ActionScript 3.0 :: Select 2 Buttons In Same Time?

Jan 9, 2012

I'm trying to make a multiplication game, with

123456789 as buttons on the left side

123456789 as buttons on the right side

my goal is to select 4 on the left and 7 on the right, and in the middle to see the result 28. but I don't know how to make 2 buttons to stay selected

if I press 4 on the left, it gets selected properly, and the effects show OK but if I press 7 on right, then 4 deselects, and I'd like 4 and 7 to stand out as selected buttons in the same time

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link buttons to a new frame? Similar to this example here so a user can select a tab at the top of the screen and a new page for your time line loads.I know basics of Flash but not sure how to achieve this.I cant attach the file here as its too big .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Buttons To Select The Correct Answer?

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I have a simple game I am attempting to write. random movie clip (from the library) is displayed on the stage from an array of mc's  Here's the question. What my game will do, is allow the user to select one of two buttons (red and green) based on the movieclip that is displayed. One will yield a correct result and the other will yield an incorrect result.HOWEVER, depending on the movie clip displayed, sometimes the red button will yield the correct result and sometimes the green button will yield the correct result. I am having trouble figuring out the best logic in writing code to accomplish this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Radio Buttons, Select One?

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I have 5 radiobutton. They have all been grouped into the Groupname HR_value Each of the radio button have the names: hr1 , hr2 and so on.

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var temp
temp=1[temp].selected= true

.....this does unfortunately not work.

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ActionScript Code:
if (vars.options == undefined){[code]....

i know the x values are too small but they should still all appear on the stage right ?, only the final item in the array appears...i think i might be replacing the previous one with the new one.

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<mx:ViewStack id="viewstack1" width="95%" height="85%" x="0" y="63" >
<tables:KeyMetricsBasicTable basicArrayDataProvider="{basicArrayResult1}" width="100%" height="100%"/>
<tables:KeyMetricsAdvTable advArrayDataProvider="{advArrayResult1}" width="100%" height="100%"/>

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if(this.number <= currentItem){


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Buttons Work But Not All Time

Jan 7, 2010

I am new to Flash and am having an issue with a project I'm working on. I have buttons that are in frame 1-150. I wrote the code in frame 1, but expanded the box to frame 150 so they will work. However latter in the project I want to be able to gotoAndStop frame 150, but when I do the buttons no longer work. I changed it to gotoAndStop frame 1 and they work. Can you not link to buttons in the middle of the "timeline".

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Professional :: Buttons Only Work The First Time

Feb 22, 2011

I have set up my buttons so that are each a movieclip with 'over' and 'out' states/frame labels. They exist on the main timeline. The actionscript controlling them is situated in a frame on the main timeline and the frame holding that actionscript is on the same point within the main timeline where the buttons are introduced. I am using actionscript 3.

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[AS] on(rollOut){

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So, is there a way to have two buttons functioning with one on top of the other?

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[AS] on(rollOut){

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Buttons At Run-time

Apr 25, 2005

way to take the contents of an array, which is full of texttype, and use them to create a stack of buttons. Now the actual text I have in the array will change every time the program is run.

For example, let's say my array is ["apples","oranges","pears"] I want to create three buttons (in this example) so that it appears


and when you click on "apples", it takes you to the corresponding "apples" webpage ("_blank").

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button.enabled = false

will disable the button...I need to do this with about 10 buttons. Is there a way to disable ALL buttons in a more convenient way?I thought of looping i, button1, button2, button3..But my buttons are not named like this, and would not be suitable to do so!

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I've been working at this for hours and still no luck what I'm trying to create to have 8 buttons on one frame leading to different scene each. In the scene different things happen and then eventually it leads you back to the first scene without the pressed button there anymoreFirst I tried this:I've been try to do this for a while now and seem to be really stuckIn my movie I have 2 scenes in the first one there is a button that is flashing using tween and alpha. in this scene I'm using this code:

btn1.onPress = function()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Only Work The First Time (using Frame Labels)

Feb 23, 2012

I have 5 overlapping tab buttons and when each is clicked, it calls to a specific frame. The tabs are assigned to a specific frame so that when the timeline jumps to the assigned frame, the tab clicked appears on top of the other tabs. My code below works, but only once. If I click a tab and then try to click a previous tab, nothing happens.

