ActionScript 3.0 :: Get The CreationComplete Function?
Feb 22, 2010
How to I get the creationComplete function so that I can safely access swf objects? I thought going to the parent of all (the stage?) would work..I have tried unsuccesfullly to use :
stage.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, myCheckComplete);
but am having problems.
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Dec 7, 2011
I'm having trouble with updating a var and firing a function with it on creationcomplete.In the main component i declared a var artist. This var certainly works and has a value. I also need that var in another component: a profile component. I am able to get that var with:
newVar = Maincomp(this.parentApplication).artist;
I use the newVar in an API in the profile component. When i launch the API function with a mouseEvent, it works. However, i want to launch the API function on creationComplete and than the var doesn't work: it returns Null. I hoped that making all the involved vars bindable would help, but it doesn't. Extra code to make my case clearer:In main comp:
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vName = "aVariableIGetFromAnAPI";[code]...
This code works, but point is that this code works if i call it with a MouseEvent, but doesn't when it needs to launch on creationcomplete. Or well, it returns Null instead of a value. I thought that making the involved vars bindable would fix it, but it doesn't.
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my:Tab extends NavigatorContent (This is NOT the tab in a Tab Bar)
com:myBox extends BorderContainer.
<mx:ViewStack id="viewstack_main" width="100%" height="100%" creationPolicy="all">
<my:Tab label="My Tab">
<s:Scroller height="100%" width="100%">
[Code] .....
In the constructor of myBox I set the percentWidth and percentHeight to both 100. In the creationComplete event of the same myBox, I need to access the height and width. This works all ok with the MXML. However using ActionScript I need to add another tab.
var navContainer:Tab = new Tab();
var scroller:Scroller = new Scroller();
scroller.percentHeight = 100;
scroller.percentWidth = 100;
[Code] .....
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<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
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Jul 26, 2011
I have a creationComplete="myMethod(event)" in my s:Application, and it runs fine on my 3 flex (Flash Builder 4) development machines. However it is not working on the 2 end user machines I tried it on today!
It is not executing the creationComplete at all, but it is running the application and it seems like all the other code is running fine - with the exception of possibly some other creationComplete code for other components in the app.
On my machines I have tested it under IE 8 and 9, FireFox and Chrome - on all 3 machines.
On these two machines it has the problem on both IE 7 and IE 8. I even installed FireFox new and it also has the issue. After installing the latest flash player and deleting all browser history/cookies it still has the problem.
What might cause the creationComplete to not execute?
Update: I tried using initialize() and no difference.
However, I believe I found the line of code causing the problem:
var isDebug:Boolean = new Error().getStackTrace().search(/:[0-9]+]$/m) > -1;
If I comment that out, it works fine. I need that to know if my app is running in development/debug mode or on an end users machine.
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Nov 1, 2010
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Oct 9, 2010
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actionscript Code:
class Thing extends MovieClip{ var funcvar; var othervar; function onLoad() funcvar = "YYY"; othervar = "ZZZ"; function onEnterFrame()
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Jan 29, 2003
is it possible to write a function to move an object and then call that function on a clip event for instance
function (bounce){
and then call it by saying
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Jun 23, 2009
is it possible to store a list of params needed for a function in an array and then use that in a funciton call?
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Apr 21, 2010
How do I execute callback functions dynamically by passing a function in as an argument to another function?
Look at this example:
package {
public class myClass extends MovieClip {
public function myClass(callback) {
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Nov 27, 2009
I have a set of Cue Points in an FLV I'm playing. It's an interactive quiz, so the idea is that flash will change a variable, theAnswer, to a different letter depending on which question it is. The answer to question 1 is B, question 2 is D, etc. Either the cue point event listener isn't working, or else it is working and Flash isn't declaring the variables. 1120: Access of undefined property theAnswer. I literally can't find a single problem with my code. I have an almost identical Event Listener further down which works.
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May 13, 2010
I need to return to my original function after capturing an event (downloading something) with another function. The original function needs to return a value, which depends on the downloaded data. So, I'd like to pause original function for the time needed for the download and the eventhandler function to complete it's work, and resume it afterwards.
The obvious way is to set a flag value (both the original function and the eventhandler are within the same class) and make the original function check it until the eventhandler function changes the flag. But that would be wasteful, and my AS is slow enough already:) [other parts of the application utilise some heavy graphics]. Is there another way? Like an event that gets captured "in the middle" of the function? Or some other form of flow control?
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May 22, 2009
Let's say I have a Custom Event Class, and it has several Event types stored in static Constant:
Is there an easy way to validate that the type passed to the Constructor is one of the Static Constants of the Class, without having to check it against each value?
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Jul 27, 2009
is it possible to declare function this way
ActionScript Code:
function startShake(e:MouseEvent, num1, num2):void
what i mean is it possible to send to the function not only en event but also a variable and a second question how can i access
ActionScript Code:
function stopShake(e:MouseEvent):Array
this array that function return.
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Jun 16, 2010
How create baseurl function in flash and how i call that function in button script
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Feb 28, 2008
I have this code but I cannot work out how to fill in function parameters based on an array and it's length, see line 7
import com.robertpenner.easing.Cubic;
MovieClip.prototype.framesTimeout = function(func:Function, frames:Number, args:Array) {
Is it possible to call a function and fill in the parameters based on an array and it's length?
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Feb 18, 2004
is there a way to refer to all movie clips on the stage or apply a function to all movie clips without applying the function to all manually?
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