ActionScript 3.0 :: BeginBitmapFill And Setting The Smooth Attribute To 'true' Causes The Player To Hang A Few Milliseconds At Random

Jun 4, 2008

Since i upgraded to Flashplayer i've noticed that using textures on 3D Objects via the beginBitmapFill method and setting the smooth attribute to 'true' causes the player to hang a few milliseconds at random. Setting smooth to 'false', the player runs without any hang. I tested this on different machines. An upgrade to player 10 beta didn't cure the symptoms but the hangs appear less in time. Has anyone else such problems or an idea what is going on?

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// Draw segment
var myBitmap:BitmapData = new BitmapData(32, 32, false);


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I want to turn:,1);

into, null, true, false);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Boundaries For Mc With Random Movement

Aug 2, 2009

I'm a noob on this forum & pretty desperate now. I've been on a research & trial&error odyssey for days now, but this problem remains unsolved. I am creating a game with an mc (say "target_mc") randomly moving around. Everything is working beautifully, except for one thing: My stage was initially 900x600 and the game took up all of that space. target_mc's movement was accordingly set for a width of 900 and height of 600.

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Do I work with some kind of math involving the total stage height of 958? I have tried setting variables for xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, but must have done something wrong in implementing them in the rest of the random motion code cos nothing worked.

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Sep 22, 2009

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The number is set to be between (0-4) by running an IF statement which sets a fixed upper limit. This works but I need the limit to update dynamically. My main goal is to use the numChildren property of an XMLList object (passed as argument) to set the maximum limit since the random number will be used by a loader when loading an image from this same XMLList.

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Mar 9, 2011

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Also code (if it helps any) ActionScript Code: g.drawRect( r.x * scaleFactor, r.y * scaleFactor, r.width* scaleFactor, r.height * scaleFactor ); g.beginFill(0xFF0000); g.drawRect(r.x * scaleFactor + (r.width* scaleFactor)/3.6, r.y * scaleFactor + (r.height * scaleFactor)/1.65, 70, 40); g.endFill();

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Smooth Resize Onclick And Animation To Be Smooth?

Feb 9, 2004

I have a movieclip that I want to be resized when a button is clicked. I want the animation to be smooth as if it had weight though. I read the tutorial on this but I need something slightly different, I would rather it where I can just refer to a function that is set in another movieclip. That way I could easily refer to it again and just set the height, width, and if possible, x, and y.

And my second question, is how to keep the border of my movieclip that is going to be resized the same thickness. I want the inside to be resized but the sides to stay the same width but move to stay on the edge.

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Flash :: Play Smooth Streaming Video From Iis 7 For A Video Player?

Jun 10, 2011

I want to play smooth streaming video from IIS using the flash video player like e.g. jw flash player instead of silverlight player?Which video format should I use in this case? Can flash then play e.g a video via smooth streming encoded with microsoft encoder?Do you know some alternative video players, that combines flash and silverlight functionality (selected per java script) to use with flash and silverlight?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Up An Array Of Songs For An MP3 Player?

Oct 7, 2009

I'm having issues with this array I setup for a MP3 player I am creating. First I'm trying to plug in the array in the URL Request, not sure if I need a for loop. Also in my onComplete Function below, I want once one song is finished in the Array, the next item in the array plays or if there are no more items left it goes back to the first item in the array. Not sure if I am setting this up properly

var songArray:Array=["song1", "song2", "song3", "song4", "song5", "song6"];
var songReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("mp3_files/song" + songArray + ".mp3");
var song:Sound = new Sound();var channel:SoundChannel;var pausePosition:int = 0; // var


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Professional :: Setting Up Simple Flash Mp3 Player?

Jun 13, 2010

I have a html page with some links to mp3 songs.I would like to set things up so that when user clicks a mp3 link, a small flash mp3 player (embedded in the page) starts playing with that songs. The user could click on another song that would replace the last one at any time and have basic controls.
- flash mp3 player - need 1 that has start / stop and volume buttons (simple)
BTW: I set this type of thing up in the past with a frameset - top had quicktime player embedded - and bottom song links went to top frame - all was fine but kind of bulky.... looking for something a bit slicker...Also would like to do the same for flash / quicktime videos, Also if there's something free or close to free that is a jukebox type where the song list is part of flash,

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Jan 5, 2012

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<meta property="og:video:type" content="application/x-shockwave-
flash" />
<meta property="og:video" content="


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ActionScript 2.0 :: MP3 Player - Song Position Not Setting To Zero

Apr 2, 2010

I am create a flash mp3 player. In that I am displaying the song.position(time completed played). The song.position is not setting to zero, when a new song is played. It is continuing with the previous song. For example, if the previous song time is 30 seconds. the song.position is started from zero and comes to 30 seconds. After that song is completed and a again a new song is started, the song.position is starting as 30 seconds and gets increasing. It is not setting to zero at the start of the second song. I even set the song.position=0, when the previous song is completed.

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