ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChild(object); / Add Multiples Of A Movie Clip ?
Jun 23, 2009
when I use:
var a = parent.addChild(cloud);
a = parent.addChild(cloud);
I only get one cloud made at the position (100,y) (or, the last cloud I declare is the only one to show). How do I add multiples of a movie clip ?EDIT: I tried using addChild(new cloud) but the compiler says "Call to a possibly undefined method cloud."
I'm trying to figure out how to use addChild to place a movie clip. I've got it working, but I can't get it to load in the bottom level of the movie. No matter what I do, it seems to load on top of everything else. I'm definately a newbie with AS3, and had only a little experience with AS2, but the load / unload movie seemed so much easier than this. I've found tutorials on addChild, but none of them specify how to load into a specific layer/level.
I use the method addChild() to add a Movie Clip intoa nother one.mc1.addChild(mc2);But once the Movie Clip is added (and the second Movie Clip is higher than the first one) then it's displayed outside the first Movie Clip. Is there a way to prevent to display outside the parent?
I have a Movie Clip and Im trying to do a hit test on it but i want it to test when the second object touches th eactualy object in the movie clip, not just enters inside of the blue outline.
I am developing a drag and drop functionality and take a JPEG screen shot of droped objects. my problem is. when i drag and drop an object the object jumps off some distance.. i am unable to clear tat.. Below is my file
I have a frame with a quiz question and three answer options. The three answer options are movie clips. Their instance names are q1_soundA, q1_soundB, and q1_soundC. I want each option to make a different sound when rolling over them. My sounds are already in the library and they have been linked: each one has a unique identifier (a, b, and c) and "Export for ActionScript" and "Export in first frame" are checked. Under frame properties, sound is none, sync is event, and repeat is 1.
I have a separate layer with the following code in the first frame (the quiz question is in the second frame):
var snd_a = new Sound();snd_a.attachSound("a"); var snd_b = new Sound();snd_b.attachSound("b"); var snd_c = new Sound();snd_c.attachSound("c");
Note: I also have three transparent buttons underneath each movie clip. I am using these buttons and some code to record the answers and calculate a score. This part is working fine though.
Problem: As soon as the quiz question frame is displayed, the first sound is played over and over again even if the cursor is not even close to any of the option answers. It doesn't matter where I move or click, the sound keeps playing all the time.
I have four animated buttons with a design element cross_mc inside of another movie clip content_mc. I need all four buttons to be in front of the cross_mc so I get inside of content_mc to arrange the buttons accordingly (Modify > Arrange > Bring toFront). Everything looks hunky dory until I test the movie in which one of the buttons appears to be always behind of the design thingy no matter what I do...
I am an experienced programmer, but an as3 OOP newbie. I am trying to FINALLY make the switch to authoring in OOP, but there is one hitch that I can't wrap my head aroFor my first use of OOP, I wanted to make a "Dialogue box" object that I could share among multiple applications. This consists of a rectangle graphic with two dynamic text fields and a "close" button.It seems that objects exist as ".as" files - but if I want to use graphics and textfields that I have created in the Flash UI, where do those go, and how do I refer to them? Do I have to make all my graphics programatically? Or do I have to include a copy of them in the library of every fla file that will be using my object?
I have 10 objects in 10 layers to make a single logo. I have created them using flash drawing objects. Now I would like each object to come one by one on stage using motion tween. How can I go further? Do I need to make each object a movie clip before set it motion tween? Or do I need to make a single movie with all 10 objects as combined? Please note that I need each object to come on stage one by one (not a whole logo on once). Please provide help or any example tutorial link.
I'm having a hard time working out the most appropriate way to move a child movieclip between parent objects.
I'm creating a board-game type game wherein I've dynamically created an array of 'Square' movieclips, with no visual elements, which are arranged in a 10x10 rectangle on the stage. I then dynamically add the appropriate types of piece movieclips to the various squares with the addChild() method. In general, a square should only have one child piece at a time.
All of this works well for setting up the play area, but now I'm having an issue with moving a piece from one square to another. I want to have the user click a square with a piece on it, then click the destination square to move the piece. I have the logic for determining where a user can move any given piece to, but I don't know how to actually move the piece.
The pieces are all different class objects that extend both a base class I call Piece as well as the MovieClip class. The main issue is that when dynamically adding the various pieces to the squares, I don't provide them a unique name to access them later. I don't bother with unique names because I have no way of knowing which piece instance will be in a given square, so using getChildByName(name:String) isn't very useful.
