ActionScript 3.0 :: Exporting Flash As A Movie?

Apr 13, 2011

Every method I have tried so far to export my flash file as a workable AVI or MOV is by creating the entire animation on the main timeline.This means every animation, every tiny bit is edited and altered on the Parent time line, and looping animations will have to be painstakingly copied and pasted for the duration of the loop.Surely there must be a way to save the movie to include all the sub timelines? I think to the very simplethat video is everywhere - even on youtube! you can't say that has been copied and pasted for each loop?

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see the next flash example I made: (4 KB)

And now see how it looks like once exported into video format: (160 KB)

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Dec 21, 2011

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Flash :: CS4, Exporting Quicktime Movie: Size, Aspect Ratio, And Alignment?

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I am new to Flash so this may be a basic question, but I have not been able to find anything in the help files or the forums. I have tried several times to change the size of my quicktime movies, from 550 pixels by 400 pixels to 480 pixels by 480 pixels, and I cannot seem to do it. I have used "Modify > Document" and tried every option I could find through this command. Each time I export I double check that the export settings match my desired size, and they do, but when I open the movie in quicktime, it has been stretched to fit 550 x 400 pixels. The preview movie looks exactl how I want, it is only the exported movie that is incorrect. Is it possible to make a quicktime movie of the size I would like, or is that a standard format that cannot be adjusted?

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Flash8 : Massive Slowdown When Exporting To Movie?

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on (release) {

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Now i have a FLV video clip that i want play on a webpage with a full screen option so this is what im doing:
File > Import > Video
On my computer > Browse > (Found my file 17.8mb) > Load external video with playback component  > continue
Skin: SkinOverPlayStopSeekFullVol.swf   
Now its been imported i export it into my directory that im upload to my server (the swf file is now 59kb)
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Mar 20, 2010

Im working on a Dragonball Z MMO. things are goin great so far utilizing Flash PHP and MySQL. but thats not the issue right now.Im running tests of the battle system. i have the enemy set up as Mr. Popo (character from the series) The quality of the sprite appears great and in good color.however, when i compile everything into the final .swf, the movie clip appears diminished, discolored, and just really crappy looking.[code]it only happens to this movie clip in particular, any insite would be grossly appricated.

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Nov 12, 2009

1. Can skip "Exporting SWF Movie" step once i successfully exported and built an swf.I dont need to to export & built it every time when there are no code/design changes. Wasting lot of time to export to swf file. Can I skip and run already built swf from CS4 workspace directly?

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Exporting MOV From Flash?

Sep 30, 2009

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Flash CS5 Not Exporting SWC?

Apr 5, 2011

So for some weird reason i've run into a bug today. I'm trying to export a FLA in CS5 to SWC but click the "export to SWC" setting in the publish settings. my problem is for whatever reason it's not exporting the swc file.

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Flash :: IDE - Exporting Swc From Cs3 In Mac

Oct 22, 2009

I'm having a really weird problem exporting a library asset (movieclip) to a swc file. This should be really simple to do... The strange thing is, if I do not include the outside code in my project, when I try to export the asset as a swc, it will give me errors, but it will also create the file with no problem. If I include the outside code and export the library asset as a swc, it compiles with no errors but it NEVER WRITES THE FILE! This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Has anyone else run into this problem and if so, how did you fix it? If I repeat the same process in windows I do not see the same issue, it creates the swc without any hesitation. Is there a weird setting in Mac OSX that I need to change maybe?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Exporting .scr From Flash?

Jun 8, 2011

I want to create a screensaver, animating in Flash, I was wondering if there is a way to export .scr format straight from flash, or need I use software like "Flash ScreenSaver Master "

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Flash :: Exporting .MOV Files From CS5?

Nov 4, 2010

I am having trouble exporting my animations created in Flash CS5 (or Macromedia flash 5, or CS3) to .MOV files. I'm having these issues on different  platforms  (mac and pc) and different operating systems (XP and win 7) - I only get error messages and out of memory errors, even on the fastest computer I have with 4gig of RAM working on a 2mg Flash file. I just want to convert my Flash files to a format that can play on Youtube and standard DVD players. Also I've tried many converters (flash to video) - not all free (Moyea, Roxio, iWisoft, Winfx Video Converter, Amor, E.M. Magic, etc, etc) - nothing works. The main problems are either the sound is not synched, the playback is choppy, and the quality is awful. I think my only hope of getting a good video is starting with a good .MOV file exported from Flash. [URL]..

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Jul 1, 2010

I am trying to export a .swf to mpg/avi or any other easily viewable and distributable format.It has worked in the past but the .swf we are currently trying to export has more advanced filters and masks.

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Flash 9 :: .SWF Not Found After Exporting

Nov 13, 2008

I'm working in Flash CS3 and until this point I've had no problems. I put together a test movie and after testing it, exported it as both a .swf and within an html file. Testing locally, the html works fine. However, when I put in the external URL that points to the same file, the .swf fails to load. Changing the path to point to the .swf itself, I'm told the page cannot be found. Did I miss something in the exporting process? No other movie published so far from this configuration has behaved in this manner.

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Flash 10 :: Exporting Swf To Video?

Jul 28, 2010

i need a good way to export swf to video, prefareable (.flv, .mov) When i use Flash standart export movie method (export to .mov) i get a 450 Mbyte file from my 2,5 Mbyte swf. I need it to be about 10-25 Mbyte.

In my .swf there is allready a .flv with sound and some more timeline animation I added. I allready tried to import the .swf to After Effects and re-export it from there to .flv but importing the .swf results into an empty timeline with 0 frames.

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