ActionScript 3.0 :: Design Levels Directly On Stage?
Jun 3, 2009
best/easiest/fastest method in AS3 to design game levels (environment) directly on the stage. I'm sure there is multiple methods for this, but let's take a platform game for instance. I'd like to have 30, visually different, spinning wheels all around the stage, and I'd like all of them to have a different rotation speed without having to create a different class for each of them. Is there an easy way I could only place movieclips on the stage where I want them to be, without placing everything with code?
In AS2, I used to put these little variations of code directly on each clip. That way, level designing was pretty easy. All I had to do was to drag the obstacles where I wanted them to be, and simply set their rotation (or any other properties) in their respective code. I'm now having trouble using this method in AS3 since I don't want to place everything with code simple to set a single property. I also don't want to create a class for each different obstacle.
I write a picture on my HD with an Air command and want to show a message to the user because it takes a while to calculate and write the data. But of course the stage isn't refreshed while executing my calculations. Is there a way to directly refresh the stage?
I am a flash developer and I've got some experience in games and applications, but there is a problem that always comes back and that I solve in sometimes discussing manners, but I've decided to find the "good way" of doing it.Ok, here's my problem :I have a game where I set the publish setting to export in Frame 10. Most of the graphic content is already on the stage on the frame 10, but there are a few MovieClips that I add and remove using AS from the stage (a "How To Play" movieclip, for example).All the movieclips I want to use with AS are set to export in Frame 10 and are used in different custom classes.Everything works just fine if I set everything to export on Frame 1 and all my graphics are on frame 10, but not if I export in any other frame than 1.The workaround I've found is to create an instance of the objects I want to load outside of the stage, but I hate that way of doing things :I get no error if I create an instance of my movieclips through AS, but they won't show up when added to the display list (yes, I know how to use addChild )
how to speed up the workspace when there happens to be a large amount of text on the stage? I have tried everything I can think of (even choosing outlines only for the layer). It seems to slow down my system even if the layer is not visible. Now doing anything is a chore. I have a pretty fast system, and it's pretty bad that after all these flash iterations I still can't have text on the stage and continue work.
I am trying to reset the stage width to its original size when user click on button after changes to the browser zoom level.
However this is restting the width of stage according to the new zoom level with the result that the stage size increase even more. I tried using a variable to use as holder of original stageWidth but how to reset it to that width?[code]...
In a game me and a friend is creating, the levels are stored in MCs.In the level MCs there are several other MCs that the player should be able to interact with.
This means the objects in the levels need a stage reference.I can place all the objects manually and pass the stage ref in the constructor of the object's class, but this is a pain when the levels are going to be pretty big.
Is it possible to make sure that flash always passes a stage ref to the object even though it's not placed there by code?
In a game me and a friend are creating, the levels are stored in MCs. In the level MCs there are several other MCs that the player should be able to interact with.
This means the objects in the levels need a stage reference. I can place all the objects manually and pass the stage ref in the constructor of the object's class, but this is a pain when the levels are going to be pretty big.
Is it possible to make sure that flash always passes a stage ref to the object even though it's not placed there by code?
There is a library component represented by Class A. But constructor of this class requires some parameters. When the component needs to be added dynamically, it's fine because of code :
var abc:A = new A(param1,param2)
But what if my movieclip is already present on the stage. I notice it gives out error, that the parameters are null.
Is their any way to insert constructor parameters for movieclips already on stage.
I am using the draw() method of the BitmapData to encode a jpeg of part of the image. Now this should be easy enough given the object I want to draw to the bitmap is on the stage at design time so I know its location and dimetions exactly! Heres the code I have in place.
Code: var myBitmapSource:BitmapData = new BitmapData ( street.width, street.height, false, 0x333333); myBitmapSource.draw(street, null, null, null, new Rectangle( 96, 5, 571, 450 ), true );
I know for a FACT that no part of the street clip I am drawing out is in negative space, and it's registration is (0,0). However, it cuts off A lot of the top of my image. y=5 in the above rectangle is where I need the top to be, but it cuts the top off of the image... even if I change it to 0, it has no effect.
I have some problems with flash display in the browser. If i open with the browser a file .swf it appears smaller than the original version. I can see it in the correct dimensions only if I use the Full Sceen option (F11). How can I correct this problem to let the user get the original version?
How can insert sprites from the IDE? When I press f8 the only options are MovieClip, Buttons and Shapes. If I export to ActionScript I can change the class to Sprite, but I want to insert a Sprite directly from the IDE.