So I can think of two routes that I can take: Making a getter/setter for the Square class that manages a private Piece property (as well as the adding and removing of the child piece to/from the parent square), or using getChildAt(index:int) to try to access the child piece.
I want to go with the first route as it seems to be the most maintainable to me. My problem is that I can't work out how to manage empty squares in this scenario. My instinct is to null to private _piece property of one square once I've moved the child piece instance to another square... but I'm fairly certain that the private property is a reference type, and nulling it out will null the actual piece object even after it's changed parents.
in shared object Delete specific Items i her store MovieClip int shared object then show Movie Clips in the posistion x and y wit text field which hold the string value the problem is i cant delete specific movie clip from shared object this code
seevoo._visible = false; user_co = SharedObject.getLocal("coment"); i=1; ///////////////// if condition to out if the value of shared object undefiend ///////////////
I am loading various swf library component/classes during run time. All of these components have the function 'remove()' in them. Not all of these components are MovieClips, many extend Sprite instead. I have them in an array that I loop through and call remove() on each of them.
I would like to keep strict mode on if at all possible:
but I am wondering what happens if I type a class that extends Sprite as a MovieClip to avoid the compile time error in order to call the remove function on it?
remove() does things like remove all listeners, stop sounds playing etc and finally parent.removeChild(this);
I have an object named "Defer" that I need to access. That object only exists in frame 2 of a movie clip named: B2_mc. The other 4 frames of the movie clip B2_mc do not contain the "Defer" object. When I try to access "Defer" with the following code:
Defer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, B2Redd); function B2Redd(event:MouseEvent):void{ B2_mc.gotoAndStop(4); }
The .swf doesn't run and the error message says I'm attempting to access an undefined property. I've never tried to access an object that wasn't on the stage, so I know my syntax is wrong for trying to access "Defer" since it's not on the stage. What's the correct syntax for drilling down to an object that may be buried deep somewhere?
I'm creating a movie clip button and for the out state I have this:
web_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, at_out); function at_out(event:MouseEvent):void { web_btn.gotoAndPlay(30-(web_btn.currentFrame-11)); }
It gives me this error when I click the button: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at index_fla::web_mc_37/at_out() I know the error is in this statement: web_btn.gotoAndPlay(30-(web_btn.currentFrame-11));
I did a search and didn't find what I was looking for so if this is a repeat of a previous thread I apologize.
Essentially I'm looking to add multiple instances of the same mc I have in the library. I found some code while searching around, but can't seem to get it to work. I don't get multiple mc's on the stage[code]....
I need to instantiate them as instances of a custom class I have created. This is giving me an error, and I know I'm probably missing some simple concept somewhere, doing something wrong, but I don't know what it is.Here is my code:
In the main timeline, I have (simplified): var puzzleAL:GeoGroup = new GeoGroup ("AL", "Alabama", 1, false); puzzleAL.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, geoTouchBeginHandler);
I'm having a problem adding a library clip to my stageI can do no problem if I have a testFLV.fla that has a library clip called test_clip with the linkage set to: com.attach_clips.Clip.
I have a movieclip in the library called flare that consists (for now) of nothing but a drawing of a pentagon. Its associated class is called Flare. The movieclip instantiates just fine, but I don't see the pentagon. When the clip is instantiated, it traces its x and its width. They are both 0. But the width should be 100.Boiled down to the extreme basics, I was getting the same result. What am I forgetting here???Document class
Code: package com { import flash.display.MovieClip;
I'm successfully adding an external .swf file using the following code:
So - I'm loading the "graphic.swf" into a movie clip called "topClip" which is already on the stage in the main timeline. That works fine. But... then I'm having a problem addressing the loaded "graphic.swf" with a button (to lower it's alpha). I'm using this:
I'm working on a presentation who loads a gallery built in a .swf file.
I'm using the following code (Actionscript 3):
var container:Loader = new Loader(); container.load(new URLRequest("gallery-v1.swf")); addChild(container); container.x = 0; container.y=100;
So far so good this code works ok, loading gallery-v1.swf in the correct place. But the gallery also load a few swf itself.
The result is when I load the gallery, is placed in the correct position, but the gallery also loads other swf files on the root(?) of my project, in the 0,0 position and overlapping or clearing my job!