ActionScript 3.0 :: Generate 12 TextFields Matrix And Update Their Text

Aug 15, 2010

i want to generate 12 TextFields matrix and update their text from time to time.. i managed to Generate them but i can't access after to update their texts...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Textfields Text Property Won't Update

Jun 11, 2010

I have a dynamic TextField in one of my movie clilps called artistBox.bottomFrameForScrollPanel.artistsFound_t xt and when I trace out the artistsFound_txt.text, it shows the current value that I set which is "1 artists found". I ran the following code below to trace out the contents[CODE]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Matrix Transformations On Textfields?

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I have some problems with doing Matrix transformations on a MovieClip with a Textfield. As soon as I make a matrix transformation the textfield of the movieclip disappears. And I can not get it back.

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Flash :: Generate A Matrix With Value Of Elements Either 1 Or 0 (filled Randomly)

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I am encountering a strange problem. I am trying to generate a matrix with value of elements either 1 or 0 (filled randomly). I am storing the values into a 2D array. This is code on the first frame. Everything seems to be working fine.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: For Loop, Update Nested Textfields?

Oct 15, 2009

i'm a newbie to AS3 and i'm trying to update a website from AS2 to AS3. i can't get a for loop to work properly for me. i create the button movieclips initially, name them properly, and drop their titles into a textfield within the button movieclips.i am able to change the textformat on rollover/out and on click to a third state. i want the on click to change all the other button's text box format's back to the base, when i write a second for loop to run through the other buttons, i keep getting an error.

when i test trying to change the text like this: parent.getChildByName("mbtn" + i + "_mc").getChildByName("title_txt").setTextFormat(T extFormats.mmbase_fmt);
i get this error: 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method getChildByName through a


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Update Dynamic Textfields From Xml At Runtime?

Aug 30, 2011

Im having is that I cant update the information that I get from my XML file at runtime. I have some static textfields that updates just fine, but it�s the dynamic ones that don�t play nice.

The project is a small display that shows the amount of minutes that is left from the time set in the XML to the current time. I don�t want to bore you too much with the details of it all.

Heres the code! Right now though it doesnt update at all. Removed those bits of code since it got me nowhere

var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Countdown - Generate A Update On The Stage On Those Dynamic Boxes

Oct 8, 2007

i get this acs code that creates a countdown from a date that i can specify
i put four dynamic text box on the stage and i tell that put the countdown info on those boxes the point is, the data appears, but it never update, its get static, and the debug console shows that the data is updated but i cant generate a update on the stage on those dynamic boxes


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Is Incorrectly Rendered If The Movieclip Containing The Text Has A 3d Matrix Transform And Quality Is Set To Medium Or Low?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Matrix Algebra And Matrix Inverse?

Apr 5, 2003

Has anyone here ever developed a function (or general library of relevant functions) that will allow one to find the inverse of a matrix? I've searched the forum archives, as well as the internet more generally, but haven't found anything. If anyone has some leads, I hope you'll pass them along.

If I don't hear anything within the next few days, I might try to develop something on my own, but I'd hate to do so if someone has already done the dirty work.

A solution to this problem would be very useful for 3-D work or anyone doing mathematical programming more generally.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotating A Text Field Using Matrix Object?

Oct 2, 2010

I have a question concerning the use of the matrix objecThe following code works well to rotate the sprite from its center if its x and y properties don't change.However, if I drag and drop the clip somewhere else after having rotated it, and then add a new rotation, it keeps rotating from the previous rotation point. Even if I add point =new oint(myspr.x+myspr.width/2, myspr.y+myspr.height/2); in a function that is called at the end of the drag and drop, the rotation point remains the same.So,how to update the position of the matrix rotation point if the x and the y of the clip change on the scene after a rotation?

var myspr=new Sprite();myspr.x=100;myspr.y=100;addChild (myspr);var point:Point=new Point(myspr.x+myspr.width/2, myspr.y+myspr.height/2);rotateAroundCenter(myspr,45);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Variables From A Matrix Within A Text File?

May 11, 2004

How can i load variables from a matrix within a text file?

for example the text file is copy.txt with the following text:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Compare Dynamically Generated Textfields Text With Xml Text?

