ActionScript 3.0 :: Hidden Menu Appearing On Mouse Over?
Jul 14, 2010
It's a small hidden menu showing on mouse over. Here is the problem: the transparent button (that enables mouse over and mouse out menu) covers my small menu so i can't click on buttons i put on it (i put buttons on frame 5 of mouse over function ).. Is there a way to click on those button while mouse over is active? Or make the button that covers my menu a kind of transparent so my menu can be clickable?
I'm making a drawing application, everythings looks and works ok, except for one thing...My mouse cursor is hidden and a paintbrush like cursor follows it. This cursor is a movieclip, because the user chooses a color, and the tip of this paintbrush changes to the selected color.But there's one problem... when I draw to the left the line is drawed with no problem, but when I draw to the right, the line is interrupted, and I don't understand why.I made one experiment, and with no movieclip "attached" to the mouse cursor, the line is drawed with no problem, both to the right and left.
I have designed a menu that When you mouse over it, a custom cursor appears. When you mouse down it disappears and when you mouse up it returns. If you happen to mouse down and then drag the mouse off of the menu (whilst in mouse down) and then mouse up outside the menu, the custom cursor disappears. All good. The only issue is: If you happen to mouse down on the menu and then drag the mouse off of the menu AND off of the stage, i.e the SWF (whilst in mouse down) and then mouse up completely off of the stage, the custom cursor appears at the point it left the menu. I have tried to fix this using MOUSE_LEAVE but this dosnt work when the mouse button is pressed down. I have attached an FLA, SWF and the AS below.
I am having trouble with a sub menu that I built for a website. The buttons in the sub menu work fine when they are not inside a mask or they are on the first frame of the movieclip.The problem is they nedd to be hidden under a mask or not on the first frame of the sub menu movieclip. I do not know how to go around doing this. Does anyone know what I can do?Also the code works fine until I put the buttons in a mask or they are not on the first frame, but when they are under the mask or second frame I get this:
why the text is not appearing in my drop-down menu. When I click on the menu just the backgrounds appear for each selection, but no text on them.
var menuButtons:Array = ["Skin Tone"]; var subMenu1:Array = ["White", "Brown", "Tan", "Olive"]; var chosenMenu:Array = new Array(); var subMenuOpened:Boolean = false;
var contextMenu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); contextMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); var contactList : ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Add to Existing List");
All coding on and call to datagrid like
I'm currently trying to build a hidden object game, but am having difficulty getting accurate results with where the mouse is clicking. I thought using hitTestPoint to check whether the mouse's coordinates were actually colliding with the pixels of the shape would work, but this produces the exact same results as simply checking for a MouseEvent.CLICK event. It seems to be returning true even if the pixels being clicked on are transparent (i.e. just background/not part of the shape). Is there any way to check whether the pixels being clicked on actually contain the image of the object being searched for?
I've just stumbled upon a tiny but annoying problem concerning the mouse hand symbol that appears to indicate if a movie is clickable or not. I have a movie with a onRelease handler attached to it. Now I dynamically want to remove this handler (, when hovering over the movie, flash keeps on changing the mouse pointer into a hand symbol. Thus wrongly telling the user something will happen when clicking. example code to trigger the problem:
I have a movie with a onRelease handler attached to it. Now I dynamically want to remove this handler (eg. mc.onRelease=null). However, when hovering over the movie, flash keeps on changing the mouse pointer into a hand symbol. Thus wrongly telling the user something will happen when clicking. example code to trigger the problem:
I have researched the infamous 'Flash hogging keyboard focus' issue, but I believe our issue may involve a workaround that someone else has already come across. I've tried the various solutions I've found on stackoverflow and other sites, which I summarize below.We have a web app, and a particular interface loads several divs that we are using as "tabs". When a user clicks one of the tabs, we hide the current div and un-hide the new one. Our main tab (which is loaded when the page loads) embeds a document from Scribd, which is loaded as a Flash movie. When a user clicks on the Flash movie, they scroll with the mouse/keyboard like normal, and when they click outside of the document control returns as expected.When they navigate to another tab and then return to the original tab and click on the embedded Flash to navigate within it, the embedded Flash steals control of the mouse scroll and won't let it go. The user can click in this document and scroll with the arrow keys and then click out of the document and scroll the parent window with the arrow keys, but mouse scrolling is still bound to the embedded Flash movie. The only remedy is a hard page refresh.[code]This doesn't work -- I can confirm that the element is removed from the DOM, but when it is returned to the DOM it hogs mouse scrolling when clicked just like before.I also tried a similar solution, but instead of removing the element I called [code]
I have a project where I display content from an array. I also need to display ratings- which is between 1- 5 stars, works fine with correct alternate shading for each line- however, when I mouse-over, the skinnable countainer in the itemrenderer(named cont) still retains the original color it had for that row. As we are using fxg graphics, we have a a skinnable container box containing the ratings with one shade, that lies just within the larger table - with row color having changed on mouse-over. Screenshot attached- you can see the thin patch of blue between the ratings box(dark grey) and the highlighed row on mouseover...