I have a Flash website with an online shop. The shop part uses javascript and cgi in separate html pages. I want to insert a link to a URL from these web pages back to "scene 3.0 (home)" in my main .swf file. The .swf is embedded in an index.html file so a link to the URL [URL] starts the flash movie back from the start with the intro and everything. I want it to skip the intro (scenes 1.0 and 2.0) and go directly to the "scene 3.0 (home)" scene.
I remember that in flash 8 you needed to read the cookie via php script to get it into flash. Has that changed in CS4? Is it possible to read the cookie directly from the swf now? If not how does one go about getting cookie information into flash CS4?
Quick question. Does a class have to implement a interface directly to be accepted, or can it be a child of a parent class that implements it. so If I pass a child object into a method that only accepts IOBJECT, but the child class parent implements IOBJECT. will child object be accepted ?
I have a component mxml in which i have a save button, on click of the save button i need to display another component which will be in a tab navigator, for this I am using the view stack. My problem is, on click of save I need to display the second tab instead of the first tab, but defaultly the first tab will be displayed.
I need to learn ActionScript. I have no basic knowledge on ActionScript. Can I directly start learning ActionScript3 or I have to start with ActionScript1.
In a complex XML where I dont know the leaf node names/or the level of depth they are, how could I extract all the leaf nodes inside a XMLList variable directly?
Can actionScript2.0 connect directly to any database? I know we can use ASP,or JSP as a middleware to connect to database. But without using middleware can we connect directly to database?
As the title says, I would like to know if Flash 8 or any version of flash can access sockets.For instance like winsock does. Using an IP and a port to send packets? I've seen it can connect to databases, but I haven't seen anything with it working with sockets, for instance a P2P chat using only an IP and a port to send an receive messages.
I want know if it is possible - in any way - open FLA files (from versions 6 to 8) into an third IDE, edit this file, converting, for example, texts and animations, automating codes wich converts static texts into dynamics, accessing database etc and export a brand new SWF movie.I have a costumer that told me about a "miterious" programm wich can do all this things like edit/export - direct from his FLA files - a new SWF or EXE media. And save another FLA file with all those modifications. In other words: is it possible I make my own Flash IDE?
Can actionScript2.0 connect directly to any database? I know we can use ASP,or JSP as a middleware to connect to database. But without using middleware can we connect directly to database?
I'm planning navigation for my new site (see screen grab of proposed navigation corner). I want the words to swap levels and appear in front of others on roll over.
OK, just found this tutorial [URL] but I put the buttons into the MCs.
*BUT* - I want them to return to their original positions on RollOut - is this possible. I tried duplicating the code but substituting rollover to rollout and set the parameter to 0 or 1 or 2 to make them go back to a level I want them at.
I am having trouble with unload an loading movies. Basically I am loading a movie into a container, which works a charm:
I want to unload them both when a close button is pressed on the third loaded swf? Also, ideally I would like to add that second movie clip into a container, so I can position it correctly, but when I try copying the code I use on the first, it doesn't seem to it to do with the "root" bit perhaps?
On frame 30 of my root timeline, I have dragged five different instances from my library onto the stage. I gave each one a distinct name, oneBtn, twoBtn, threeBtn, fourBtn, fiveBtn. I added a MouseEvent for each of these five objects, and ran a Trace to make sure I am able to identify the objects. At first, I used but it returned instanceXX (instance23, instance84, instance83...). I think this happened because within each of those buttons, I had a movie clip within it so I can apply filters to them. I decided to trace On two of the five objects, I was able to trace oneBtn, and twoBtn. On the other three, I still got instanceXX. I tried tracing and I was able to trace the other three buttons, threeBtn, fourBtn, fiveBtn.
how come I need to target two different levels ( & on my objects when I dragged them from the library and placed them onto the stage within the same timeline?
im using flash cs5, as2.i have a main index fla that loads into it 5 swf's.i need these 5 to be loaded into a lower level than the main index fla (index has to be the highest level)[code]
I cant believe how the simpliest things are more complex to do in AS3.I tried to target a movieclip from inside another movieclip called bat_mc and these dont work!root.ball_mc.gotoAndPlay(2);orlevel0.ball_mc.gotoAndPlay(2);
I have a flash project with three non overlapping panels (visual spaces) each of which contains different movie-clips. Each movie-clip in a particular panel is the child of that panel.Now, I want to drag one of the movie-clips from one panel to another (remove it as a child from the first panel and add it to the other) without a jitter and proper drag.What is the appropriate way to handle the drag architecturally