ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Name Objects In A For Statement Using AddChild?
Jan 26, 2009
I was wondering where did go the for statement with attachMovie from library in AS 3.I mean i was having in AS 2:
for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
attachMovie("sim", "sim"+i, i);
Now in AS 3:
for (var i=0; i<5; i++) {
addChild(new sim());
I can't figure out how to name every instance of the "sim" object from library that i add to the stage without using string.How do I dinamically name the added instances of the object from the library for future reference and usage throughout the code?
Is there any way to put 2 objects as the argument for a with statement. example:
I am aware I can use the statement like this code: with(bodyWrapper.fld){} Just wondering is there was a way of adding multiple objects to make typing shorter.
i created a "for" function who īll display an X number of buttons with addChild, and give a name for each using = "name" + variable but later if I want to listen for the buttons using their name donīt work, already know that there is getChildByName so i tried but give me the same error who tells that there no object with that name.My question is, how i can listen for the objects created if i already have a name for each one of them? here is the code im doing.
for(var i:int = 1; i <6;i++){var miBoton:boton = new boton();var miTexto:TextField = new TextField();miBoton.x = i * miBoton.width + (i* 10);miBoton.y = 20;addChild(miBoton); = "boton" + i;miTexto.text = "hi";miBoton.addChild(miTexto);trace(;trace(miBoton.parent);}
I'm a seasoned AS2 developer who's been dragged kicking and screaming into the world of ActionScript 3.0. I'm working on revising an old project coded in AS2 that needs to be re-coded in AS3 and It's been slow going. I have a question regarding addChild (attachMovie) function. My scenario is as follows: I'm pulling data from an XML file that dynamically builds a scroll list from items in the library. Each item in the list has an individual button function attached to it. I'm generating my list just fine, but I can't access the items as individual buttons. Instead, it seems that the entire list has the properties of the last child added.
I used a loop to create a series of instances of a class called "Ball": ball_0, ball_1, ball_2, etc.But then somewhere else I need to add them on the stage. When Iusestage.addChild(Ball("ball_"+ballNum)) it gives me this error:TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "ball_3" to Ball.(ballNum was set to 3 at that time)it seems there's a new syntax (or something) that I don't get. I get the same type of errors when using other functions such as stage.contains()
I have 2 dynamic arrays (which for the times being I hard coded values to).
What I need to do is dynamically build a SQL statement that will insert total_split_text into the total_split_location.The final output should be the following
import flash.display.Sprite; import; var index:int = 0;[code].......
I am relatively new to flash and action script as well and I am having a problem getting the sprite to be removed after another is called.I am making emission spectrum's of 3 elements by dynamically generating the mask over a picture on the stage. Everything works perfectly fine with the code I have right now except the sprites stack on top of each other and I end up with bold lines all over my picture instead of a new set of lines each time i press a button.I have tried using try/catch to remove the sprites and I have also rearranged the entire code from what is seen here to make 3 seperate entities (hoping I could remove them if they were seperate variables) instead of 2 functions that handle the whole process.
This shouldn't be too difficult. Heres my code: for(i=0; i<30; i++){ var box[i]:Object = new Object() box[i].id = [i] box[i].name = "default" box[i].location = "default" box[i].type = "default" But its not working. I keep getting error messages concerning the var box[i] statement.
I have an application in which I need to create mx.states.State objects on the fly, as I'm reading external data in order to create the states. Each State only has a single child, so here's my code which I was using to accomplish this[code]...
Then when I add something else as a child in this class, the mask is still applied to the gallery and it crops it accordingly, however the background in it turns white and hides whatever was behind it. For instance, there is space between the rectangles in the gallery movieclip and then a backdrop from the main class's movieclip shows behind it. When I called "addChild", the space between the rectangles becomes white. The background of gallery renders totally white.
The following doesn't work (although it gives no explicit error), but why not?nd... Is there really no way around it, strictly using the with statement? Forget using for / foreach.
with (object1, object2) { attribute = value; method(); }
Why the code above gives no syntax error, doesn't work but is accepted by with?If it's possible, how could we change multiple objects with same attribute using with?
var object1 = { attribute: 3 }; var object2 = { attribute: 2, method: function() { alert('blah'); } }; var object3 = { method: function() {alert('bleh'); } };
I'm trying to have a class file which can add objects to the stage via addChild; however, when I call addChild from within the class file, I get the error "1180: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild." I've tried importing flash.display.* and that doesn't fix the problem. Does the class file have to extend Sprite or MovieClip to be able to add objects to the stage?
