ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash And Php Not Executing Properly

Dec 14, 2010

I have created a as3 log in script in flash cs5 that sends the username text and password text into two php variables. now everything works fine if i call navigateToURL (PhpURL,"_ blank");it returns with success , but the problem is that when i try to get to trace the output of the php file , it returns with a failure(even though i also call the above code at the same time and that returns success in my web browser). could it be a problem with cs5 , how would i go about viewing the trace() after i published it and put it on my local web sever.[code]

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polyStar.rotation += spinSpeed;
increase.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addspeed);


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JavaScript :: Flash - Safari Displays Source Instead Of Executing

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Adobe Flash CS3] Stop Executing A Function

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(Frame 4 is my game over screen) I also add with the dynamic text the word ''count'' next to Var: So is there a way to make it stop running on the next frame? Also am I willing to use a different ActionScript for a countdown if somebody knows a better one.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Executing Parent Function From Within Child

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I think I'm getting close but really have no idea. I know about the visible property and have been considering that, but isn't there a way to call a parent function from within a child movie clip? The code looks like this.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Executing Other Class File From Within A Function?

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var startgame:Game = new Game;


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Profiling :: Turn Off Flash Protection Against Long Executing Scripts?

Jul 23, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Images Does Not Load Properly In Flash 8 And Firefox - Works Fine In Flash 9 Or IE

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Professional :: Properly Updating Flash CS5.5 To Use The Latest Flash Player/Debugger?

Dec 13, 2011

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I downloaded the latest Flash Player / Debugger .exe and the latest SWC for 11.1 and now Stage3D is no longer being seen. Clearly I screwed something up. I uninstalled and reinstalled the MXP after deleting the FP11 XML and FP11 directory but it's not working anymore.
Is there a clear cut simple way to explain how to overlay the latest Flash Player for FPCS5.5? I used the AIR overlay instructions for 2.6 - 3.1 and it worked every time. Now I just need Flash Player overlay instructions. I'm very interested to start trying to Starling framework with Stage3D. I select FP11 to export and it tells me it can't find Stage3D.

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Nov 10, 2002

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Flash :: CS4 Or 8 Won't Publish Properly ... Paths?

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Flash 8 publishes them by default to my desktop. But if I use the default paths in CS4 the files don't even publish...they are nowhere to be found even with a search of my HD. I took html code from my site that was working and just changed the .swf file name. that didn't work either.


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Professional :: Flash CS4 Won't Load Properly

Dec 12, 2009

I boot up Flash CS4 and all I see in the upper left corner are the three dots for Apple's Snow Leopard interface. Flash was working fine yesterday, then last evening, all I got were the three dots. The menus are there. They open,  but they are acting flakey. I can open up a file, but none of the palettes or interface show up. The stage is located under Apple's menu bar at the 0,0 location of the monitor and unmovable.
I deleted the preference files from my user library and also a file called "Flash 10 mru". That didn't do a thing.
The only change I made yesterday was an upgrade Adobe supplied for Premiere.
I also upgraded to Snow Leopard over the old Leopard, rather than a clean install.
But Flash was working fine on it for a month before yesterday's three dots attack.
Flash CS3 works fine.
Flash CS4 works fine on my laptop with Snow Leopard.
This morning, I uninstalled the old and reinstalled a new copy. Really at a loss as to what to do.
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Professional :: Flash Not Loading Properly?

Apr 21, 2011

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ActionScript 3 :: How To Properly Use SWC Packages In Flash CS 4

May 23, 2010

I've googled a lot trying to find how to properly import and use .swc files in Flash CS 4, tried lots of different methods but none seem to work.

What I've done is:
1. Placed it in my "D:Program Files (x86)AdobeAdobe Flash CS4enConfigurationComponents" folder. It does however not show up in the component inspector.
2. Added it in Publishing Settings as a Library and External Library, still can't seem to use it.

I've also tried adding
"import org.osflash.signals;"
After each method but I receive the error
"1172: Definition org.osflash:signals could not be found."

So what I'm asking for is an easy way to get the .swc package working code-wise with all classes imported etc. The .swc file is as you may have guessed as3signals.

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Javascript :: Flash - Properly Loading And Seeing Everything?

