Javascript :: Flash - Properly Loading And Seeing Everything?

Jul 28, 2011

I have a form that loads from a request through a zip code widget from another page. THe widget populates two of the form fields immediately, on submit, on the new page.My problem is that I have a pretty complicated piece of flash on there as well that has ONE main issue.My flash is essentially a pie chart that lights up on mouseOver events and onClick events in the form check boxes.It works like it should except for the fact that on initially loading the page the javascript will not see the pre-populated check box and perform the corresponding highlighting action.This only happens in fields that are populated through the widgets, if a user checks the boxes it works fine as I have an onClick event handler attached to it.I wrote a preselect function that will determine if the field is preselected or not by a widget and then pass that on down the line to highlight it correctly (which it does as long as I have the alert functioning). Now, if I add an alert inside of the script (it doesn't matter where, as I've tried them in every function) it works like it suppose to and sees the fields that are populated immediately by the widget and highlights the corresponding field as it is suppose to.Why would an alert box be the only thing keeping this working. It is the simplest of alerts, but removing that breaks my code.Here is my code:(I placed three * on either side of the alert that I am talking about)

* @projectDescription SOME.util.QuoteRequest is the namespace for all quote request related functions. This is a supplemental controller for quote request pages.
* @return (object) function executes automatically when parsed and returns references to it's public members
* @author web development[code]..........

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<IMAGE TITLE="Picture">Desert.jpg</IMAGE>

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function loadBlip(videoFile,width,height,cssID) {
var blipSWF = "";
var expressSWF = "/lib/js/swfobject/expressInstall.swf";
var attributes = {


The file that I pass to the loadBlip function looks like: [URL]

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Here's a sample link: [URL]

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Nov 17, 2009

I currently have a photography website that calls a javascript file from the html page. there are nine galleries of photos and this javascript file loads all the images as soon as the viewer lands on the page where they can select the galleries.

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here is the url [URL]

instead, what I would like to happen is that whenever the user clicks a gallery, the swf calls for a javascript file to load the images of just that gallery. right now I have a few on(release) commands.

how to call a javascript file from a flash swf?

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PHP Code:

var newsXML:XML = new XML();
newsXML.ignoreWhite = true;
var output:String = "";


If you look at this XML you will see that there are many different TOURNAMENTS. What I want is to have them all in a list.

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var flashvars=this.bootData;
var swfVersion = "";


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PHP Code:
var newsXML:XML = new XML();
newsXML.ignoreWhite = true;
var output:String = "";
newsXML.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
var news:Array = newsXML.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
[Code] .....

If you look at this XML you will see that there are many different Tournaments. What I want is to have them all in a list. I also want to have scrolling bar.

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I made a simple slideshow type viewer for a client. It works wonderfully for me in OS X using Safari and Firefox, and it works in Firefox under windows as well. Linky Now, the guy writing the backend stuff for the site uses windows, and noticed that when you navigate *away* from the page, and then go back, the images don't load. In IE 7. He sent me a screenshot using some http debugger.

Screenshot So, we figured we'd use a "cache buster" in IE. I made the flash append "?<RANDOM_STRING>" when requesting the images, but it doesn't seem to do the job. The HTTP debugger shows the request occurs, but Flash never actually receives the image. Here's the entirety of the class "SlideshowImage" which is responsible for loading the images ( and other junk, like photo credits, etc ). Hopefully somebody with more AS3 experience can hit me with the proverbial clue stick. I've been writing AS2 for a long time, but AS3 for only the last 6 months or so. I've never seen these problems in AS2, so I assume I'm doing something wrong in AS3.

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I found a script which loads text from a TXT file. Now the code worked fine on a button, but as soon I put that code on a MC it doesn't load the variables properly. That meas; I don't any script errors, but the text doesn't appear in the dynamic texterea.
on (release) {
loadVariables ("document1.txt", "");
Now I want this script to work on a MC!

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Dec 18, 2010

I want to build a web page with a button that when clicked opens up a javascript layer and loads a flash player inside that layer.  And that layer would need a close button. 

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Javascript :: Loading Flash Preloader Before The Game Content Loads?

Aug 20, 2010

i have a small requirement. like i am currently working on a games website in which whenever i open the game a flash preloader needs to open first and hide the game file while the flash preloader loads. once the flash preloader completes its loading then immediately the game content need to display. i heard it can be done using javascript,ajax.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slideshow With XML And Links Not Loading/running Properly?

Feb 10, 2012

I managed to get the swf to load fine on this page ( until I added a full-screen invisible button that goes over the slides. It uses the same counter to sync with them so that whenever someone clicks on it they go to the proper page. Unfortunately, now only the link works to the first page item, and sometimes I can't even see the slides 'loading' text, just a white background. If I take the link button out, the slides are fine. Why is the link interferring, and how do I get it to sync and not stop the slides?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Why The Loading Screen Doesn't Work Properly

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I have been trying to get my file to work for a day and a half now. Any help with the error or why the loading screen doesn't work properly [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Text Doesn't Load Properly?

Oct 26, 2004

check this out: [URL] this swf does use this code:

optredens = new LoadVars();
optredens.onLoad = function(){
_root.aankomend = this.aankomend;
_root.geweest = this.geweest;

as you see in the swf you first have to switch with "aankomende optredens" en "gespeelde optredens" before you can read the aankomende optredens text... why? i just want it to load immediately, so you can read it... without having to read "undefined"

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Apr 10, 2007

this is my xml file

<question type="image">


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Text Doesn't Load Properly

Oct 26, 2004

[URL] this swf does use this code:

optredens = new LoadVars();
optredens.onLoad = function(){


as you see in the swf you first have to switch with "aankomende optredens" en "gespeelde optredens" before you can read the aankomende optredens text... why? i just want it to load immediately, so you can read it... without having to read "undefined"...

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Professional :: Disabled Combo Boxes Don't Display Properly After Loading Movie

Mar 16, 2010

I have a main movie that contains some combo boxes. Some of them may be disabled.By pressing a button I load another movie using loadMovie. The loaded movie also contains combo boxes.When the button is pressed, the clip that shows the combo boxes is removed from the stage and the loaded movie is displayed. By pressing another button, the loaded movie is unloaded and the clip with the combo boxes is displayed again.Well, once the other movie has been loaded, when I go back to the clip with combo boxes, the disabled combo boxes have a small gray button covering the black down arrow.I have determined that so long as the loaded movie contains combo box in the library, the problem occurrs, even if there is no actual instance of it.The combo boxes that are not disabled are not affected. The combo boxes are disabled by setting "cb_name.enabled=false".If the combo box is enabled, it displays correctly, but if disabled again, it goes wrong again.My project is targeting Flash 8, so it uses AS2.I'm using Flash CS4.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Another "Loading External Swf. Not Working Properly"

May 20, 2009

I have and swf. named "headlines.swf" that uses xml and loads txt and images located on a server. And I have another swf. named "loader.swf", this is empty, and only contains an empty movieClip and emptyMc.loadMovie (""), and is located on another server. So none of them is being viewed local. When viewing the "loader.swf", everything that is made in flash in headlines.swf shows, but nothing of the txt and images from the xml. I have googled, but cant figure it out.

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