FYI: My 5 tab names are: rotating_globe, company_tab_mc, newproducts_tab_mc, applications_tab_mc and tradeshows_tab_mc

There's also a 'back_home_btn' that appears on the stage when user is not clicked on the 'rotating_globe' tab (the 'rotating_globe' tab is my default home button)

rotating_globe.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, rotatingGlobeBtnHandler2);
company_tab_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, companyBtnHandler2);
newproducts_tab_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLI CK, newproductsBtnHandler2);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scroll One At A Time - Disable The Buttons Until It Has Scrolled 390?

Sep 15, 2005

I've set up a scroller that scrolls an MC up or down with two different buttons (up and down). When you press up, the MC rises 390 and when you press down, it lowers 390. The issue I'm having is that if you hit the button while it is scrolling, it screws up the scroller and scrolls off values. Here is the code that I'm using:

onClipEvent (load) {
_x = 0;
_y = 0;[code]....

change the code so it will disable the buttons until it has scrolled 390, or whatever value I set it at?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disable Buttons For A Length Of Time, Then Enable Them Again?

Sep 21, 2008

I'm using this script to go between sections with a fade out before loading the next section...

menuButton1.onRelease = function() {-code]..... which works great, playing the "out" fade-out before loading the next section, but if for example the fade-out takes 8secs, if someone presses one of the other buttons before its got to the end, it plays from the "out" label again. So if someone gets inpatient and just starts clicking away they will just keep looping the fade-out and nothing will load.

Is there a way to disable the buttons after pressing for long enough for the fade-out, but then become active again?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Buttons And Dropdown Menu - Roll Be Able To Select Anything From The Dropdown Menu?

May 7, 2009

I'm creating a webpage, and I have made some buttons.Image 1 is the homepage, which is frame 1 in Flash.Image 2 shows that when I rollover the button "Portfolio,"I get a dropdown menu.I have this set as frame 3 in Flash.Image 3 shows that I've gone down the dropdown menu and rolled over "Photography." But if I rollout of any of the things from the dropdown menu, it stays at Image 2 (Frame 3)with the dropdown menu visible. Which is a problem...I want to be able to rollout of these buttons to revert back to the homepage, Image 1 (Frame 1).But, for instance, telling "Graphic Design" to go to Frame 1 on rollout means that if I try to go below "Graphic Design" to "Photography," I've rolled out--and so the rest of the menu disappears.So I want to roll be able to select anything from the dropdown menu, and only rollout to Frame 1 if I go outside the entire dropdown menu, not just one button.

(134.5 K)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move Between The Color Buttons, Second Time Code Does Not Work?

Jan 25, 2007

My film works ok. But if you move between the color buttons, the first time they react ok, just like i want, but the second time they get a life o they're own, driving me crazy... what am i doing worng? why doesn't the code do what it should?

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IDE :: Make The Movieclips That Act As Buttons Play Certain Frame On Time Line?

Feb 24, 2009

URL...My question is how can i make the movieclips that act as buttons play a certain frame on my time line? ....i don't know where or what to insert.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have Buttons Pop Up In Random Locations On The Stage And Vanish After A Set Amount Of Time?

Apr 11, 2010

Is there a way to have buttons pop up in random locations on the stage and vanish after a set amount of time? I'm a total noob at Actionscript.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Controls - Stop At Every 5 Frames Each Time One Of The Buttons Is Clicked

Jun 28, 2010

i want to control a movie clip with two buttons, one backwards and one forwards, the movie is 25 frames long and needs to stop at every 5 frames each time one of the buttons is clicked. Below is some code i have been trying to get to work


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