ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Remove ChildIndex

Feb 25, 2012

Could someone tell me how to remove ChildIndex?

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Set The ChildIndex Of A MovieVlip That's On The Main Timeline?

Nov 8, 2010

How can i set the ChildIndex of a MovieVlip that's on the main timeline, by coding inside another MovieClip?

Here is my code on the main timeline.

Actionscript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;stop();pg1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, apasa1);function apasa1(event:MouseEvent):void { var animatie1:Tween = new


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Set New ChildIndex - Implicit Coercion Of Value

Dec 17, 2010

So, in this game I'm working on I'm trying to change the ChildIndex for enemies that are shot down, so that they drop behind a certain background element, instead of in front of it. The enemy in question (when shot down) dispatches an event to my main/engine class, and after that a certain function is called. Here's the code that goes into that function:

Actionscript Code:
var groundObj:DisplayObject = stage.getChildByName("Ground");
var groundIndex:int = stage.getChildIndex(groundObj);
setChildIndex(e.currentTarget, groundObj -1);

I'm able to trace the groundIndex variable, but I can't set the new index for the enemy. Errors I get are:
1118: Implicit coercion of a value with static type Object to a possibly unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObject.
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type flash.display:DisplayObject to an unrelated type Number.

Then, if I try to just put 4 or something, instead of "groundObj -1" I only get the first error. I actually managed to "solve" this problem temporarily by spawning the enemies before I add that specific background element to the stage. Like, if I let the enemies drop bombs or something later, I want the bombs to be one ChildIndex above the player.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Update ChildIndex Of 3D Cube?

Jun 28, 2010

I've got a 3d cube that rotates but when the the front side of the cube is in the back during the rotation, it blocks the view of the back side because it's child index is still higher. Is there anyways around it, I tried detecting the sides coordinates by using globalToLocal3D but the z property is always 0. below is my code, just copy and paste if and you'll see what I mean

var cube:Sprite;
var frontSide:Shape;
var rightSide:Shape;
var leftSide:Shape;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sort And Set Childindex Based On Z

Mar 12, 2011

I have an array of n Movieclips placed in a circle rotating around the y axis. I have to make sure that the MCs with the higher z values are behind the ones with a lower value, i.e childIndex. I tried a couple of approaches but I don't seem to get it right.

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Button :: Setting Childindex For Depth Works Only Briefly ?

Jun 9, 2010

I am placing several AS3 buttons (actual buttons not event-laden MCs)on a Flash stage and want my enlarged rollover images to always come to the front of all other dormant buttons.My script-fu is weak,but piecing together the advice from several helpful posts I have generally learned how to set the childindex on a rollover event to be high enough to go to the fore.I plugged in the appropriate language in my action frame and was psyched to see that the coding worked...but only briefly.After just a few clicks (it seems that whenever a button is hit for the second time), not only did the childindex trick stop working, but the buttons (which  act to send the user to labeled frames later in the time-line) stopped working altogether.It seems that the issue is definitely related to the setting of the childindex, because when I remove those event listeners/commands,the buttons all work fine for an infinite number of clicks (but the enlarged  rollover images are stacked in one static sequence, blocking each other out).Is there something inherently incorrect about this approach?Something simple that I am overlooking? Some way to reset the process on  each click so it does not get gummed up (I tried re-setting childindex #s to 0 on rollout or on click, but it did not help)?

I have had it suggested that rearranging the order is destroying ability to recognize mouse events...but not sure if this is correct, what it would mean.The code that I am using for each button (for setting the depth and  for redirecting on click) is below,

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Flash :: Using ChildIndex - Stop It's Behavior Like Pile Of Paper ?

Dec 14, 2011

In AS3, changing the childIndex of one movieclip ( say from a list of 10 movieclips), may change the childIndex of some another movieclip ( Flash probably does it to prevent outOfIndex error ) It sometimes become a headache to manage and code them, as movieclips show above each other in an unexpected manner.Is their any inbuilt way to make movieclip stick with a particular childIndex ? ( In AS2 there were depths that kept constant from 0-9999. And it was a real breeze as compared to AS3.0)

View 2 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop Through A Display Object And Reset Their Children's ChildIndex Based On Their Y Value?