Mar 18, 2011

how to compare the text of dynamically generated textboxes with xml value. the instance name to the textboxes are assigned at runtime.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrollbar - Component Does Not Update Itself To Accommodate Text That Is Larger Than The Text Box

Dec 12, 2003

I have an empty textbox with the basic scroll bar component. Nothing is in the text box so the arrows are greyed out on the scrollbar. I have a button that loads text into the textbox, but the component does not update itself to accomodate text that is larger than the text box.

how can I make it so that the scrollbar changes when text is added.....also If I put text in the text box in flash, when I publish it gets the scrollbar fine, but it will not adjust itself when I click on the button that loads different text into the text box. what happens is the scroll bar stays the same regardless on the size of the loaded text.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Disappearing From Textfields?

Oct 12, 2009

I'm working on an interactive poetry project. I have 49 textfields displayed in a 7x7 grid. The properties are stored in an array. Here is the code for that. For the purposes of demonstration I place the character "S" as text in each field. This code works as intended.

var instances:Array = [];
for (var i:int = 0; i < 49; i++) {
var j_inst:TextField = new TextField();
j_inst.text = "S";


The problem occurs when I want to change the text. When it's triggered the text simply disappears. I have no idea why and I'm running out of ideas. I've tried without the embedded font but to no avail. Changing other text properties like instances[j].x works but whenever I change the text I lose it.

function ChangeText(e:TimerEvent):void {
for (var j:int = 0; j < 49; j++) {
instances[j].text = "X";

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Set Text In Input Textfields?

Aug 26, 2010

I have an input textfield were I need to insert a number when it has focus and the user presses a button, like in a calculator. I have everything else working, the problem is thatinput1.text = anything;doesn't work, not for any of my 10 inputfields, like it does with my output fields (dynamic textfields)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Allocate Dyn. Text To Several Textfields?

May 9, 2008

I was wondering how i can prevent a scrollbar, so i was thinking about allocating the text to several dyn. textfield (depending on the size of the text)

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IDE :: Text In Textfields Randomly Move?

Nov 2, 2009

This happends in a *quite heavy* flashproject at work. And what's even more interesting is that it doesn't happend every time. It seem's to be at random. What happends is that text in textfields would move ~1px in X or Y. Have anyone else encountered this?

I thought that it was the layout code that sometimes was updated but no luck with that. And it is not that the text is getting reset either. But it seem's to happend on mouse-input ( press / onRelease ).

This has been tested on different computers and it moved on all, nut in different ways.

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Actionscript 3 :: Collision Detection For Text In Textfields?

Sep 14, 2011

Creating an application that will randomize signatures (textfields) on a page. Is there any way for collision detection to work with text in textfields?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Textfields On The Fly That Wrap The Text They Contain?

Apr 18, 2006

I am trying to create textfields on the fly that wrap the text they contain. I am using the following code but it is not working well. The text within the textfield is low and some of it is cut off.(Easy to see if I put a border around the textfield.) What's my bext solution to create a textfield which perfectly fits the text it contains.

var caption="someText";
thumbTitleTextFormat=new TextFormat();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Disappears From Dynamic Textfields?

Oct 13, 2009

I am making some progress with an interactive poetry projectearlier.Unfortunately I have another problem which I can't seem to solve. In the project I create 49 textfields in a 7x7 grid. The properties are stored in an array. The code I have to do this works as intended.

var instances:Array = [];
for (var i:int = 0; i < 49; i++) {
var j_inst:TextField = new TextField();


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Run-time Textfields With Embedded Unicode Text?

Jul 13, 2009

your reward will be to know that someone has not lost hissanity.[ActionScript code]var testStr = "_ABC";

// Set up the design-time textfieldtf1.text = testStr;tf2.text = testStr;
// Set up the run-time textfieldthis.createTextField("rtf", 0, 10, 130, 200, 30);var rtf = this["rtf"];rtf.selectable = false;rtf.multiline = true;rtf.html = false;var textFormat =


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Text Size In ALL Textfields In Stage And MCs?

