ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign "dozen Instances Of Import" To RAM Once And Then Make It Available To The Relevant Classes?

May 25, 2010

Let's say we have a dozen classes that all import TweenLite. Does this create a dozen 'instances' of this import (using 12 x the RAM) or does the compiler know to just assign it to RAM once and then make it available to the relevant classes?

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Auto-import As3 Classes (internal/intrinsic Flash Player Classes At Least) Using Emacs?

Aug 23, 2011

Is there any way to auto-import as3 classes (internal/intrinsic Flash Player classes at least) using Emacs ?

Looked for as3-mode and actionscript-mode but nothing working was found. as3-mode can import class if it is opened in buffer (but not *.mxml files)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Assign Classes And Sub Classes

Sep 15, 2011

I am new to classes and I am just starting to follow tutorials on how to assign classes and sub classes and I am wondering when you assign a base class or class to an object(Symbol e.g movieclip) through the properties, are all instances on the stage no matter how many and what they are named influenced and is the Stage/main timeline always the parent? and just one more question, is the parents objects display list all the movieclips that are used on the stage or all the instances on the stage?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Additional Functionality - Make A Gallery Of Pictures When Press The Relevant Button

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign A Script To Several MovieClip Instances?

Aug 4, 2009

What i'm trying to do is assign a script to several movieClip instances, and make that bounce when it hits another movieClip on satge.I guess basic collision really.But its not working, mainly as, i think, i have no idea how to make the script read things from the stage.This is what i have so far:

package{import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Managing Multiple Instances - Assign The Bullet Speed And Check For The Collisions With Enemies?

Sep 17, 2011

I have been reading these forums for like 2 months, thus i never felt like being able to post something as a valuable answer to someone's problem, since i've been AS3ing for like 3 months now. I have a small problem here on a game that i am trying to create. I am trying to make a shooter game . Like the ones u kill enemies and then the the level advances ( imagine the pseydomovement depth feel of the background giving the player the taste of further movement of the field , yes like old airplane games ). Ok to the point.

1) created a main .as where all the code is running. The movement of the player is written there also. no problem with that. 2) created a bullet class where i assign the bullet speed and i check for the collisions with enemies. the problem occurs somewhere here i have created a statement where every some time ( like 0,5 secs ) an enemy appears and takes a random road till the stageHeight . here is the code .


So when all 5 mikros are out i start firing them . BUT only the last child of mikros seems to follow the hittestobject procedure of my code. Which means that if all of the 5 mikros are on stage the one with the smallest .y value will disappear when hit by "sfera". I know it is huge but this pains my head for like 1 week and i cannot think anything . Tried some staff. but i do not know if this is proper thinking or if my programming is proper for this and i must redo all.

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Any Way To Import Classes In AS File?

Jul 7, 2009

I tried to import a class in a .as file and I had strange behaviors that I cannot explain. First of, I tried to get work a senocular class by importing it locally his script in the same directory of my main .as class.

import flash.display.*;
import duplicateDisplayObject;

There was no error returned from the compiler saying not found but there was one telling my class is still undefined as when I try to make the class work. (possibly undefined method). So I did it with the old fashion I found in some demos, placing the .as file in a com/senocular/display/ folder:

package {
import flash.display.*;
import com.senocular.display.duplicateDisplayObject;

And then no errors. The compiler recognize the class and execute it.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Import My Own Classes?

Dec 28, 2010

I'm starting to experiment with writing / importing my own classes to better modularize the code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Import Some Classes

Dec 15, 2004

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import Same Libraries In Classes?

Dec 21, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Import Classes From External SWF?

Jun 23, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Import Fl. Classes In FlashDevelop

Dec 25, 2009

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Classes Won't Import Amoeba

Dec 17, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import My External Classes?

Jul 14, 2009

When I point my code to import an external classes such as:

import flash.display.*;

my understanding is that its referencing something within the flash directory to load up the display classes.

In other instances I create a "com.whatever" directory to store other classes that my code can point to.

Well I was running through the Kirupa tutorial (displaying google maps in flash) and I noticed in the code it says "import [url]..." the swf works just fine but where is it grabbing the google classes from if I didnt create the directory?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Arrays Within Custom Classes - Different Instances?

Jul 13, 2010

I have made a very simple custom class for keeping track of groups of offices for a company. The class has a Number variable to tell it how many different offices there are, and an Array to store the individual offices by name. It looks like this.

class officeCluster{
static var _className:String = "officeCluster";
// variables var numOffices:Number;
var locationArray:Array = new Array();
// functions function officeCluster() {
trace("officeCluster constructor");

Now, it is my understand that when I create different instances of the class, they will each have their own version of "numOffices" and their own version of "locationArray". When I run traces of "numOffices", this seems to be true. For example,

In the output panel, which is correct. However, there is trouble with the locationArray. It seems that as I assign different values to it, regardless of what instance I specify, there is only ONE array- NOT one for each instance. In other words,
// theLocation is a String. The locationArray itself holds Objects.trace(servicesOfficeCluster.locationArray[1].theLocation);

Is anyone aware of any issues partaining to using Arrays within Class instances? I've been able to work around this by creating multiple arrays within the class and using a different one for each instance, but this seems very sloppy.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Collision Detection Between Two Instances Of Two Different Classes?

