ActionScript 3.0 :: GetColorBoundsRect That Can Only Search In Specific Region Of The Specified Location
Jul 30, 2011
Well, I am working on motion detection in AS3.
I already understand how it works, now in this swf what happen is there are filters added to the video(output) to make the motions color white. I will put the files here.
The swf is inside the bin folder. (this is made by soulwire) Here is his site/blog
I am trying to mod it to improve it. Well you can study code if you want to
But what I want to do with getColorBoundsRect is:
- Having only one source to detect the color "WHITE". But having multiple "getColorBoundsRect" detecting white on that ONE source but on DIFFERENT regions.
Lets say this M1(colorboundsrect) will only detect the first part of the source) and M2 will be detecting on another region of SAME source.
1 source, but multiple getColorBoundsRect on different regions of that 1 source
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[Code] .....
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<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" xmlns:media="*">
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letterText.text ="H";
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if ((this.tile.y == (event.currentTarget.y - 64)) != null) {
//add the colour of this tile to array
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