ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Write Classes External AS Files

Oct 5, 2009

I just started to learn how to write classes, or external AS files. I have a few movies and they are receiving the same error: #1120 Access of Undefined Property. I've checked Curtis Morley, but I don't think the problem is the instance names. Since I'm adding the the movieclips with the codes. Both movies' errors occur where it contains "e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal;" Does any know what's happening?[code]

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How do I split the following class into several files;
package package_path {
public class cSplitMeClass {
public function cSplitMeClass() {
} public function doX():void {
// ....
} public function doY():void {
// ....
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Runtime External SWF Classes

Jun 26, 2009

I usually lurk, but on and off over the past 2-3 months...I've been trying to solve a problem and I can't seem to find a good solution for it. Here is my problem: - I have a SWF that acts as a Shell. This shell will contain the Design Template, the functions/class calls to make it run, and a call to the external SWF that contains all the core code classes.

- My main goal for this setup is to separate the front end Design part (which can be edited and modified relatively easily) from the core code. Now the core code is something the person making the Design Template should not have to mess with. They call it and they are done; they can now use the classes for most of the functionality they will need.

- The problem is, when I change the external SWF with the core code and distribute it... the Design Template needs to be recompiled to get any updates the external SWf core code has made. I want this to be done at runtime so that the user will not have to recompile their Design Template when the core code is updated. - Now, I've seen some people talk about a runtime library... but you have to go into the IDE and set things up a certain way or something something... I don't want that. Is there a way to make all this work in actionscript?


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Professional :: Calling External As Classes?

Apr 2, 2010

If I have an external .as file that contains a function within a public class, how do I call it?I have succesfully used examples, but don't understand the way they are addressed, and get errors when I try to create my own.So if my .as file named contains a public class named exampleClass, which contains a function named doThis(), is it called in CS4 using..

or external.doThis();
If it's just exampleClass.doThis(); - how does Flash know where to look for it without


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