Jul 18, 2010

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How do you check a collision between these instances?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Instantiate Instances Of User Classes

Feb 22, 2007

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Document Classes And Library Instances

Jul 14, 2009

1. I've got a Main Document class, that loads external swf each with its own document class (they are pages and pieces of the site).

2. The Main class makes use of some movieclip simply instantiated from the GUI library. It all goes fine.

3. The external swf have references to the Main class, and here start problems: when I compile them, I get an error for every library mclip used by Main. See the attachment. A simple trace(Main) is enough to start getting all that errors.

A partial solution is to uncheck Strict Mode in publish settings

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling MX Prototype Classes And Instances?

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i'm rockin' with creating prototype classes, however, i've run into something i can't explain when i am trying to call my prototype classes--in this case, i have a prototype class called interfaceClass, which contains several class functions--i've also created an instance of the class, called 'ui':



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Professional :: What Classes To Import For This External As Code

Mar 21, 2010

Just wondering what classes I need to import into my external as fiule to make the following code work:
public static var loader:Loader = newLoader();        loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, fontLoaded);        loader.load(new URLRequest("font.swf"));

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import Out Side Folder Classes

Apr 13, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import GreenSock External Classes?

Mar 30, 2012

importing GreenSock external classes into my flash project.

Line 27: import gs.*;
DesktopmyFlashAPPS wittersrczainu, Line 271172: Definition gs could not be found. 


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Flex :: Import All Files And Classes Into AIR Bundle?

Jun 9, 2010

How can I import all files and classes into my AIR bundle... it must take a note that I created first a flex project, and set it's main class as Actionscript (.as) . When I build a release all my imports (org) etc.. are not included in the .AIR installer... i have checked this by installing the app and then after show package contents, notice that the diretory structure exists but it doesn't include any of other .as used as imports...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Is It Necessary To Import The Classes That An Ancestor Has Already Imported

Oct 17, 2010

Is it necessary to import the classes that an ancestor has already imported?Is there a keyword I could use so that the imports are implicit when I create an inherited class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import Custom Classes Dynamically?

May 5, 2011

I'm more of a C# developer, I knew AS2 and quite enjoyed it, AS3 makes me rage.

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error: 1172: Definition daycare.Forms could not be found.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import And Use The Classes FLYPlayback And VideoEvent

Mar 18, 2009

I'm trying to import and use the classes, FLYPlayback and VideoEvent, I use the following code to import them,


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Flex :: Storing Instances Of Classes In Shared Objects

May 26, 2010

Is it possible to store instances of a class in a cookie or in shared objects.

Basically in my application I have an object "Diagram" that the user can create. If they hit save, I want to store the current instance as a cookie and allows them to reload it later.

Alternatively, I could see about getting them to store the saved version on the hard disk. But even then, all I want to save and retreive is my actionscript object.

I've tried storing the object to, but when I try to retrieve the object from the cookie doing as Diag returns null.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Builder 4.5 - Can't Import External Classes?

Aug 31, 2011

I just installed the trial version of 4.5 of flash builder, migrating from 4.0 and I am encountering quite a frustrating problem. For some reason in which I can not peg, FB refuses to compile anything with an import from an external class, like greensock, bulk loader etc. I keep getting a 1172: Definition could not be found for any import from my external class AS3 folder on my harddrive.

Now I did edit my build path in the project and include the AS3 folder there as I usually do in past FB projects. Even code hinting works when typing in the import lines and even making new objects from those imports. But every time I save or try to compile, such errors appear on each one consistently. This is coming from a fresh install of 4.5 btw on any Flash Professional project and I would like to use it but I can't seem to get around such a fundamental problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import Classes Without Declaring A Document Class?

Sep 25, 2009

The header says it all. I am trying to import a couple of classes without attaching a document class to the fla file. Is this possible? I have the class path set as appropriate (I think) in the publish settings since my fla is located inside a swf folder and my classes folder is located outside the swf folder. Its how my project is organized.

Class path set: "..classes"

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Selecting The Classes/packages To Import At Runtime?

Jan 17, 2008

Before starting an class or code, you should put all your import statements..

Now I have flash application, which offers a search feature which relies on some pretty huge classes. The user is unlikely to use this feature. However, importing those classes anyway adds some pretty large kbs to my application. Is there a way to import these classes at runtime ONLY IF the user chooses to use this feature?

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