happens once each time my movie is rendered? Is there some more accurate event to which I could attach a trace message so that I better understand the relative frequency of the render events and the socket events?
3) Does firing an updateAfterEvent call force onEnterFrame events to happen more frequently? I'm worried about destroying performance by inadvertently firing more enterFrames which would fire more socket events which would fire more enterFrames, etc., etc.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Import HTML File As Text (Not To Render)

May 18, 2010

I want to import a remote html page in flash. I do not want it for rendering text as html, just the sourcecode for a page. A sort of editor for html files. When I load it, some data is missing and other strange things happen probably due to '&' in the sourcecode. Example file to load: [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text Render Using Glowfilter And Antialiasing For Readability?

Oct 9, 2010

when I add a dark glow to some text using 'Glowfilter', the text is set to use antialias for readability.When I preview my flash file the text renders incorrectly - the last few pixels on the right hand side of the block of text are missing. i.e. if I use the text 'word' then the vertical line on the right of the 'd' character doesn't render.If I change the antialias setting on the text to use device font or antialias for animation the problem doesn't happen.

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Flex :: Get Anytihng From SQLite To Render - Display Any Data - Even Text?

Aug 5, 2011

I am trying to get anytihng from my SQLite to render in Flex, and I can't figure out how to display any data, even text, in Flex. What am I doing wrong?


I've tried a number of different components, and I can't seem to get the data to bind properly (although this code finally doesn't have the dreaded "Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to... " message, or the other dreaded "Property undefined" message).

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Flash :: Batch-render Banners With Differing Image And Text?

Aug 23, 2011

For a current project I need to create 25 versions of 5 different banner sizes. By version, I mean having slightly different content, namely: a different image and different text somewhere in the banner.

Let's, for this question, suppose I'll make sure somehow that said images and texts will all fit fine in the design for that particular size, so that I could create some sort of template per size, with some sort of placeholders for them. What is an efficient method, if any, to automate the rendering of these differing versions per size? Is it possible?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Change Whether Textboxes Render Text As Html?

Dec 28, 2005

I'm working on an interface with an option to enter html code, and then click a button to render what's in the text box as html, and if needed convert it back to plain text to edit the html code again.I know you can change whether text boxes render their contents as html using text.html = true/false but it doesn't do it if the text box contains anything and setting the contents to "" before changing it doesn't seem to work either. Does this make any sense? If so does anyone know how I can do it?

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IDE :: Dynamic Bold Text Seems To Render While Omitting Character Spaces

Oct 19, 2009

Just to give you a little background, I am using CS4 and AS3, publishing to FP9. I am embedding fonts dynamically at runtime and there seems to be an issue with my dynamic 'html' text field when I have <b> tags within the CDATA.

In some cases, Flash seems to be rendering the bold text too close to the preceding character. Sometimes, even overlapping the preceding character. For the most part, this appears to be happening when the bold text appears at the end of the line before the text is wrapped.

I will note that, any text in the xml file wrapped in <b></b> tags is actually appearing bold, so I don't think it has anything to do with font embedding. In case it does, here is how I am embedding the font groups:

// Semi Bold
[Embed(source="/fonts/Anvers/AnversSemiBold.otf", fontName="AnversSemiBold", fontWeight="normal", fontStyle="regular", advancedAntiAliasing="true", mimeType="application/x-font")]
public static const ANVERS_SEMI_BOLD:Class;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: BitmapData Cuts Off MovieClip

Aug 11, 2009

I'm having this annoying proble with BitmapData. I try to turn a movieclip into a bitmap, but there is always white space to the right and bottom. At the top and left, it is obvious that part of the movieclip was cut off. However, the width and height of the bitmap are correct. In other words, white space takes up where the rest of my movieclip should go. About 30% of the bitmap is white.I have a method that creates a grid based on an array. The Wall class extends MovieClip. Each wall is a 70 x 70 movie clip that looks like a stone (its x and y are established within the class itself).[code]I have messed around with changing the registration using a class I found online, but it didn't fix anything. In fact, changing the registration made no difference. Also, I have called addChild(walls), and everything is displayed correctly. But for performance reasons, I need to make it a bitmap.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: MovieClip Pixel Manipulation With BitmapData

Jan 30, 2010

I have a MovieClip in the library exported for actionscript. How do i convert or attachMovie it to a BitmapData class so that i can manipulate its pixel data? I will need that so that i can distort the MovieClip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using BitmapData To Screenshot A Movieclip - Set The X And Y Position?

Sep 20, 2009

I am trying to snapshot a movieclip at X and Y by WIDTH and HEIGHT. All is fine, it snapshots fine and gets the width and height, but I can't adjust the x and y position for it to begin the snapshot at. I tried using a Matrix and its Matrix.translate() method, I tried moving the scroll beneath the draw method line. I don't understand how to get this thing to move.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: BitmapData.draw() And Embedded MovieClip?

Jan 26, 2011

I know half of the problem:the embedded movieclip is "content" of a Loader, and you can not draw Loaders directly with bitmapData.draw(aLoader);with a normal Loader, you could access the Loader.content and draw it but not in the embedded case.adobe forums could not give an answer to this and i searched for hours through the web ...

private static var AMovieClip:Class;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Extract Bitmap Or BitmapData From MovieClip?

Jun 28, 2007

I've been looking for a solution for hours now. I have a movieclip which contains an image. Created by doing: put image on stage, convert to symbol, movieclip type, ok.I'd like to extract this bitmap because I want to use (somewhere else): graphics.begintBitmapFill(); but this method needs a BitmapData object and not a movieclip to create a repeating background (in my case).

So: how do I extract the Bitmap or the Bitmap data from a MovieClip?mind that attaching BitmapData as a base class to this symbol is NOT AN OPTION

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Copy A MovieClip With Filters And Alpha To Bitmapdata?

Jan 19, 2011

I have a movieclip with an image that has transparency and filters applied to the movieclip.I know I can use "draw" to copy the movieclip to a bitmapdata object, but it doesn't seem to copy the filters and the transparency of the image. How can I copy these so the bitmapdata matches the original movieclip in appearance?

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