Sep 5, 2009

Would it be possible (Without being extremely inefficient) to loop through a display object and reset their children's ChildIndex based on their y value?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove _level0.instance1 - Remove Level Path Within Variables?

Jan 18, 2007

is being returned once the onrelease event happens. the loadmovie works fine but I want to remove


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag And Remove Movieclip - Cant Remove Duplicate Euro's From The Stage?

Dec 20, 2009

I'm making a game for children where they have to pay money by dragging it on a square. It al works wel only when i pick the first coin of one euro without going over the coin of 2 euro and then pick up a 2 euro coin the one euro disappears. after then it all works fine.i cant remove my duplicate euro's from the stage when i clic on pay here is my code for the euro's the euro's are in a emty movieclip


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Actionscript 3 :: Remove Childs If Remove The Parent Itseft?

Sep 30, 2010

In flash AS3 Do I need remove childs, if I remove the parent itseft? If I remove childs first, then remove the parent object afterall OR If I just remove parent object Will flash take same memory?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove Movie Clip, Remove Child?

Jan 8, 2009

do to the lack of good on Kongregate, I have come here =D

if(_root.row2.block1._x == _root.row1.block1._x)


View 9 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: If Remove A Parent, Does It Remove Children

Oct 9, 2009

Just wondered if I remove a parent movieclip and then set it to null, will it remove all the child movieclips within it from the Display list and also from memory, or do I need to iterate through the parent movieclip removing all its children before removing the parent?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Container VS Remove All Children?

Sep 6, 2011

In my experiment memory usage keeps growing a little (more, and more RAM usage after GC) when I use repeatedly:



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Xml :: Regex - How To Remove Xml Tag?

Mar 24, 2011

I have exported data .xls file using as3.

var xml:ArrayCollection;
xml=Labneuron8.lastResult.Response.Terminal as ArrayCollection;
var str:String=xml[0].Value;
var xml1:XML=new XML(str);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Swf From It?

Jan 28, 2009

Previously i had unloadmovie, but now?how to remove swf from swf when animation is goind to some frame?[code]...

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Remove A SWF Within It?

Jan 22, 2009

So I am still pretty new to AS3 and I am trying to put together a site. I have most of the functions working properly except one and this is the issue. I have a main SWF and inside this SWF i have a button, that when clicked, loads a image gallery SWF. The problem I am having is inside that gallery swf is a close button and when i click the close button to remove the swf, it doesnt work. I have looked through several forums without success. Does anyone know how to remove or close out a SWF with in a SWF? here is the code I am currently using in the gallery swf to close it out.[code]...

View 4 Replies

Actionscript 3.0 :: Trying To Remove A Swf?

Feb 13, 2009

I want to remove an swf once a second page has been added .here is the website design

> a preloader loads my main menu , on the main timeline of my preloader.swf I create a new loader (loader1) and tell it load the URLRequest "menu.swf"

> The menu.swf loads, on menu.swf main timeline I create a click function (instantiates once a button has been clicked) that loads my second loader (loader2) and this loads the URLRequest "cast.swf"

I want cast.swf to replace menu.swf and remove it entirely but I cant figure out how to do it,here is what I have tried inside the click function of menu.swf(is this possible? can you write code to remove an swf if you are actually inside that swf's main timeline? )

removeChildAt(0); ( this only removes the bottom layer of the menu.swf)

removeChild(MovieClip(root).loader1); inside the click function ( this does not remove the menu.swf )

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loaded Swf Remove Itself?

Feb 9, 2009

I'm trying to remove a loaded swf from inside the loaded swf itself. Here's my simplified code:

PHP Code:
// code on the loading swf
var movie_loader:Loader = new Loader();

The removeChild code keeps generating the error: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.

View 2 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Necessary To Remove EventListeners?

