ActionScript 3.0 :: Check Type In "if" Statement

Mar 15, 2011

i have "roll over" event listener and i would like to that works only with MovieClips (without textfields etc.). I would like to write something like that:

if( == MovieClip){ do something }
else { do something else}

This doesn`t work properly.
How to check type of in "if" statement?

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function fOnClick(e:MouseEvent):void {


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var codes_txt;
locatie_mc.visible = false;
check_mc.visible = false;[code]....

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Syntax error:expecting right paren before colon.
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title="Video Title"


The first vid node contains a path to a logo graphic, I then need to check in my ActionScript if there is a logo there or not, and to do something if there is(display the logo) I can trace out the logo path so I thought I could run a simple if/else to check if there is anything in that node and if so to do something:

private function thumbOver(e:MouseEvent = null):void


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if (tabData[tabID].video[].@logo == "")
if (tabData[tabID].video[].@logo == null)

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ActionScript Code:
if (news.onRelease == true){
function newsContent(){


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//Do this
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function onC(e:MouseEvent):void
var m:MovieClip = as MovieClip;
trace(m.totalframes);/// not working

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test01.abtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseHandler);
test01.bbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseHandler);
test01.cbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseHandler);[code]....

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function changePic(pict:Number):void {
pictURL = EXTxml.picture[pict].@image;
if (pictURL == //ends in .pdf)


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case is String:
case is Array:
[Code] ....

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if(mytext != "") .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Event And Event Target

Nov 26, 2009

i have these 2 functions and both are the same:

as you can see disabledAction receives as a paremeter from another function (click function actually).

is there a way to somehow call disabledAction from rollOverHandler ? (so that the code doesnt repeat)

function disabledAction(target:MovieClip):void {
var txt:TextField = Finder.findTextfield( target as MovieClip ) as TextField;
if (txt) {


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Jun 18, 2011

how ( if it is ) to check the device type with flex ?

with device type i mean : PC, laptop, tablet, phone ..

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Sep 29, 2011

I have two objects [object MovieClip] [object ContentDisplay]

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Mar 23, 2012

I need to ask about drag and drop item to the target and how to check the result if the target is true?

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AS3 :: Flex - Check For XML Element Type Of A Node?

Aug 11, 2010

Say I start at a leaf node, and I traverse up the tree by using .parent(). I need an exit condition once it hits root. At the moment, I'm using parent.@name != "root", where name is just an attribute, but shouldn't I be able to check the type of element as well? How? Also, is there another way to end the traversal in as3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check Another Event Inside An Event?

Dec 5, 2010

ActionScript Code:


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Javascript :: Javascript - Target Multiple Objects With A Single Operation Using ECMAScript's `with` Statement?

May 2, 2011

The following doesn't work (although it gives no explicit error), but why not?nd... Is there really no way around it, strictly using the with statement? Forget using for / foreach.

with (object1, object2) {
attribute = value;

Why the code above gives no syntax error, doesn't work but is accepted by with?If it's possible, how could we change multiple objects with same attribute using with?

var object1 = { attribute: 3 };
var object2 = { attribute: 2, method: function() { alert('blah'); } };
var object3 = { method: function() {alert('bleh'); } };


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