ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Same Image Twice?
Jan 16, 2010
I would like to know how could I display the same image I loaded (with Loader) twice on the screen. AddChild dont accept repeated instances, what should I do? Copy the Image? Wont that be slow? What if I have the GIFPlayer class, I loaded a gif with it, I want to add it twice on the screen, loading more than once could be slow! What should I do?
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// variables used
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Mar 28, 2009
flash cs3 and im having a problem displaying an image from an external folder using XML. ve created an image holder movie clip on my stage however im not sure what code I need to include to load the image from XML into the holder movie clip.I also have a second image that i want to display in a different movie clip from the same XML code.
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Nov 16, 2009
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around XML, in particular using XML to place an image on the stage.
I've got some code which I've appropriated from a tutorial, which creates a nice XML driven menu - And I would like to adapt it so that when I click on a menu item it displays a JPG (it currently calls up defined labels on my timeline, which is not really what I'm looking for)
I was looking for (lots of XML galleries tutorials, but I couldn't find an easy tutorial to display 1 image)
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<menu buttonName = "item 1" />
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Sep 30, 2009
i need to display an image from an URL on a symbol. ( or in a symbol )
like [URL]
i want it to show up in a symbol so i can do things to it.
i have no idea how to do this even with AS2 but right now i am into AS3..
any 2-3 lines of code out there capable of doing this?
oh yeh, i am asking this because i've been working on video player ( flv video player, finally got it working with AS3 a lot of hard work, because LEE's tutorials are with AS2 and AS3 is soo much different.. )
now i am at a point where i need to display an image on the front so when the user clicks play the image goes away and video beings playing.
i will probably just make the InstanceName.visible = false;
once the; is triggered.
but the real question is, how do i take the image from an URL and make it show up inside instanceName ?
never done this before.
actually i have done something but i never managed to get it to show up inside an instance ( like a square box or something) so i could position it properly.
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May 8, 2009
OK I'm stuck. I can get everything to display that I want to except the image. I keep getting the error: Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2124: Loaded file is an unknown type.
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Aug 22, 2009
I designed a flash website for realestate client. I have saved my work & the related images in folder named as realestate. I have created buttons in banner part.The client has some big images related to his projects. He said that if a user clicks on the button named as enlarge view etc. The related image should get opened in new window(eg. like when we click on any thumnail image, the related image gets open in new window).So, i need a clear code to display the image in new window without any fuss. So please understand my problem & do reply me as soon as possible.
Note: Do u have Gtalk? This is b'coz i can conversate with u online. Also do give me ur Email ID.
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The only place i've seen something like this is here
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Sep 24, 2008
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<div id="flash">
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,19
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ActionScript Code:
var progressBar:MovieClip;
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Jun 26, 2010
We have multiple servers for different offices. SWF is copied to multiple offices and there is script to redirect the path depending on the user location. It works well except that it copies the SWF only once each day. Before it's available, we have to use the path to the staging server location that is only visible to the main office and identified users. If SWF is not copied over, users would see a blank page. I wonder if it's possible to have some kind of Javascript that will display an image (can be stored in the main office while accessed by all) if SWF can't be found. This would make it more usable during our update time.
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Sep 6, 2011
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May 15, 2005
I'm having a problem being able to display an external image using xml, I have it set up so that once it loads it is put into an emtpy mc on the stage. I've been looking at the xml photogallery tutorial and I can't see anything wrong?
The actionscript is this:
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
bgImg = this.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
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Feb 22, 2009
my buttons are working and displaying image but cant figure out how to get buttons to display different img
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Mar 3, 2005
I have a bar on my website which displays the last 10 SMS messages that have been sent to the website by the users. [click here]The sender's nickname and message are dynamically loaded from a PHP-file. I also want to display the user's picture next to the message. The URL to the picture is sent from the PHP-file, just like the nickname and message, but I don't know how to display that picture in my flash-movie.So, how do I display a picture in flash when I've only got a dynamically loaded URL?
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May 19, 2009
I'm still very much a newbie when it comes to AS3. I need to create an external image scroller. That's simple enough, but these images are of people of different ethnics groups, roughly divided into four categories. So, the pictures need to be randomized two-dimensionally. The first random factor is which of the four groups to choose from. The second random factor is which image in that group to display. That way, no ethnic group is favored over another.
I've gotten fairly far...when I test my Flash file and click the Start button, you'll see the first random image. Wait a few seconds, and the second will appear. All well and good...but the logic for how to randomize and automatically display all 15 images eludes me, despite days of research.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? I tried to upload the test files but they're too big, so the code is below.
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Apr 12, 2009
i have an video player in flash, now need to show the image on that player like an advertisement or logo.
when i place a movie clip or any image on my video player object, player stops working.i need to know which plugin is required or how to write our own code for the same, incase plugin is needed for that.
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Jul 15, 2009
I have a Flash movie (.swf) file embedded within a webpage.I am looking to have an image display if the user does not have Flash installed or has it turned off.
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Nov 10, 2009
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Jan 21, 2010
Is it possible to upload an image using as3 and flash player 9 and then display it in a movie clip without server side assistance?
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