ActionScript 3.0 :: Restricting Click Area On VCR Timeline?
Feb 1, 2009
I'm working on an interface for our online courses using Flash 8/AS3. I have a little scrubber bar timeline, and I have the player head moving correctly, it's draggable, and works fine. I want to be able to click anywhere on the timeline and have the player head jump there. It works, but what's happening is that no matter where I click on the flash stage, whether I am over the timeline or not, it jumps to that time. The other problem is that if I click to the right of the timeline, it jumps back to the beginning. I had this all working in AS2, but AS3 is new to me.Here is the code for the timeline:
My problem is that my final .swf is embedded onto an html page and stretches for the entire width of the users screen. This means that if they have a particularly high resolution, the width of the .swf file stretches significantly beyond the initial stage settings. I'm okay with this, as I really need the .swf to fill the width of the screen.
However, it means that the cursor is able to be pointed more than 100% left or right of the stage, causing the panning image to move further left or right than it should.
What I need to know is how to get around this. I'm assuming I could set a boundary at the left and right of the stage where the code wouldn't be active?
I would like to first add the xml to my flash. Fine I can do this.But I have a number of buttons, where when I click say CW1, i get the information from the XML file with a node of CW1. I have all the xml set up fine.As I have about eight different postcode types.
ST, CW, CH, TF, WV, WS, DE, SK, SY, and each of these may have numbers that follow, i.e ST1, ST2, ST3 and so forth.
So I can only assume that the postal area could be the main nodes, and the numbers inside the child nodes, am I right thus far.o how can i load the area of the xml file into my text area on mouse click, pulling the information relating.
I have a loaded swf slide show, within that slideshow, I have assigned "next" and "prev" buttons to advance and back up my slide shows via frame labels ("oneIn") for instance... here is an example:
btn_next.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, nextClick); function nextClick (e:MouseEvent):void{ this.gotoAndPlay ("twoIn");}
I would like this function to run when I click a hit state on the main timeline above it. So, how would I trigger the above function from a click on the hit state on the main timeline?
I am importing some graphics on the fly, and want to be ableto drag them around the stage, which all works great. My issue isthat if I add a large element, like a border around the edge of thestage, this covers up all the other items so that clicking on themis not possible. I can see them, but when I click, the large itemgets the event, even though visually, it is transparent. There arethings I could do if I was doing all the development of thegraphics in the IDE, but these items load at runtime, so it has towork with bitmap
I am not able to disable mouse click on a certain part of my screen. I m workin flex 3. There is a canvas on my page. I want that users click action can only be recognized over that canvas only and not anywhere else.
I initialized the variables, the TABBING thing doesn�t work and when I select something from the combo box, seams that the focus doesnt move to the next are even if I click on it, I need to click 2 times on the next text area to move the focus.HERE is the code that i am using...
var a_1 =""; //text areas inputvar a_2 =""; //text areas inputvar a_4 =""; //text areas inputvar a_6 =""; //text areas input var cb_slang:Object = new Object(); //combo boxm_s_lang.addEventListener("change", cb_slang);cb_slang.change = function(){ m_g_slang = m_s_lang.value;}var cb_stype:Object = new Object(); //combo boxm_s_type.addEventListener("change", cb_stype);cb_stype.change = function(){ m_g_stype = m_s_type.value;}
I have objects that the user can click&drag. They're PNGs, mainly rectangular, no problem till here.But I then had to put an L-shaped object (a PNG with a lot of transparency), so i've made a movieclip with an shape with the same L shape than the png, and use it as its hitArea:
This works PERFECT, the mouse events respond as expected, and I can click on objects that are below/above the transparent area of the png/object.All objects are inside a Sprite called playgroundLayer1. The issue comes when I take the L-shaped object and put it on another Sprite (playgroundLayer2), that is above the playgroundLayer1.I this case, I can click&drag on the L, but no object below the transparent area of the L receives mouse events.
I was certain that this type of problem would have been previously discussed here or in a tutorial. I have looked quite a bit and could not find anything that puts all the pieces of my puzzle together.As the movie is playing (looping), I would like the movie to stop at the current frame whenever I click and hold the mouse down within the area of the container. Furthermore, I would like to be able to scrub the movie backward if I drag my mouse to the left within the container and as I reach the left end of the container, the movie is at the first frame. And similarly, I would like to scrub forward if I drag to the right within the container and as I reach the right end of the container, the movie is at the last frame. On top of this daunting task, I would like the movie to resume playing from wherever I have released the mouse.
Here is a file that I have started and I am pretty much at a loss as to where to go now. I know it has something to do with where the mouse is relative to either side of the container, does one get it to work?Basically, I would like to emulate the functionality of the QuickTime Player - the one where you can grab the slider and drag it left or right to scrub in either direction and then upon release of the slider it resumes playing.I do not understand the media components in MX 2004, maybe this type of thing is "easy" to program in to one of those modules?
I have create a game and added keydown event on Stage but but problem is user need to click on stage then it start capturing keydown event. I want that when game window open after that user don't need to click on flash stage area for unable keydown event..
