ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A MC To Resize Proportionally With Embedded Swf

Apr 15, 2009

I'm loading an external swf that calls an XML file and plays a slideshow animation that enlarges or contracts the pics being loaded (similar to a Ken Burns effect).

The external swf is loaded into a movieclip holder named "mc" on the main fla file. The movieclip holder's dimensions initially, are the same as the fla file. However, I want the loaded swf to scale proportionally according to the stage after it gets resized. So, if I click and drag the stage so that it is wider, the movieclip holder's width also widens, but it's height scales proportionally.

If the externally loaded swf had content that fit the stage exactly, without any hidden objects offstage, the movieclip playing on the main fla scales proportionally without any problem.

Problem, since the externally loaded swf is animated with pics that get bigger or smaller, or even pan from left to right, the size of the movieclip on the main fla file resizes NOT according to the movieclip holder's width and height, but to it's content's width and height that are constantly changing.

I think you can guess my question now. How can I get the movieclip holder to resize proportionally according to it's own width and height, and not it's content's width and height?

Here's the code I have so far. Note that I created a movieclip called "mc" on the main fla file.

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Resize Movie Clip While Scaling Its Contents Proportionally

Mar 4, 2010

I have set a movie clip with instance name if "body" to resize automatically based on the size of the browser window using:

body._x = Stage.width / 2;
body._y = Stage.height - 44;
body._height = Stage.height - 149;
body._width = Stage.width-20;

(that code may not actually have any relevance?)

What I'm wanting to happen is that when the "body" movie clip changes size, I want the objects within it to be scaled proportionally (keeping the x:y ratio the same). The result that I'm wanting will result in the contents (as a whole) being proportionally scaled to the height (because it will always be the smaller dimension in my case) of the current size of the body mc.

I've uploaded my .fla so you can see what im working with. The red square is the body that i've managed to scale but I have not yet added anything within it. (I have tried but it's contents distort when the body is resized)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed Not Scaling Proportionally

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I've attached an image that hopefully demonstrates my issue. The black area represents the supposed stage, where the gray represents the area the swf is taking up when embedded in the page. The stage align is set to TL, and I've switched between all the scale modes with no success.

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loadMovie("../ImageUploadFolder/optimized_images/" + this.file, "_root.back_mc.image_panel_6.imgContainer6");


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Code: Select allgreybar._width = Stage.width;
greybar._height = Stage.height;
greybar._xscale = greybar._yscale = Math.max(greybar._xscale, greybar._yscale);

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import caurina.transitions.*;
var conn:NetConnection = new NetConnection();


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import flash.utils.Timer;


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Jan 2, 2011

I'd like to gain read only access to the following parameters of embedded Flash videos located on sites that I do not own through my own custom browser extension/add-on:

Time location of playback head (so I can display the current time in the browser extension via HTML5/JavaScript) Frames (so I can make capture them to an image file, save it and display image in browser extension) Original Dimensions in pixels (so I can display the original video dimensions via JS/HTML5 in browser extension)

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Oct 19, 2007

Looking at the attached file, why does bottomScrollV give me the wrong value when the text is dynamically embedded and correct when manually embedded?

Here's the code:
ActionScript Code:
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoad);
loader.load( new URLRequest("info.xml") );


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Sep 19, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Browser Resize Doesn't Trigger Resize Event?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm having a bit of a problem here. As per the title, my flash swf file works fine when tested from the IDE, but when I publish it and open it through the browser, the stage doesn't seem to resize along with the window.I post below a bare-bones example. The "back" movie clip should resize, only it remains at the starting dimensions

import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Flex :: Flash - Resize Children When Parent Is Resize?

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I have Buttons which I have rotated vertically within a Canvas, that is working fine. The problem occurs, when the user resizes the window to a small size a vertical scroll bar appears, I would rather have each button squashed upto a smaller size.

<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="" width="40" maxWidth="40" xmlns:myComponents="myComponents.*"


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I have something like this:

<mx:VBox id="container"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Get Stage Resize Listener To Resize Movieclips In "main" Swf

Sep 9, 2009

I've got a large bitmap (1920 x1306) that my client wants as a bg image, scaled to the swf size on load (930 x 575); but that can "grow" up to its original size if/when a user expands the browser window. All the rest of clips in the display list are to remain in place (except for a copyright clip, which they want to always be 14 pix above the bottom of the browser frame. I've tried loading the bitmap dynamically at full size and then using scaleX,scaleY to set it's initial smaller (930x575) size, and I've tried just setting the height/width of the dynamically loaded image using the math of scaleX,ScaleY just in case the scaleX "transformed" the bitmap so that it couldn't return to its original size.  Both make the bitmap the right size. But the resize function below did  nothing to it, (or the copyright.y.) THEN I tried just putting the bitmap into the display list (both sizing methods work here, too). But even as an original member of the compiled display list, the resize event is still not reaching the target. Everything I've seen on the web says this should work - luck.
Here's the AS3 code in the 1st frame of my swf:
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;


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Actionscript 3 :: Possible To Use A Non-embedded Fallback Font When Using An Embedded Font With TextField?

Sep 10, 2010

I have an embedded font in my AIR/AS3 app that lacks support for most internationalcharacters. Using TextField and StyleSheet with the font-family property, I assumed I would simply need to do this:font-family: Interstate-Regular, _sans;This works if TextField.embedFonts = false; but then Interstate-Regular isn't embedded for users that don't have it on their system. With TextField.embedFonts = true; the text doesn't even show up. Is there a way to embed Interstate-Regular and still use _sans as a fallback system font without embedding it as well?

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