Mar 6, 2009

Let's say I have a global SoundChannel object, and inside a function I am repeatedly creating new instances of the Sound object to play songs one after the other. Each time I do this, I need to add a new eventListener to the SoundChannel to call the function 'onSoundComplete' that will load the next song on completion.Coming from a strict C++ programming background, I often wonder if it's necessary to do some kind of cleanup in Flash, or if it handles it automagically.Here's example code that specifically removes the eventListener from the previous Sound object everytime a new one is created, but I don't want to be doing this if it isn't necessary:

// Setup sound object buffer
var slc:SoundLoaderContext = new SoundLoaderContext(3000);


View 8 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Remove The Eventlisteners

Aug 16, 2009

I have images loading from an array. A slideshow. This works fine, but they pile on top of each other. I cannot figure out how to remove them. what's the simplest way to remove them? How do I say - if pic1 is loaded, before loading pic2, remove pic1?


var aPics:Array=new Array("pic1.jpg","pic2.jpg","pic3.jpg","pic4.jpg","pic5.jpg");
var threeSeconds:Timer=new Timer(3000,aPics.length);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Remove SWF Using Button

Nov 9, 2009

I was trying to integrate two game flash files that I created, by combining them into one file (on one timeline), but was having issues with making my timer stop. As the lesser of two evils (or so I thought) I decided to load one of the games into the other file on a particular button click as an external .swf. This solved the timing issue, but now I don't know how to get rid of the .swf once im done playing it and ready to move on with the original game! I need some buttoncode (AS2) to remove .swf on button click.

Button code to load .swf looks like this...
on (release){
if (_level2.variable=="yes") {;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Remove Subsubclass?

Jan 7, 2010

I have a tied to the root stage.Inside the I create a MC called Inside that subClass movieclip I have another movieClip called by going this.addChild(subsubClass).now how do I remove subsubclass?

View 4 Replies

Remove Child In Game?

Jan 14, 2010

flash and am trying to create a vending machine game but I seem to have come unstuck. The coin_slot that I have added doesn't seem to remove from the stage after frame3. I have included colour to the the event triggers to allow me to see what is happening at the moment the coin_slot image that I add does seem to remove from the stae but there still seems to be something hidden within the stage. This is still in really rough stage of development I just need to figure out the code at the moment.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Swf When New Swf Loads?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a site that I am working on and I want to add a gallery behind a password. So far I have the password working and the gallery loads but the gallery loads on top of the swf where you input the password. I want that "password" swf to be removed when the new gallery is loaded. I tried to find some code for this but I can't get it to work so I commented it out. I have pasted the code in that swf below.

I am pasting the link. The gallery in question is behind the "Wholesale button" So click on "Wholesale" and then the password is "TEST"


verify_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, verifyPass);
// Define your loader
// This will handle all loading of swfs


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Remove The Children

Mar 12, 2010

adding all the bricks of another movie clip into an array in my controlling mc (GameScreen). Except, when I try to remove them from the display list by accessing them from their array, I get


ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/removeChild()...and so on

I'm guessing it's something to do with adding another movie clip's children into an array in a movieclip that isn't the stored clips' direct parent, but it's parent's parent.

private function checkBrickHit():void{
for(var i:int=0;i<brickArray.length;i++){


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Remove MovieClip From Stage?

Apr 19, 2010

On the click of a button I am having a movie clip load onto the stage from the library using the _root.attachMovieClip command and that part of my code is working perfectly.I have a close button embeded into the movieclip being loaded in but I am unable to get it to remove the movieclip from the stage when the close button is clicked. The close button has to be inside the loading movie clip so it doesn't interfere with other items on the stage which is why i'm not using _visible to show and hide the menu.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cant Remove MouseListener?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a big problem, I cant remove my mouselistener via ouse.removeListener(mouseListener)I have build an mc that is tweened for on and off.Inside the mc there is the mainscript:

var mouseListener:Object = new Object();
mouseListener.onMouseWheel = function(wheelMotion) {
if ((dragger._y >= y + bar._height - dragger._height && wheelMotion == -3) || (dragger._y


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Remove A Listener

Aug 2, 2010

I've nearly finished doing an AS3 game in which you should move a frog in X axis in order to catch the flies that fall down.

But each time I press in a button which leads you to "play again"

I got a function which gets called twice and affects the gameplay [code]...

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Flash :: Remove CS4 Files

Jun 23, 2009

I am trying to reinstall Flash in Creative Suite 3 after trialing CS4. (CS3 Flash had some DLL issues and had to be uninstalled since it wasn't working) I have uninstalled CS4 but when I go to install CS3 I get this error "insert Adobe Fireworkd CS4 to continue installation" Now, I did trial fireworks but removed it a while ago, so it appears that there are some remnant files. I ran a CS4 cleaner script from Adobe but it shows that there are no CS4 files that need to be cleaned.

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