ActionScript 3.0 :: Hit Test Point NOT Detecting A Bottom Movieclip If The Mouse Is Over The Top Movieclip?
Oct 2, 2009
i have 2 intersecting movieclips.
is there a way to hit test point NOT detecting a bottom movieclip if the mouse is over the top movieclip?
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Nov 4, 2004
I have a small tooltip which follows the mouse and asks the user to click in order to close a picture. The tooltip follows the mouse using:
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But I'd like to remove the tooltip once the user moves the mousepointer outside the picture.
Though, when you use onRollOver, the mousepointer changes into a finger. This is not what I'm looking for since the picture than functions and looks like a button. So is there any way to detect if a mousepointer is over a movieclip, without changing the cursor?
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line.rotation = Math.atan2(1,1);
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Oct 9, 2007
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Jul 20, 2010
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ActionScript Code:
myMc.x = MovieClip(root).contentMc.x;
myMc.y = MovieClip(root).contentMc.y;
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Jul 20, 2010
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Mar 4, 2009
i've not tried to do anything odd with eventListeners up until now. i have a movieclip with multiple frames that i use AS to attach a textfield to it. problem is i have a eventlistener for when the mouse rollsover the movieclip to go to frame 3 of the movieclip.
what's causing the textfield to suddenly take precedence and how do i stop it. when i trace the - it is my movieclip.
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Jan 26, 2011
Okay I have a script in which I have added an image to the stage. It is absolute centered. I then have another with is on top but much bigger. I would like the big image to move opposite of my mouse position on the smaller image. ie: cursor is on bottom left corner the bottom left corner of the larger image is in the same spot. And the same thing for any other area.
I have tried many different ways but to no avail. I have done research but no one has been able to give me a solid answer. Anyone know of a way to accomplish this. Keep in mind this it needs to work regardless of the image size.
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Feb 9, 2006
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Jul 23, 2009
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And also if some of the movieclip I import by script and some are imported by dragging from library, how can I define which is in a upper position?
function loadBody():void {
if (body=="1") {
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Mar 7, 2010
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I have the FLV video linked for actionscript, so that I can control it dynamically with a few other things using AS3.
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Feb 21, 2007
I guess my question is pretty simple for some of the guru's here, but i gave up with this already Im writing an photo gallery application for a website, everything works just perfect, but i have the following problem: Im using the events onLoadComplete and onLoadStart to display an small popup alerting the user while the picture is downloading... so how could i check if the picture is already cached ?, so i could use an IF statment to only show the popup if the picture has not been downloaded before? This is the relevant part of the code that im using right now, it works perfect, but it shows the "loading clip" EVEN if the picture is already there
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May 6, 2010
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var loader:Loader;
var nomeMovieClip:String;[code].....
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Sep 30, 2007
I created a movieclip that follows the mouse up and down with easing, using this code:
onClipEvent (load) {
_y = 400;
speed = 5;
} onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
endY = _root._ymouse;
_y += (endY-_y)/speed;
What happens is that when I load the page the movieclip goes to where the mouse is right away, before I even put the mouse over the frame. How do I get the movieclip to stay at the bottom of the frame until I move the mouse over it?
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Oct 28, 2009
i want to play an animation that is converted into a movieclip and indicate success of that level and then after the movieclip is finished playing then i want to run a function which will bring user to the next level.
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Apr 12, 2011
I'm trying to figure out when a child is added to a movieclip "x", and handling/detouring this operation from withing this "x" movieclip.
I tried overriding addChild and addChildAt at with no prevail. The movieclips that are placed on the stage via flash still don't trigger addChild or addChildAt. However, tracing this.numChildren shows '2' correctly.
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Apr 23, 2011
I'm working with a MovieClip ("mainMenuItem") that is linked to a Class ("") that uses attachMovie to add another movieclip ("Arrow") to mainMenuItem as follows:mcArrow = this.attachMovie(prefix+"Arrow", "_Arrow_symbol", this.getNextHighestDepth());I'm able to use on(release) within the Class definition to capture clicks on the mainMenuItem component, but haven't been able to find a way to detect a click on the "Arrow" library item that gets attached to that component.
