ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Vertical Plane Shooter - HitTestObject

Dec 6, 2009

I've been trying to work on this simple vertical plane shooter. I got as far as creating everything and am now on the step to check if my bullet hits an enemy plane or an enemy bullet hits my plane. Because the enemy planes are created dynamically, I am trying to counter that with assigning then names when created so that the bullet knows what to look for. My approach for this might be somewhat wrong though. As for the enemy bullet hitting my plane, I just tell it to look for the instance of the plane already on the stage. Both result in the same error of undefined(the object can't be found).

Here is the code for both bullet collisions and the code for creating enemies.
ActionScript Code:
public function enemyHit(e:Event):void {
//declare i
var i:int;
//check if the bullet hit any enemy object
for(i = 1; i <= MovieClip(root).amount; i++) {
if(this.hitTestObject(enemy + i)) {
trace("enemy hit");
[Code] .....

The bullets have their own class files and the spawn enemy code is located within the fla file.

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//---- variables ----
var steps:Number = 5;
var spriteX:Number = 265;
var spriteY:Number = 265;


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Actionscript Code:[code].....The problem is that the rebound missile always spawns at left of the stage, not wherever the ship missile was removed.I'm not sure if I should attach the fla, action script files, swf etc. to the thread. Also, my flash version is CS5.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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var spawn =_root.attachMovie("monster1","monster1"+_root.getNextHighestDepth(),_root.getNextHighestDepth())[code]........

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for(var i in _root.player.foes){
if (this.hitTest(_root.player.foes[i])){

I think the problem with the slowdown is that each time I place an enemy on the screen the array gets bigger and bigger. The slowdown only happens while the player is shooting, and I suspect the ever longer for loop with the hit testing is causing it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLVPlayback Onto A Papervision Plane

Sep 15, 2009

I add an FLVPlayback component on to a Papervision Plan. So far so good. Video plays, 3d works. But I am facing two issues:

1. Even though I set my MovieMaterial to interactive, I canot click on the controls. I have found someone else that stumbled onto something similar (link 1, link 2), but since they did not have answer, I though of asking here.

2. The FLVPlayback is jittery. What I mean is that the component's x position moves all the time from something like 0 to 10 or 20, then back to zero. Remember in the old days of analog television (if you're old enough) when you had to play with the tracking? It looks like that.

Here is my code:

// + ----------------------------------------
// [ IMPORTS ]


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package {


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I am playing around with the Vertical Shooter by Ernesto Quezada aka _Bruno

link on kirupa: http:[url]....

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May 18, 2011

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x += laserMoveSpeed;
if (this._x>1000) {

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The game so far:[URL]As u see one get multiple sounds when clicking a lot and it's possible to get several points by clicking the ball a lot.Also, when the ball goes behind the tree it's not supposed to be able to shoot. The Flash File: [URL]It's not the exact same, some junk code trying to make the delay...

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|Character Has Lives
|Arwing (ship) Takes Damage
- Explodes After All HP is Lost
|Arwing Cannot Leave the Screen
|Arwing Can Perform Special Moves
- A Barrel Roll That Will Deflect Enemy Lasers

|Game Timer

- Regain HP
- More Weapons

|A Boss at the End of Each Level
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- Goes to Next Level After Boss is Defeated

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May 10, 2010

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Professional :: Finding The Length Of A Plane Along The Z Axis?

May 10, 2010

if I take a square, turn into a Movie Clip, addjust the Perspective Angle, and the Vanishing Points.  Then I rotate the square along the x axis so that the square is now a plane laying on the z axis.  How do I get the length of the Movie Clip?  I need to know when a plane starts and ends on the z axis.  I also need to get the width.

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