ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting A Popup To Show?
Nov 19, 2008
I have a map with regions. When you mouse over a region, I want a popup to appear, and when you mouse out, I want it to disappear. I have classes for Region and Popup, but for the life of me, I can't get that popup to appear! The actual map is on the stage, and it does light up when you mouse over a region. However, the popup never appears.
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Aug 20, 2010
I got this movieclip. With actionscript I attached a new movieclip to this one, as a popup menu, which will show on rollover. Inside this movieclip, it automatically makes textfields, as menu options (information I receive from a XML document). The problem is, that I cannot get it to respond on a onRelease function on those text fields, and I do not know why.
Heres the code for the textfields
Actionscript Code:
marray = explode(",",mn);
var sizes = 0;
for(var i=0;i<=marray.length - 1;i++){
mc.menu1.createTextField("txt"+i, i+59, 0, sizes, 100, 25);
mc.menu1["txt"+i].onRelease = function() {
getURL("[URL]", "_blank");
mc.menu1["txt"+i].text = marray[i];
sizes = Number(sizes) + 25;}
I tried to make a onRelease on one of the links, but it just wont work probably.
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Mar 4, 2011
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(PS: While opening popup2 from popup1, I am adding an event listener on Close event of popup2)
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<views:ScenarioView width="100%" height="100%" id="scenarioView"/>
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Jun 10, 2011
In my application,I want to show the .ppt file using the slide show manner.
That's to say,user can upload .ppt file to my server side,then other people can browser these ppts in the page ..
Since I have googled "embed powerpoint in web page" ,it seems that there is not a good idea to implement this and support the cross browser,so I thought the flash.
This is a slide show using the flash: [URL]
What I want is show the contents of the .ppt in this manner(it would be better if it support the animations in the ppt)?
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Apr 27, 2006
I have one MC that he has an gray color, when I compel it, it is gray, everything is fine so far. I had to create one param in the HTML pra to be able to change at any time of the MC color ex:"meuFlash.swf?&cf1=ff3300>...", any time that I change this MC color , my MC change too. I create this. [AS]new Color (fundo_mc.fundos_mc).setRGB (parseInt (cf1, 16));[/AS] My problem is the following one, when I speak in the HTML that I do not want to use this color "ff3300", I only want to use "meuFlash.swf?...", mine MC are all black, it are not of the gray color that I already had left, I do not know because it is all black.
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Dec 22, 2009
I have pages in a training module that I need to include a link to open a swf file as a separate popup window. The main SWF files are located in:[code]While the file I need to pop-up is located at:..Courseglossaryglossary.swf.I have a number of other folders similar to the one above that will use the same code to open the glossary file. Right now, I use AS2. I can also display the swf inside a htm if needed, but would have to define the size of that window.
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Mar 13, 2009
I posted about this a few weeks ago but it's still unresolved....I'm about ready to cry or go postal or both. I would love any input you might have. Another Flashkit member said he thought it might be line 23 of the html code, but I can't identify what's wrong with it. I will seriously send you a bar of fine chocolate I have created a multimedia site that pops up swf photo galleries. Trouble is.....the swf's are not loading in the popup windows. Here is an example:[URL] The link that opens the gallery is halfway down on the right.
It works perfectly on my local machine, and you can navigate directly to the swf ([URL]) so I'm thinking it's something in the html code of either the gallery "popper" or the "poppee." This is a recent development--until sometime this year it worked just fine. Not sure if some web standard changed or what?
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Jan 25, 2010
I used Flash a wee bit several years ago, but now with AS3 I'm a bit out of my depths... Anyway I have this template I'm adapting, and at the moment it is a thumbnail gallery that loads via an external xml file, and the fullsize image it loads is a link to an html file. The only thing is that it loads the html file in a new window and I want it to load in a popup window. I have figured out how to make a regular popup window using AS3 but that doesnt help me for this case as the actionscript is a bit more complex and going via the xml.... I have honestly spent a good 8 hours scouring the net for tutorials and nothing tells me exactky what I need to know to adapt my particular code.
Here is the code in my actionscript that seems to be calling up the html link part of the xml file:
function pic_click(e:MouseEvent):void
navigateToURL( new URLRequest( flashmo_tn_list[current_no].url ),
flashmo_tn_list[current_no].target );
My question is, is there a way to alter this code so that all the files in the xml will open as popups?
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Sep 26, 2011
URL...when you click on a picture on the home page, a bigger image shows on, when u scroll over it a black box slides out from the side. how do i prevent that from sliding when you scroll over the picture?I am using a pre-made template.
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Jul 1, 2009
How can I create a new window such as the one that opens here when i click the "insert link" above, with fade out and one that looks as if it's in the same window ?
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Nov 9, 2009
I have a popup that displays over another button. Most part of the popup is covering that (big) button. When I hover the mouse over the popup. the button still acts. I've changed the popup to a button as well, but the result is still that the mouse becomes a hand, which I don't want. Is there a better way to solve this? If not, how can I disable the hand?
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Jan 21, 2010
I need to have an .swf running for a game. Within this .swf there will be a "Help" button, which, when clicked, needs to create a new popup window from a different .swf file. The second .swf file must appear in a new window, in a separate popup, and not replace anything in the first .swf window.I want to know how to do this in ActionScript 3.0. I don't need help with the button click event, how to make the popup appear.
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May 24, 2011
When I load an internal popup window, I would like for the rest of the movie to be disabled. How might this be accomplished?
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Nov 7, 2007
I'm playing an flv file inside flash player (swf). I want to open a pop-up window if user clicks the movie. I'm calling a js function from the flash file (by onRelease event), but the bloody IE pop-up blocker blocks my pop-up. What can I do in order to pass this pop-up blocker?
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Dec 9, 2009
I have a gallery that calls the images from xml that loads into my place holder witch it attaches the url for the images to open in another window. Now, I will like only one image to open a new popup window, how can I activate that using xml and possibly a bit of as2? here is what I got: javascript to open new window:
on (release) {
getURL [code]......
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Jan 26, 2010
I'm trying to get a pop up to appear on my screen using the pop up manager. The code compiles and runs, but nothing appears on screen when it should.Heres my code :-
ActionScript Code:
panel = new Panel();
panel.title = "Locked Content";
View 5 Replies
Mar 15, 2003
I'm currently developping a (free) Flash application that could be distributed has a swf. This application will be launched by clicking on the swf file itself, so no html will be used to load the swf, see? Okay, here is my question. Is it possible to launch a swf on a stand-alone window (from another swf) and pass variables to it, like it is possible to do from a swf to another one in different frames in a website?
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