Jul 28, 2011

I have a form that loads from a request through a zip code widget from another page. THe widget populates two of the form fields immediately, on submit, on the new page.My problem is that I have a pretty complicated piece of flash on there as well that has ONE main issue.My flash is essentially a pie chart that lights up on mouseOver events and onClick events in the form check boxes.It works like it should except for the fact that on initially loading the page the javascript will not see the pre-populated check box and perform the corresponding highlighting action.This only happens in fields that are populated through the widgets, if a user checks the boxes it works fine as I have an onClick event handler attached to it.I wrote a preselect function that will determine if the field is preselected or not by a widget and then pass that on down the line to highlight it correctly (which it does as long as I have the alert functioning). Now, if I add an alert inside of the script (it doesn't matter where, as I've tried them in every function) it works like it suppose to and sees the fields that are populated immediately by the widget and highlights the corresponding field as it is suppose to.Why would an alert box be the only thing keeping this working. It is the simplest of alerts, but removing that breaks my code.Here is my code:(I placed three * on either side of the alert that I am talking about)

* @projectDescription SOME.util.QuoteRequest is the namespace for all quote request related functions. This is a supplemental controller for quote request pages.
* @return (object) function executes automatically when parsed and returns references to it's public members
* @author web development[code]..........

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Can't Set Timer Properly

Nov 24, 2011

I got function in Flash (Action Script 3) - that makes snowflakes falling. Now i want to make this snowflakes appear on screen only for 3 seconds. So I'm trying to use Timer class but i got problem:

var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(3000, 1);
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, snowflakes);


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Actionscript 3 :: Xml Not Loading Into Flash Properly?

Mar 26, 2012

im trying to learn flash actionscript 3.0 basically i just want to learn how to put 1 simple picture into a flash document using XML so far ive got

<IMAGE TITLE="Picture">Desert.jpg</IMAGE>

thats my XML code DESERT is a picture on my laptop from the sample pictures



this is my flash code when i run it i get a ton of errors which im confused about also the myLoader is a textarea box with the instance name myLoader

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Flash 9 :: CS3 : Files Won't Open Properly In CS4

Nov 21, 2008

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Flash Not Working Properly In Firefox And IE

Mar 4, 2011

I sorted this problem before, but it's back again.

Both of my animations work fine in firefox, but don't loop in IE.



confirm that these animations don't loop properly in IE?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash IDE Not Communicating Properly With PHP

Jun 16, 2010

When I compile and publish my flash movie and put it in my xampp/htdocs folder and then run the movie from Firefox, it works just fine. However, every time I try and run it in the Flash IDE, the PHP script doesn't get compiled. Instead, the uncompiled code gets read in as the data, and so when I run trace(, it basically shows all the PHP code plus a bunch of other gobeldygook. If I remove out the line loader.dataFormat=URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;, it then just shows the PHP code as is.

My question is this: what do I have to do to make the IDE run the compiled PHP script instead of just loading in the raw code as is?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Executing Function After FLV Is Completed?

Feb 3, 2010

So I've got a flv embedded on my stage and I want to call a function (a getURL) after it finishes playing

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Executing Script In A Child Swf

Feb 26, 2012

Is there any way to execute some actionscript in a child swf from the parent without actually having the script in the child swf,or having to add a callback.I'm new to flash so i don't know what can be done,or if it's easy to be more specific,i need search a array.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Actions Not Executing Immediatly?

Jun 18, 2010

I've setup a very simple FLA, if you wanna see what I'm talking about:[URL]..If you fire the swf and you click the red thing (button), you will go to frame 2. If you click it again, you will go to frame 1.
Both frames contain a green mc with a "this.visible=false" action, so you shouldn't see it the first time.
Now click fast the red button. You will see the green mc from time to time.So, seems the flash movie is executing "clicks" every ENTER_FRAME (not immediately when you click the button). The sample mc I attach has a framerate of 1fps, so you can see easily the behaviour, but it's the same with 30fps.
And the same for the green mc. The "this.visible=false" line is not executing immediately when the main timeline reaches the related frame.
In the second frame, the green mc is contained inside a red mc. If you break appart this red mc, all will work as it should and you will never see the green mc (the FLA file is attached as well, so you can test).
So, my main goal is that I can never see the green mc, being it or not child of other mcs.

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Flex :: Stop A Web Service From Executing?

Jan 12, 2010

is it possible to stop a web service from executing?

I have a flex web application that searches clients with both full name and client id, when searching by name sometimes the usuer just types the last name and it takes a long time.

Since the app is used when clients are waiting in line, I would like to be able to stop the search and use their full name or id instead, and avoid waiting for the results and then having to search the user manually within the results.

I meant "web service" I actually meant mx.rpc.soap.mxml.WebService, I want to stop it from waiting for the result event and the fault event.

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Php :: Strange Sequence Of Executing Commands?

Feb 27, 2011

I am beginner in FLEX programming , I am trying to implement a very simple LOGIN system using PHP, FLEX, MySQL.

protected function button2_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
var create_new_user:Users= new Users();[code]..........

I have added the "" to check the sequence , it was really strange to find out the it is executing "6,5,4,3,2,1"..?? Which mean user is created before checking the verification result?

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