IDE :: Restricting Cursor Area In Interactive Image Pan?
Mar 6, 2009
My problem is that my final .swf is embedded onto an html page and stretches for the entire width of the users screen. This means that if they have a particularly high resolution, the width of the .swf file stretches significantly beyond the initial stage settings. I'm okay with this, as I really need the .swf to fill the width of the screen.
However, it means that the cursor is able to be pointed more than 100% left or right of the stage, causing the panning image to move further left or right than it should.
What I need to know is how to get around this. I'm assuming I could set a boundary at the left and right of the stage where the code wouldn't be active?
I'm working on an interface for our online courses using Flash 8/AS3. I have a little scrubber bar timeline, and I have the player head moving correctly, it's draggable, and works fine. I want to be able to click anywhere on the timeline and have the player head jump there. It works, but what's happening is that no matter where I click on the flash stage, whether I am over the timeline or not, it jumps to that time. The other problem is that if I click to the right of the timeline, it jumps back to the beginning. I had this all working in AS2, but AS3 is new to me.Here is the code for the timeline:
I am using loadMovie to load an image that a user has uploaded. If I have the loadMovie target as a movie clip of size 300x300 and the user loads an image of size 600x600 it does not restrict and scale that image down to fit within the 300x300 box.
Is there anyway to restrict this? Like setting the properties of the uploaded image to fit within the movieclip?
Another issue is that I am using the following code to edit the size of the preview pane (according to a users input):
I have used the simple script below on several Flash animations to restart the movie by clicking on the last frame. It works fine, but does not show the interactive cursor (the pointing hand). How can I alter the code below so that the browser shows the hand when the visitor moves the cursor over the paused movie? stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){ gotoAndPlay(1); });
I'm currently implementing an 'interactive map', and I want the mouse cursor to change (from one to, two, to three arrows custom-made arrows), when the user 'mouses over' certain parts of the map. For example, there is currently 4 x3 grid on the map and when the user mouses over to each of the four corners, the cursor will change to three arrows (which have already been designed), and when the cursor mouses over the grid on the 8th grid on the right, the cursor will change to two arrows..... and so on.
I'm trying to create an interactive mouse that mimics the hand cursor you see in pdf files and other programs. There's two movieclips I want to use for the cursor. The open hand and the grab. I can get the cursor to work on the open hand, but can't get it to work when I press and want the open hand to change to the grab cursor. Here's my code:
what i want to happen is have images in a movie clip scroll up and down but i don't want to have to move the mouse to the top of the page to see the top image
what i want to happen is have images in a movie clip scroll up and down but i don't want to have to move the mouse to the top of the page to see the top image here is my code so far
I am using a movie clip with graphics as a cursor.
However, it appears that the actual 'hit' area of the movie clip is related to specifically the normal arrow cursor.
I would like to be able to define an area of the graphic, in this case it's a hand holding a billy club so I'd like just the tip of the billy club the 'hit area.'
I'm trying to make a movie clip follow my mouse. I have that working. But I want to designate a specific area where this the following of the cursor happens. Outside of this area the house would be visible and functional normally. startDrag("myMovieclip", true); Mouse.hide();
I have a flash cs3 file where I want a mask to move on the y axis (up and down) when the user is scrolling over the navigation area.
In my code, I have:
How do I limit the area where the mask will move, then make it return it back to it's original position when the user moves away from the specific area (in this case the navigation).
I'd like to be able to use a pencil image (custom cursor?) to draw in a defined area - its the 'ol pencil drawing a line idea on a pad. I don't know how to define the area? I've tried creating either a btn or mc instance called pad_mc & trying rollOver/Out which confines the pen but not the line. This is what I have so far, which works (ie it draws the line) but obviously it goes everywhere, not just over the mc of the pad.
I have a Flash interaction where I exchange the cursor for a hand holding a flashlite mc. The entire stage is black. The cursor drags a mask around that illuminates a small image in another mc on the stage that the user has to find (illuminate).2 problems
1. When the mouse is rolled outside the stage, the custom cursor is still visible.
2. When imported into Captivate 3, and I move outside the stage and over buttons for navigation, the cursor is no longer visible, for the rest of the Captivate movie.
