ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Positions Of Movieclips
Nov 14, 2009i wanna know how to change positions of movieclips.[URL]
View 4 Repliesi wanna know how to change positions of movieclips.[URL]
View 4 RepliesI've got a resize listener where I change my movieclips' dimensions and positions.[code]But how I set the minimum allowed resize of the stage?I don't want the stage to be smaller than 1024x600 for example.
View 3 RepliesI have a MC with an instance name MovieClip_1 and I create another like this:[code]So basically, what I want to know is how to nest MovieClips using code, display them, and change their positions reletive to their parent MovieClip, and not the root/stage.
View 1 RepliesI've 6 different movieclips on stage, with one main focal movieclip in the center. What i need is that when clicking on the surrounding movieclips they animate in to swap their position with the main focal movieclip, which then animates to take it's replacements former position. So after a few mouse clicks all of the movieclips could have had their position shuffled from it's original location.
I know i've seen a similar thing on a photo gallery where the current photo is swapped with whatever thumbnail is clicked on but can't seem to find an example.
Currently i have the positions of the movieclips controlled by variables, the animation handled by tweener, and can quite happily find the position/scale etc of the movieclip that get's clicked on, but can't figure out how to get the focal movieclips details as it might never be the same movieclip.
I'm having an issue using randomizing the appearance of movie clips using Math.random. I have a movie clip in the library, which is 85 frames long but it begins and ends with 15 blank key frames. In other words, it has 2 layers, one for action script and one for graphics which are movie clips too, the AS layer is 85 frames long while the art layer is shorter and begins on frame 16.
I began by putting the movie clip on the stage, without any code on the main timeline, with some code on the movie clip's timeline -
this.x = Math.random()*stage.stageWidth;
this.y = Math.random()*stage.stageHeight;
In this case, tested the movie, the swf played just what I wanted, the movie clip "appears" randomely on the stage, plays, disappears, and reappears, and so on and so forth.
I then gave the movie clip on the stage an instance name of b_mc, removed the code in its timeline, and put it on the main timeline, as such -
b_mc.x = Math.random()*stage.stageWidth;
b_mc.y = Math.random()*stage.stageHeight;
In this case, the movie clip does NOT appear randomly on the stage when the swf is tested, rather, it appears at the same position, appearing and disappearing over and over as planned, but in the same place - NOT as planned.
well i'm working on a small scale game and I appear to be coming across some small issues that I was hoping someone could help me with. I have this:
ActionScript Code:
if (_root.mc_player._x <= 540){
in the frames actions.What I am trying to achieve is that when the players x position is greater than or equal to 540 it changes frame, I've tried various adaptations of this such as the following:
ActionScript Code:
if(_root.mc_player._x >= 540){
mc_player is the instance name of the player (obviously :P) and when i enter the second code it just jumps straight to frame 2, so far it seems that the code is just setting the players x position at 540, so i tried setting it using actionscript like:
ActionScript Code:
_root.mc_player.x = 179
_root.mc_player.x = 143
it would set it at that and then the if the player reached the x position of 540 it would change frames but in that case it just didn't change frames.
how to attach two objects (movieclips), with different width and height properties into the stage, with random positions,without visual colliding.
View 6 RepliesI have somme mc's on the stage an I want thatto change on mc with antoher by clicking on them. For example if I click on mc1 and than on mc2 than they schould change the positions.
View 1 RepliesI have thumbs placed on the stage. I create an empty mc to load swf. But my thumbs disappear from the stage when I test the movie ( html or swf) if I settle the _ and _y position of the empty mc.why the emptymovieclip positions affect the positions of my thumbnails?
View 2 RepliesI have 2 arrays i.e.:[code]Is it possible to set the color of the moviceclips (mcclipsArray) to the relevant colors from the second array (mcclipsColorArray), so movieclip a becomes blue, b becomes red etc.
View 2 RepliesIn my movie i can change the color of some movieclips. But when im opening the movie after some it reverts to the older color. What i want to do is save my movieclip's color and load it whenever im opening the movie.
View 1 Repliesi want when user rollover on any movieclip it comes on top after rollout it goes it's original position but, this code is showing error.ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
private function pan3D():void{
I have a moviclip and I want to change its background color on mouse over event. I think that I have to use ColorTransform, but I've not understood how to use it, I've not understood how the multipiers and offsets work. At beginning the background is #000010, I want to change it to #000030. The moviecip's instance name is borse_mc, how to apply the change to it?
View 2 RepliesI am using the following script in a MC to produce an empty movieclip and fill it with evenly spaced movieclips on demand.[code]The last piece of code repeated below should remove one of the attached movieclips when it is created then remove its iteration from the array and loop through all movieclips after it in the array and minus 30 from their y coordinate:[code]When I trace Wine[mc] it produces a list of names of movieclips after it in the array as it should, and the movieclip is removed as it should but the coordinates of the other movieclips remain unchanged.
View 1 RepliesI have a playlist menu made up of movie clips acting as buttons, one clip for each track from a CD. The user clicks on a button, a corresponding sound clip plays and the movie clip button the user selected switches from frame 1 to frame 2 to change color while the sound is playing to show which track is currently playing.
Using an array to store the music tracks (named "Track 01" to "Track 08") and a "switch" command, my user is currently able to select and listen to a given track. My current problems lie with presentation.
I am having two problems with this project:
1. If the user allows the track to play through to the end, I need a single function to be fired on the SOUND_COMPLETE event (and I have applied the appropriate listener to my sound channel) which will reset the button to frame 1, as a visual indicator that the track has stopped. I have been unable to come up with such a function as yet.