I was told to shift from Datagrid to List to resolve this and for better performance- seems like a biggish task which I messed up.As an easier alternative, was looking to I would like to either
a) get the skinnable container color to disappear, so I see single color in a row on mouseover
b) disable the color change on mouseover for the grid rows, so this issue is avoided .The datagrid is very straighforward as below
I'm looking to create an infinate menu BUT navigating my menu from left to right using drag rather than the position of the mouse. If there's any links or tutorials around Pleeeeese let me know.
I'm using Adobe CS4 Professional flash to create the basis of the website, a photo background with an interactive menu overlay on top. Does anyone know any good tutorials for an interactive menu (roll you mouse over certain things and the sub-menu comes up which lead to other pages of the site etc.)
I'm creating an animated (in and out) drop down menu. I've managed to get the menu to open when the user mouses over, with the buttons all selectable. However I can't seem to find an efficient method of making the drop down menu close whenever the mouse is not over the menu. Actions:
I have a menu bar that when a user mouses over it, a second menu slide out beneath it.when I move my mouse off the first menu bar, the second menu bar disappears. Im not sure how to organize my hit areas so that the second bar stays even if I mouse off the first menu bar.
I have a menu inside a movieclip. It's suppose to follow the mouse with ease (as in kirupas tutorial), and when it hits the center - stop following it until the mouse rolls out.I have been trying all kinds of stuff to get my menu to behave properly, but I can't really figure it out. Can anybody point me in the right direction
I've been doing flash for a while, but I've never been good at coding. I'm trying to make a navigation bar for a website that follows the path of a mouse. Some examples are below: [URL] I'm looking to create something similar, however instead of having a bar slide through, I think I want an animated mask.
I want to set a default background image behind the text of the buttons, and a mask that fades out ontop of the background layer but behind the text. For those who don't understand... imagine a flashlight being pointed at a wall in a pitch black room. The circular source of light gives light to the background.Different from the examples above, I need to figure out how to make it follow the mouse exactly, instead of jumping to the next button automatically? I also suck at masks, but I'll be able to look that up. Are they animatable, or should I use a layer that is semi transparent in a circular area?
I guess that my problem is really simple, but I have no idea, how to do it.. The idea is simple: I need to make dynamic menu with mouse over effect. Button and hover are from library. When I go with mouse on button i want to make hover visible, but I have no idea how to get to the hover, because there is no Look into the code:
My code is below. What am I doing wrong? I am trying to have my menu enter the stage and exit the stage when the mouse goes below/above a certain point (425px)
I am new to Flash and trying to create something that may be simple, but am getting tripped up on.My issue is I have a navigation bar with text. When I mouseover one of the links, I would like a "pop-up" menu to appear. And from there, a CLICK event on them would bring me to a main-timeline frame.
How I went about to test this was I created a rectangle on the first frame of the main timeline, I converted that to a button. On the fifth frame of the main timeline I named the frame. Going into the button now, on the 'OVER' keyframe in its' timeline, I inserted more rectangles to form the pop-up menu. Now, I then converted the first rectangle to a movieclip that I want to on a CLICK goTo the 5th frame of the main timeline.
When I use the usual AS3 code in the actions panel of the movieclip with a basic CICK event, this error appears;
1120: Access of undefined property 'name of movie clip that links to fifth frame'.
I've been searching through here constantly for a thread about a horizontal scrolling menu for actionscript 3, but I can't find any that are what I need. I have something that has been written for AS2, but I don't know how to write it for AS3.
This is the script I have now, that I got from a website called Sitepoint (Flash Script - Scrolling Menu With A Scrolling Background, I'd link but this is my first post here).
xm = 0; function xpos(bar_length,mul) { hpos = 400;
I like it because its all based on the x position of the mouse which I feel makes the scrolling easier to control than a variable speed, not that it matters too much.
I've been building an "infinite menu" using script from a tutorial that I found and modified. The original script allows users to scroll through a series of pictures (contained in a movieclip) by moving their cursor either to the left or the right of the center of the menu- the farther from the center, the faster the menu scrolls.I added functions that cause the menu to stop scrolling when the cursor leaves the animation. However, I want the menu to decelerate smoothly, starting from whatever rate it was moving at when the mouse out event occurred and finishing at a stand still, and this is where I'm having some Serious Issues.
I've managed to make it work correctly for the first time the mouse out event occurs, but whenever I mouse on and then mouse out again the images move at (apparently) random speeds and directions. At this point I don't even have a guess at what could be causing this, much less how to fix itI realize my code is probably not as clean or streamlined as it could be- I'm still pretty new to this whole AS thing. I hope it's clear enough for you all to understand easily enough.
ActionScript Code: var xcenter:Number=425; var speed:Number=.03;