ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Variable Containing The Drug[?] Arraynumber And Then Applying It To The Second Array?

May 9, 2009

when it comes to AS3 and I'm creating a drugdeler game in the spirit of old DopeWars. On my main timeline i have placed out 6 movieclips containing pictures of drugs and named the instances. In my actionscript i have created 2 arrays, one containing the instance-names of the drug movieclips and one containing the name and price of each drug in string

Now what I want to do is when you mouse over a drug-movieclip a textfield will appear containing the string associated with that particular drug.The problem is, I have no idea how to get a variable containing the drug[?] arraynumber and then applying it to the second array to get the string into the textfield.Here's my script;

var drugText:TextField = new TextField;var drugIndex:Array = ["Ganja $500", "Heroin $10,000", "Cocaine $25,000", "Hasch $600", "Acid $1,000", "Ectasy $1,500"];var drugs:Array = [ganja_mc, heroin_mc, cocain_mc, hasch_mc, acid_mc, extacy_mc][code].....

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// processReplace Function
function processReplace(transferFiles) {
var processArray:Array = transferFiles.slice();


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obj["name"] = ["na","no","ne"];
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end = "_global.var"+userOption+"Array["+array#+"]";
userOption being the needed array
array# being the needed entry within the array.

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var data1:String = new String;
var data2:String = new String;


This will currently trace 111 - can I get it to trace "Hello"?

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I have a series of buttons within an array called (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) see below

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var myArray:Array = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i];
for (i in myArray) {


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Feb 18, 2011

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I want to compare that with a variable which has same value 1,1,1,1

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var user_response:Array = ["0", "0", "0", "0"];
var correct_answer = "1,1,1,1"

Here is the code

if (user_response == correct_answer ){
else {

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Mar 21, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Variable Name Inside An Array?

Jan 11, 2012

Is there a way to obtain the variable name that is inside an array?[code]...

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Mar 14, 2012

I have three array holders that hold different text and numbers. First I need if(_root.achievements[0][i] (Needs to be evaluated as a string variable name for example _root.pKills because before I set _root.pKills to 10) == _root.achievements[1][i] (Need to be evaluated as a number so I can compare it to the string variable name))


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ActionScript 2.0 :: For + Array + Property + Variable?

Jun 9, 2004

im doing a loop to attribute the values to _x property, and use it to make random movimets with movieclips.i ve got 16 movieclips in my stage, named b1, b2, b3....b16 and the code is

count = 0
chama = setInterval(function () {

so... after 3 time that setinterval execute this function, i�d like to call a function to get this movieclips, in their current positions and take them in especifics positions on I created an Array and I�m trying to use this code to define variables with values from the Array, and make a moviment to the especifics positions

xC = [63.9, 16.95, 45.85, 65.55, 18.75, 26.2, 55.85, 55.25, 28.85, 21.95, 36.6, 35.75, 14.7, 45.7, 14.45, 60.75]
function cPos () {
for (a=1; a<=16; a++) {[code]...but it�s not working...why??what can I do to Take the variables inside the array and use them to respectives movieclips b1, b2....b16?

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