I have downloaded Box2d ([URL]) and created a project that looks like this: [URL]. catalyst is the green cube and it has the base class "", it is inside "world" which has the base class "wck.World". What i want to do is to add another "catalyst" from the library inside "world" when i click on add_btn. I tried to accomplish this by this code:
Symbol 'buttons', Layer 'Actions', Frame 1, Line 41061: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild through a reference with static type Class.
Having a few problems with what I thought was a simple if statement. Here is the code:
I can't quite figure out the small problem with the code. It seems to just bypass the first requirement of the if statement when I do type in the proper input and go straight to the else statement.
I've built a simple file to demonstrate what I'm trying to do (it's all dynamic, with AS3, no physical assets). Basically I've created 3 groups of objects via AS3: squares, circles, and triangles. I've placed 3 menu buttons on the side of the stage. I added all objects to the stage just so you can see them. Ideally I'd like to have each button call one of the groups to the stage and begin the tween that is assigned to the object. In this case I've made all the tweens 'alpha' for simplicity. So for example if the '1' button is clicked, it will add the group of squares to the stage and initiate their alpha tweens so that they fade in. Then when the '2' button is clicked, the squares will be removed and the circles will be added and their tweens initiated. I've never seen a tutorial on this so I'm not quite sure how to proceed. What I'd imagined is to group the objects into arrays then add the arrays to the stage with addChild?
I'm using this as a simple model to build a website where I'm going to be calling the content of each section of the site dynamically with menu buttons, instead of using the timeline at all. This is the next step in my actionscript evolution.
I have a set of dots I am placing on a map dynamically (using attachMovie) with an XML file giving the coordinates. I also am using the "hover caption" tutorial (great) to assign a tooltip for each dot. When I rollover the dots, the tooltip appears fine, but it is under the dots, not at the highest level. I have the level set to getNextHighestDepth():[code]Any ideas as to how to have the tooltip site on top of everything?
The Flash movie contains 2 Text files, one Component button, and 1 component checkbox.The purpose of the application is to load an XML file(works)Populate 2 text fields with information from the XML file(works)Compare the two text fields, if they contain the same information then the checkbox, via AS is told to be selected. (Heres the problem);
The idea behind this app is that its an electronic form. The user fills it out, the information is then sent to a newly created XML file, months later the open the XML file in flash, and Flash fills out text fields and check and or unchecks Checkboxes based on the XML data.CheckBoxes are mandatory.But I don't see how I'll be able to use them if i can't create and condition statements based on the loaded Data.
If objects are created dynamically in AS3, using code like this:
for (var num:Number = 0; num<10; num++){ var txtFld:TextField = new TextField(); txtFld.text = 'This is the original text'; this.addChild(txtFld); }
then later, i want to changet the text of one of the TextFields, how can I do that? The only instance listed in the variables is a single instance of "txtFld" and it is the last one that is created. How can I access the others?
I'd like to be able to dynamically access objects from with in a function. In javascript I might say something like window[objectName] and assign it to a temp var or call a method from it. How can I do this in AS3?
Use case:I have a currentReport var that holds the name of the currently active report. When a new report is called I want to unload the current report then load the new one and finally set the currentReport var to the new value.
Having grown tired of dealing with uncollected objects mucking up my game level/performance management, I've decided to make a dedicated garbage class which will hold arrays populated by all the strong references I make. I can then just null out/removeChild/removeListener all the contents of these arrays whenever I need to ensure GC will pick up certain objects.What I'd like to know is the following: is there any way within AS3 (or community made AS3 libs) to detect all current references/listeners/etc. that might keep any given object from being collected? I know there are dependency-mapping utilities out there for debugging, but I'm looking for something that can be called dynamically from an object or its parent to find references to the given object and is suitable for regular runtime implementation.
I have a combination of movie clips, graphic and button objects that I want to appear in front of a movie clip that's being dynamically spawned through ActionScript.
Despite looking at various codes on how to go about doing this, problem is I'm using code somebody else made, so I don't know where to add the code to set the depth order for the spawned object. I'm not even sure which codes to use to achieve the effect I want.[code]...
I have a scroll pane with textboxes and buttons that are dynamically created in a function. The textboxes are a user list that can get very long.
I am having problems where once I get out of this frame I want everything to be removed. I have tried removing the scroll pane but all the dynamically created objects remain. Is there some command when you enter a new frame to clear all objects or something along that line?