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Sep 28, 2011
If two movie clips instances of the same movieclip are placed on the stage and one is flipped horizontally in Flash.. Is there a way I can detect which one has been flipped horizontally in code? ScaleX seems to remain unchanged.The MovieClip has been flipped horizontally using the Flash UI (Edit->Flip Horizontal), not via code.
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Mar 25, 2008
Is there a way to detect when any particular movieclip appears on the stage's timeline in AS2?
Attempt #1: The MovieClip.prototype.onEnterFrame hack
All Movieclips have an Enterframe event. I set it to attempt to delete itself within the function so it runs once. Unforunately, this isn't possible (delete this.onEnterFrame) doesn't work, unless we delete the prototype.onEnterFrame dierctly as well. Of course, we can set the enterFrame to null, but enterframe will still be called despite it being nulled. So, what are the performance hits as a result of this?
Is there a way to flush away the MovieClip.prototype.onEnterFrame (by deleting it: deleting MovieClip.prototype.onEnterFrame), and then re-declaring it again "MovieClip.prototype.onEnterFrame=someFunc", so that layter clips that appear on-stage can be initialised accordingly with the enterframe "frame1" function? Yes, but redeclaring the function again would also apply the same enterframe event to the previous clips on the stage which had alraedy been initialised, which would waste more cpu cycles. Unforatunelay, it seems the Prototype thingy affects all instances on the stage, not the constructor itself upon initialisation. So, doing MovieClip.prototype.onEnterFrame=something, will cause all Movieclips on the stage to have that event, which is going to suck!!!
Could i hack the MovieClip cosntructor and create a totoally new one? But i think all these are hardcoded alraedy.
I want the function to run only upon instantiation of the MovieClip when it appears on the Stage's timeline.
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May 4, 2009
ive been trying to get a mouseover working but im having some trouble.
I need it so when i mouseover a movieclip text appears in a textfield at the bottom of the stage.
also when i click the mc the text stays there as im dragging it into the correct location.
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Nov 8, 2007
I have some floating window that opens above my page. The problem is that I don't want buttons above to be trigerable. I tried to put an movieclip on bottom layer of floating window and tell him not to show hand cursor, but it looks as if my floating window is transparent. I could still push buttons below and cursor would change into hand. [URL] go to button "ostalo" and click any of galleries. Then go over reed floating window and you'll notice that you can push buttons underneath.
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Jul 17, 2010
I'm trying to program this code:
public function enemiesDie(){
enemyLoop: for (var k:int = enemies.length -1;k>= 0; k--){
bulletLoop: for (var i:int = bullets.length -1; i>=0; i--){
if (enemies[k].hitTestObject(bullets[i])){
[Code] ....
To detect when a bullet hits an enemy in a game I'm trying to make and I get this error:
TypeError: Error #1006: hitTestObject is not a function.
at Space_Hooligans/enemiesDie()
at Space_Hooligans/gameLoop()
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Feb 23, 2010
I'm planning to provide the visitors of my website an option to toggle between their normal window and an optional fullscreen window. I just don't know how to align a simple movieclip to the left bottom of my fullscreen window (margin 20px). I can't use static parameters because it has to be adjusted to everyone's personal screen resolution. Does anyone know how to fix this?
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Jul 27, 2009
detect current frame number of a movie clip inside a loaded external swf?
its like this, i have a main swf, lets call it "loader_swf", inside the loader_swf i create a movie clip called "holder_mc" which loads an external swf, lets call it "ex_swf". The ex_swf has a movie clip in frame 2 which is the main animation of ex_swf. Is it possible to get the current frame number of the movie clip holding the animation on frame 2? the only thing i know is to get the current frame of main timeline of ex_swf.
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