I have used the actions panel to write a stop code on frame one of my timeline.When I test my movie it stays on the home page, which is good! I have also created an 'enter site' button on the home page. I want to click this button and have the timeline start rolling over to frame 50 (where my next label 'contents' will be). At frame 50 I want it to stop, and so on for all of my labels/pages. The action taking place on the timeline is a pan across a panoramic photograph, which will stop at different points.
my first post one here so i hope someone can be of assistance.I have been using actionscript 3.0 with no problems for a couple of months, but i suddenly encountered a problem that i can't get beyond now.when i click on 'actions' my timeline collapses. This happens whether from right clicking on my timeline or selecting it from the top menu.Since this has happened i can't find a way of bringing up the actionscript screen.
What I need to accomplish is advancing (playing) the timeline each time the same movieclip is clicked. It's basically an animation of a clock and each time the user clicks on the the clock face i would like to have the hands animate to a certain time. Everything will be set up with frame labels and stops on certain frames. I'm just not sure how to start this. instance name: clockface_btn
I want to create a movieClip Button with a script that, when I Click & Drag on it left to right, it will scrub through the timeline of another movieClip. The effect I'm going for is simular to scrubing slowly on a Quicktime Movie to see each frame of the video. Now I'm not talking about controlling an FLV or anything, I want to control the timeline of a movieClip that has been loaded onto the stage. Also, it's OK if I can only scrub forward and not backwards. This is for a flash website.
Okay, so I have used this many times before but I cannot figure out how to fix this. This is what happened. after i open up any type of document like an actionscript 3.0 document or anything, if i draw with the paint brush as soon as i let go of the mouse button the line disappears. If i go into the timeline and click on the frame it shows up again, but if i draw again it disappears and i have to click on the frame to see it.
I'm making some elearning courses and we are trying to combine semi-automation with the ability to place artwork and content on the timeline. Basically we have a series of small tasks -- read this, click this button, see the result, and so on. We have a "highlight" area component that indicates the area a user is to click. Currently that component dispatches and event from the instance when it is clicked and the main timeline is listening for the event and then moves them ahead to the next task when they have clicked properly.
So the following code: myClickAreaInstance.addEventListener("clicked",handleClick) And the handleClick function and removing the listener all has to be handled on the timeline. And for a given task there might be an intro animation and the click area component might not come in until the end. So where to put that code and how to automate it becomes tricky. So I first dug up AsBroadcaster and could use it sort of like Mouse or Key classes.
AsBroadcaster.initialize(ClickArea) ClickArea.addListener(this); function clicked(obj){ //handle click broadcast [Code] .....
Would it be better to us AsBroadcaster or EventDispatcher?
I have an image scrolling setup like in itunes, however I am unable to click on the images to play a frame in my timeline (i.e. I�m going to click on one of the revolving pictures, which change to another frame, enlarging a square on the page which contains information). So every image that is rotating enlarges a square at the bottom. What changes do I have to make in order to do this. Below is the action script:
i have a drop down menu am working on and each button tab (although they are not button instances !) when clicked opens up the "drop down" section which you can mouse over to choose another specific button etc - if you mouse out of that drop down area then it pulls back up to the original tab state .. what do i change to the code below to decrease the area that you mouse out of to make the drop down area pull back the moment it at least two inches on the screen below and to the right of boundaries of the drop down box before it pulls up - i want to it pull up as the mouse leaves the boundary box .... hope this makes sense .... there is some part of the actionscipt below that controls this but can work out which bit and how to change it !!! (am guessing the x mouse and y mouse bits - but how to change it ???)
public static function cloneDpObj(target:DisplayObject):Bitmap { var duplicate:Bitmap;
to clone target displayObject (MovieClip or Sprite) and return Bitmap Object.
It can get bitmap from the target object, but it seem don't get all the area of the image.
By give the width and height of target object, but the target object in design was applied by Glow Effect, so my question can we get the all view of bitmapdata from a displayobject?
I have a movie clip named circle_mc(see the image on the link below) and a mask object(movie clip) which determines visible area of the circle. User can change the portion which is visible (extend the red area and make it red+blue, gray area is invisible). I need to find proportion of visible area to invisible area (red+blue/gray) so that I can calculate angle.
I have a situation where my main SWF file loads many external SWF files. However, those external SWF files are just sitting in the public folder of the web server. Is it possible to restrict the SWF visibility to only my main SWF file (the one that loads the external SWFs). In the current state, any user who knows where to look can just type in the URL and get to the SWFs, not to mention rogue bots that don't follow robots.txt.The reason for this is very simple. Users user a username/password to log into the main Flash application and the main Flash application in turn loads the SWF files and ONLY then they are available to the user. Also, depending on who the logged in user is, some SWF files are restricted and not loaded.
My stage size if 300x300 and I have three movie clips each of size 100x100. So there will be three movie clips on the stage. Now my problem when I Click on one movie clip, the onMouseDown event handler of all the three movie clips are being executed. Is there any way for restricting the event handling to only that particular movie clip which was clicked by the user ..?
how do I make it so that the an object only follows your mouse between certain points? I have a square with the code startDrag("", true). Then I put an if then statement saying...
As we have in other languages like C, Java that once we define the length of an array we cannot assign any value to the array beyond it's length.[code]This kind of stuff is not possible in C and Java.However AS2.0 calmly accepts the value and increments the length of ii (array) from 3 to 5.Is there any means to restrict the array to accept only particular number of data.