ActionScript 3.0 :: Limit To How Many Concurrent URLRequest's Can Initiate?
Oct 22, 2009
I have an app that when it starts loads up about 200 small gif images from the web server. Code looks something like this:
for each (myValueObject in myarray) {
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(myValueObject.getImageURL());
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
This worked fine in testing for a few dozen images. But now I'm running it with about 200 images, and about half the images load fine but the other half I get an error:
Error 2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent.
Each time I run it, different images succeed and fail. This gives me the sense that I have somehow reached a limit on either the number of concurrent URLRequest threads that Flash can run, or the number of concurrent HTTP requests that the image server can handle... or maybe there is a timeout on Loader that I can make longer?
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- 1Gb Ethernet card
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Jun 17, 2004
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Aug 4, 2007
Can you not initiate events with jps and loaded clips?
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function loadItem(itemID) {
newsTitle = _root.newsxml.firstChild.childNodes[itemID].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
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Nov 15, 2010
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Second, what's the best/ideal method of knowing what I can only think of as "percent buffered"? These videos I'm loading are hosted on a Flash Media Server (which I don't have control over or access to, short of loading files from it), and while bytesLoaded/Total works for progressive stuff, I know it doesn't work for streamed stuff. Full disclosure: I know very little about working with serving video in Flash (obvious, I'm sure)(I'm not using the FLVPlayback component.)
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Jul 13, 2011
I'm working on a background music class and found that you cannot use the Sound class in a class file. Specifically, initiating and attaching the sound. Starting, stopping, getting the duration and such seem acceptable (though I haven't tested this yet). I've done a few searches and haven't found any work arounds other than when the class is called, hand it the sound object with the sound already attached, like this:
ActionScript Code:
import bgMusicClass;
var bgSnd:Sound = new Sound(this);
var bgMusic = new bgMusicClass(bgSnd);
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Feb 26, 2007
I have a main movie called home.fla. In this movie I only have one frame and I have place 5 different movie clips (not SWF) on this frame at different positions but on the same layer. These five movie clips are named mc_main1, c_main2.Each of these movie clips contains 5 frames, with a button on each frame. Each of these buttons also has a movie clip inside them (mc_sub1 mc_sub5). You can only go from frame 1 to frame 2 of each clip (main1, main2 etc.) my clicking on the button on frame1.The user can go to any of the main movie clips in whichever sequence they want. For example, they can choose to go to clip main3 and click on it twice (this will take the user till frame 3 of main3 and play the movie clip that is inside frame3) and then they can decide to click on main1 once and then main4 three times until they have visited all the parts of (all the 25 mc_sub) all the movie clips (main1 main5).
Once the user has visited all the 25 mc_sub i.e. once they have finished going thru all the 5 main movie clips completely, I want to display an animation (mc_animation) on the frame1 or any other frame of the home.fla movie.Is there away to determine if the user has finished watching all the 25 mc_sub i.e. if the user has gone thru each and every frame of each of the mc_main movieclips.I think the problem is that since the user can select any of the mc_main clips in any sequence, I am finding it difficult to determine when they have finished going through everything. If it was all in a sequence then I know I could have calculated if the current frame is equal to total frames and then I would have displayed the animation if the above was true; but that is not the case here.
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Apr 16, 2005
a SWF that will serve as the main movie for the site. Inside this SWF, I have a script that loads a JPG into a holder MC that's on stage. So basically it's like this:
- main.fla
-- holder_mc (this isn't an empty MC, it has some PNG's inside)
--- external JPG loaded in by loadMovie
I'm ok with building a preloader for the holder_mc and the rest of the FLA (without the size info of the external JPG), but how would I incorporate the size of the external JPG into my initial preloader before I actually start playing everything. Would I have to set the holder_mc visibility to false, call the loadMovie, initiate the preload, and then set visibility back to true. There's gotta be a better way?
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Aug 19, 2010
I am trying to serve streaming video over a 10 mb network and using Adobe® Flash® Media Streaming Server 3.5. Here are the specs on the video.
Codec: On2 VP6
frame rate: 30fps
400 kbps (VBR)
keyframe distance: 15
Mono channel
96 kbps
How many of these I could serve up concurrently? Or is there a spec somewhere?
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Apr 28, 2010
I have the following actions in my file :
var xmlLoaderA:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
xmlLoaderA.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadSomething);
xmlLoaderA.load(new URLRequest("my url"));[code]....
now imagine that the loading of the file is completed and we are in the "LoadSomething" function. How can we trace "my url" in this function? In another word I want to wite this action:
and I want "my url" string in output.But I dont know what is the Command.
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Dec 27, 2011
During development I have to test using several different hosts. It is a pain to have to change the IP address everywhere I use navigateToURL or in an mx:HTTPService. I would like to set a var with the IP... public var hostIP:String = ""; Then later I instead of doing...
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Sep 26, 2009
working my way through some tuts, and have set up WAMP. Trying to send some vars from AS3 to PHP to update a mtySQL table.My issue is that the php file does not seem to be receiving the variable info from flash, why not?
Here is the AS code
function onClickSubmit(event:MouseEvent):void
var loader : URLLoader = new URLLoader();
The PHP works cos when I run it from a browser $sd3 updates the database field to 78.This the output of the 'trace' statements
The reason is probably simple but I can't see it.
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Nov 2, 2009
I cannot ascertain why the code for one set of navigation buttons I've created works, but similar code does not. The code is rather lengthy, but I've pulled out the salient components to see if the Interwebs could help.
Here's the script that IS working:
Listener code:
And the function code that goes with it:
function fetchcswordassets(e:MouseEvent):void{
var url:String = "knowntomeURL";
1) All of the actions are in a separate layer in the first frame;
2) There is only one scene;
3) I've given the same button a different instance name in many cases, to coincide with different expectations (URLs).
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