Desired functionality:Custom cursor to be visible only when on the stage area and the normal cursor to be visible outside the stage area. The stage area is 400x330.[code]
I have a custom cursor in my Flash document. Now that it is all set up, I want to specify an area that it can be in and nowhere else. Basically, I want to keep it in my navigation area on the top of the stage and not be able to go below it to the rest of the stage.I don't know if it will help or not, but I have the following as my custom cursor code:[code]
I need to stop my cursor from moving on certain points on the stage. I'm using a magnifying glass effect but in the browser this only show the glass up to the stage so I need to stop it moving past those points. You can see what I mean if you move the magnify glass to the very left or right here:
I'm working on my personal portfolio site and desperately need help with some AS3. my knowledge about AS3 is very rudimentary. Hope anyone who's I want to change the pointer cursor to custom movieclip when mouseover different invisible buttons. These buttons are mainly forward & backward button for my gallery. I got some help from other site but still unsolved. Please take a look at my fla attachment to point out what's wrong with the coding. To elaborate a little bit more as what I wish to achieve you can take a look at the sample URL...I just need the pointer cursor to turn to custom mc when it mouseover the hit area of the respective buttons.
Is there a way to make the transparent area from an png image not to register when I add with a mouse event to that image? What is happening is the rectangle around the symbol is effected by the mouse event.
I am using a custom cursor for my flash app and when I have the cursor click button1 (menu_btn in the code) it goes to scene2 and when I click button2 (current_btn in the code) it goes back to scene1. The problem is that when I click on button2 it leaves an image of the cursor right there on the button. It doesn't happen on button1. It was suggested that I am calling "cursor = new Cursor();" and extra time, but I am not. The code is below.
I'm having a panel which shows an image and control bar with buttons in the form of thumbnail image of right mark. When a user clicks on the thumbnail of right mark I want to stick the thumbnail image of that right mark to the mouse pointer and when he clicks on the image, the thumbnail related image should be paste on the image. Same concept of drag and drop with click event.
I am building a flash based website and have a large rectangle mc that I am panning left to right that has buttons nested inside. I followed the kirupa tutorial called "interactive image panning" and everything seems to be working fine. My problem is this. I want this panned mc to be centered and framed by a black border that will also act as a mask hiding the ends of the rectangle that have not yet been panned to. When I add this black border the code thinks the stage dimensions are larger and the panning gets whacky. How can I contain this panned mc so it doesn't react to a change in the stage dimensions. it also does this when I open the published HTML in the browser. I basically want it to behave like the sample image on the first page of the "interactive image panning tutorial". There must be an easy solution.
I'm quite new in ActionScript (but I know the basics). Well anyway, I have a small problem. I'm doing this fake panorama to my site and I've used this Interactive Image Panning code I found here at Now I have added some buttons into it and by pressing those I would like the image to move to a specific position (with ease if it's possible) and stop. And by pressing another button the panning starts again. Is it possible to add to this code? (I have made some little modifications to the code. There is a mask area where the panning works and if your mouse is outside the area the panning doesn't work)
I've been looking for a Flash component/tutorial I can use to make an interactive map. Now I've found the tutorial Interactive Image Panning here at Kirupa.
In that tut you go with the mouse to the right, and the image floats to the left...but here's the problem/question: I also want to get the image float to the bottom/top, when the mouse goes to top/bottom...
I have successfully gone through and executed the Interactive Image Pan tutorial you have on here. However I am looking to add more of a sense of depth, so would like some images in the "foreground" to scroll by faster (than the background) as the cursor is moved.
To accomplish this I have made the foreground image cover a much bigger width than the background, as it makes sense to me that this would make it scroll faster, using the same code as the background.
So my question is what code do I need to add to the original code to make the foreground image scroll too? It's a MC called fg_mc. Here's the original code for quick reference:
I've got a scrolling thumbnail bar that I want to activate only when the cursor is above the thumbnail bar. At the moment it will also scroll if the cursor's away from the thumnails.How could I do this? I've tried using on rollOver but it's not continuous. The code at the moment is
Code: function scrolling() { _root.onEnterFrame = function() {