ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Part Of An Array-name In A Variable

Mar 21, 2011

I have an array named "lagers1" when I trace lagers1[0] I get: lagers1[0]= _level0.firth_l0

Now I want to decide if "firth" is in the name of "_level0.firth_l0". I have tried with slice but all the time it shows undefined. Is there a way to get a part of an arraymname in a variable?

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Where The Connection Is Set Between The Text Part And The Array / Variable READ

Jul 3, 2009

in a flash template i found several buttons with almost the same action script code. on pressing the button a window popup with different text (for each button a unique text). the following code is in the code section of the buttons, only the two last codelines are different for each button.


so i think that the input of the unique text for each button is handled in the last line "_root.READ = 22". i also found in the bibliothek the belonging text parts. my problem now is that i dont know where the connection is set between the text part and the array/variable READ. in this case the connection is 22, but i dont found any property in the text part or in the property of the button where the connection is set to 22. i use flash cs4.

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a,b,c,d,g,,e,f (here after the g it goes wrong)
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My question: is there some cool way that I could avoid writing 36 different (although they would be similar) "_level0.thumbButXX.onRelease = function()..." type things for each of the 36 buttons. In other words, when the user clicks the instance "thumbBut25" something grabs the "25" part out of the instance name, converts it to an integer, and passes it on to a function that loads up the image that corresponds to "25"?

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var randObj:Array = new Array("obj1", "obj2", "obj3");


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// processReplace Function
function processReplace(transferFiles) {
var processArray:Array = transferFiles.slice();


Basically it's supposed to check to see if the file exists and return as true if it does and add it to a replace array, then the replace array is processed into a single string and put into a dialog box through the flash wrapper prompting them to "replace the files or not".

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theArray[0] = 20;

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<mx:ArrayCollection id="arrColl">


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The Setup:
(For illustration only. Not actual script)
My MCs:


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This is my object:

obj["id"] = ["1","2","3"];
obj["name"] = ["na","no","ne"];
my itemArray:
itemArray = ["id","name"];


but it doesn't work. How do I actually use the arr[i] variable in the array? :s

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Regex :: If Part Of Substring Is True Then Replace Part Of Substring With Running Var?

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< fontFamily=Verdana encoding=unicode fontWeight="bold"> some text < fontFamily=Verdana encoding=unicode > some text < fontFamily=Arial encoding=unicode fontStyle="italic"> some text < fontFamily=Arial encoding=unicode fontWeight="bold" fontStyle="italic"> some text

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< fontname=Verdanabold encoding=unicode> some text < fontname=Verdana encoding=unicode > some text < fontname=Arialitalic encoding=unicode > some text < fontname=Arialbolditalic encoding=unicode > some text

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mc.myarray[0] = movieclip1; // some mc name
mc.myarray[1] = movieclip2; // or push it


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Oct 22, 2011

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Retrieving The Value Of An Array Variable?

Jun 19, 2009

I have an array variable called ball[#], which value starts at 0 and is incremented up to 8. I also have a corresponding array variable called _ballPlaced which returns true or false if a ball is placed in a target zone. What I would like to do is retrieve the array value variable from the ball[#] at any time. For instance, the ball[#] variable can be clicked and dragged, so when it's selected it becomes the E.g. How can I put the array value of the ball[0] in the ball _ballPlaced array.

ActionScript[/* retrieve vale of ball[0] array i.e. 0 and put it in here */]

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Jun 15, 2009

I am desperate about this.[code]...

Another thing: how to access array values from outside of function?

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I want to loop through an array and use the array value to reference a variable. The Setup:(For illustration only. Not actual script)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Call A Variable From Within The Array ?

Feb 15, 2009

I have global variables:


and so forth.The issues is I need to call a variable from within the array but depending on an option the user has chosen it needs to call the right one.At the moment I am trying

end = "_global.var"+userOption+"Array["+array#+"]";
userOption being the needed array
array# being the needed entry within the array.

However when I try and use this I of course just get it like a string, not as a variable...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Retrieve Value Of An Array Variable?

Jun 19, 2009

I have an array variable called ball[#], which value starts at 0 and is incremented up to 8.

I also have a corresponding array variable called _ballPlaced which returns true or false if a ball is placed in a target zone.

What I would like to do is retrieve the array value variable from the ball[#] at any time.

For instance, the ball[#] variable can be clicked and dragged, so when it's selected it becomes the E.g. How can I put the array value of the ball[0] in the ball _ballPlaced array.[code]...

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