Currently, the selected button just stays yellow (frame 2) instead of turning white (frame 1), and the user has to click twice (instead of once) to make the track play again.
2. My playlist includes a "play all" function to play all the tracks through in sequence as laid out in an array. While the track sequence plays fine, I would like to have the corresponding button for each track jump to frame 2 while that track is playing, then back to frame 1 when the track stops.
I have a MovieClip Button, btn, made up of 2 MovieClips, sqrT and sqrB on top. sqrB is stopped at an empty frame. On Down, sqrB stops at a MovieClip frame, on Up, it goes back to the empty frame. On Click, it traces "Clicked!", but Click never fires. Why is this, and is there a way to make it work without using alpha?
btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onDown);
The main scene is overlayed with all the MovieClips I had in the previous scene. How can I automagically clean them up?
I have a movieclip in my library named mcLeaderboarditem. I've generated a class for it to manage the textfields.
The easiest way is to make a child of the class and manage the contents properties with the dot-syntax like this (documentclass):
var leaderItem:mcLeaderboardItem = new mcLeaderboardItem();
leaderItem.lblRank.text = "2nd";
Probably it will be something stupid because of tiredness. Or is there an other way to do what i'm trying to do?
I have an array containing references to movieclips like this
ActionScript Code:
positionsArray = [posi1, posi2, posi3,posi4,posi5];
tooltipArray = [tooltipProy, tooltipAsig, tooltipRota, tooltipActi];
And the result is: tooltipArray = ["tooltipProy", "tooltipAsig", "tooltipRota", "tooltipActi"]; which doesn't work because the array no longer contains references to MovieClips but strings
2. NOT surrounding the name of my movieclip with ""
on (release) {
Which gives an undefined value
How can I "transform" the strings in the array to references to MovieClips?
I am trying to change the z-index when you a user clicks on one of my movieclips. I get this error and am not sure how to resolve it. If anyone has a few minutes to view the code I posted below that would be awesome.
Here is the error I am getting:
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
can i change the depths of two movieclips on the same layer with swapdepths? like...
mc1.swapDepths(mc2 + 1);
it's not working for me. So i figure you can't do it with two mc's on the same layer...
If I have a randomClips function that shows a range of swf files every 15seconds and wanted to create a button that could stop the auto change of the clips, what would be the script for that button if the script for the randomClips looks like this:
randomClips = new Array("d+l A_news.swf", "maashaven B_news.swf", "maashaven A_news.swf", "gipsy A_news.swf", "gipsy B_news.swf", "d+l B_news.swf", "gw A_news.swf", "gw B_news.swf", "soundscapes A_news.swf", "soundscapes B_news.swf", "fhwsf A_news.swf", "fhwsf B_news.swf");
function randomBackground() {
[Code] .....
I've made a loop that is creating 9x movieClips that is loading external images and I have also added eventListeners to those movieClips to make it possible to change the movieclips image. My problem is that i can't access the target of the "first eventListener". Here is the code to browse for the new image, i want to access the movieclip of this function in a later eventListener, like this: event.CurrentTarget
file.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onFileSelected);
function mUp(event:MouseEvent):void{
file.browse(new Array(new FileFilter( "Bild (JPG och JPEG)", "*.jpg;*.jpeg;")));
The second eventListener. This function is called when the new image is selected
function onFileSelected(event:Event):void{
file.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadCompleteHandler);
The third and last function, this function is called when the image is loaded and is ready to be used.
function loadCompleteHandler(event:Event):void{
file.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadCompleteHandler);
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
// Here is the problem!
If if put this code, it will target the second function's event.
I am searching for a code looking like this to replace the old image with the new one
I will do my best in explaining what is happening. I have a feeling it has something to do with how I declare things, but I am kinda new with AS3 so please have patience.
On my stage I have an movie clip (mContainer). In the library I have another movieclip (mElement), that has been exported for actionScript as mElement.
I have this code for a coloring application:
/** ActionScript 3.0 Coloring Book
* @author dRooza
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import fl.controls.ColorPicker;
I want to load the movie clips OutLines and Colorable into another movie clip, instead of just on the stage, so that I can use the jpeg encoder class on that movie clip.
It seems like the random variables in my duplicated movieclips are all the same, any way to change this? To explain a bit more in detail: I got a movieclip with a few random variables and actions and I duplicate this movieclip and want the duplicate to have different random variables than the first one, but it gets identical ones.
View 7 RepliesI want to change the movieclips' width whose instance names are in an array. However I can't change this value even for one instance.
this.holder_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
_root.edges[1]._width = 24-_root.holder_mc._x;
This seems like someting I should already know but I am working on a user interface that I want to be skinable. I have about 8 different graphical elements and I want to change the appearance of these 8 different movieClips just by clicking a single button. I thought I would just create a new keyframe in my main time line and then manipulate the movieClips but that changed the appearance of the movie clip on frame 1 as well. Clarification: I want to change the color of my user interface background and I want to change the color of some clickable images as well. I want frame 1 to have a white background and I want frame 2 to have a red background. Do I need to create more movie clips and drag them onto my stage or can I just use the existing movieClips since all I really want to do is change colors?
View 5 RepliesI have two movieclips in the centre of my stage. One is on top of the other and fade's between them using left/right buttons.I want to change this so that they slide in like a jQuery slider does. I don't want to change the initial position of the movieclips (on top of each other) just change the fade effect to a slide in.
View 1 RepliesI found the tutorial on duplicating movieclips, especially the line-by-line translation of the code. how to communicate with those clips�specifically to make them draggable and also to change the _rotation with Key.Right, Key.Left.
View 7 Replies