Javascript Popup Will Not Load Swf
Mar 13, 2009
I posted about this a few weeks ago but it's still unresolved....I'm about ready to cry or go postal or both. I would love any input you might have. Another Flashkit member said he thought it might be line 23 of the html code, but I can't identify what's wrong with it. I will seriously send you a bar of fine chocolate I have created a multimedia site that pops up swf photo galleries. Trouble is.....the swf's are not loading in the popup windows. Here is an example:[URL] The link that opens the gallery is halfway down on the right.
It works perfectly on my local machine, and you can navigate directly to the swf ([URL]) so I'm thinking it's something in the html code of either the gallery "popper" or the "poppee." This is a recent development--until sometime this year it worked just fine. Not sure if some web standard changed or what?
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_root.btn.onRelease = function() {
address = "E01_p.swf";
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<script type="text/javascript">
var image = new Image();
image.src = '';
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<script language=JavaScript>
function showme(FrameNumber){
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