Aug 2, 2006

is it possible to set the text size for ALL the textfields in the movie with one script? Even if they have no instance names, even if they are created dynamically,...

Maybe some prototype which activates after the textfield is "created"?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Xml Generated Text In 2(or More) Dynamic Textfields?

Feb 19, 2009

Im attempting to display xml generated text in 2(or more) dynamic textfields. One textfield under the thumbnail and 2 or more textfields next to the large image that loads.Ive posted an example where I put text in the dynamic text fields just to show location and how it should work:[URL]

I keep getting undefined errors. I've made minor adjustments from the original source: [URL]I think the error might be a typo. Ive pasted the AS and you can click the link for the zip if any want to take a crack at this issue: [URL]

----------------ERROR I KEEP GETTING----------------------------
1120: Access of undefined property arrayThumb.
1120: Access of undefined property arrayThumb.
1120: Access of undefined property thumbsDescription.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: One Dynamic Text Var Split Across Multiple TextFields?

Dec 12, 2009

I have two text fields, textL and textR, that read like a book with a specific height and width. Currently I have the external .txt/.php set up variables for each page. Example of book.txt :Code:&page1=Hi this is page one.&page2=And this is page two.I am looking for ideas on how to approach using just one variable which is split at the absolute end of textL with the rest of the variable or string loading into textR. Basically, automating the split of the text when it runs out of space in each field.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic TextFields' Text Becomes Invisible When Loaded Into Another MC?

Feb 23, 2010

I have inherited a huge application (several thousand lines of code spanning roughly 40 files) to which I must add some functionalities. Now I haven't even started on modifying the code yet because of a problem when loading the Flash file. The Flash files represent a whole website "creator" or "manager" depending on how you see it. It allows end-users to add buttons, images, text fields, etc. inside which other buttons/images/texts can be added. Basically, it's some kind of WYSIWYG editor. I did not create this but I agreed to work on it for some time if I can get it working.

There is a main file, aptly named index.swf, which loads other files (the website file, or the text editor file, etc.) according to what the user is trying to do. If a user is simply viewing the website, then it displays the website. If a user is modifying the website (after authentication), it displays the website AND a management interface, which allows the user to add, modify or remove controls on the site.My problem is that all TextFields display their content (the text) properly when the website is displayed but they display nothing when the management interface is displayed. In other words, a user viewing the website will see all texts in it; a user modifying it will not.

The way this works is that the main SWF (index.swf) creates an empty movieclip for the website and loads the website (another SWF) inside it. Then it creates other movie clips and loads other SWFs inside them for the management interface.The TextFields inside the website SWF contain the appropriate text and have an appropriate font set up (I am able to display it using but their textHeight and textWidth properties are 0, which to me is not normal.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generate A Swf From Text And Images?

Jul 15, 2009

how can I generate a swf from text and images, Example I have these files:mytext.txt and some pics image1.jpg image2.jpgThis files, was parsing from a pdf file, and I need to inserts to a personalized swf (or fla). Yes, I need a free solution, like ipaper "http:[url]......" or flippingbook "http:[url]....."... how this projects can works? because ipaper can read text and select it, it's not a image!! maybe they have an OCR but in AS3? in general, both projects have amazing characteristics.I know this is complicate but I really need a free solution and not an "unpersonalized" projects, that we can't change.Now, coming back to a first question, one possibility is a swf compiler (I could be wrong), how can I manipulates an adobe's swf compiler?(by cli or code?).

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Actionscript 3 :: Generate SVG From Dynamic Text

Feb 16, 2010

Is there a way to save text from a dynamic text field into some kind of SVG format?

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Disable The Text Selection Abilities And Such Of Flash TextFields (so They Act Like Labels)?

Sep 3, 2010

How can i disable the text selection abilities and such of flash TextFields (so they act like labels)?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Make A Button Generate Text?

Nov 19, 2009

I'm trying to make a "weapons generator" for the game Crysis without the need of coding. to do this I'm using component buttons/textboxes/numericalsteppers. Does anyone know how to make it so when you press a button or change the number in a numericalstepper or enter something in a textbox to make it paste corrisponding text in a textbos to the left?

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