ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Initiate Delayed Drag

Sep 3, 2009

I am trying to initiate a delayed drag like the one being implemented here: [URL].

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Takes While To Initiate After Loaded

Jan 14, 2010

URL...the problem is why it takes as long as it does to initiate the loading of the site if it's already loaded the site, here's the code for the preloader that loads the file that is being waited on:[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Initiate Class After Load?

Sep 30, 2011

Making a game and I have a preloader class which is linked to the main 'game.fla' file, in the preloader class I have imported the '' class that contains ALL the code to run the game. The problem I am having is that I can't seem to 'initiate' the game once all the elements are loaded.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Initiate New Class Instance?

Nov 30, 2009

I've got a simple tiling class, and it works as long as its a document class... how do i create a new instance and initiate it kinda like this:

var newTile:bgTile = new bgTile();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Initiate Actions Based On _x?

Jun 17, 2004

after several hours tinkering I've set up a movie to initiate a set of actions triggered by a movieclips _x position. Im using Math.round to keep my intergers whole and im using ease on my movie clip. If the movie clip starts at 0,0 and the buttons are hit 1,2,3,4 everything is fine, but hit the buttons out of order (2,4,1,3) or set the start point of the mc to anything but 0,0 and the movie becomes a mess.I don't understand what im doing wrong. I tried some simple loop commands and my comp just locked up repeatedly so I broke down and used frameloops, it's closer to complete but still so far

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Flash Talk To Html To Initiate Button?

Oct 29, 2009

I was wondering how to accomplish this. I have a .swf embedded into an html file with html links on the top. Within the .swf file I have a continue button that takes the user through all the frames. Is it possible to include some kind of code so that when they reach the end of the .swf the "next" link will become initiated and take the user to the next .html page. I am working with captivate is this feature in captivate? If anyone could point me in the right direction or share some wisdom it would really make my day

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Limit To How Many Concurrent URLRequest's Can Initiate?

Oct 22, 2009

I have an app that when it starts loads up about 200 small gif images from the web server.  Code looks something like this:
for each (myValueObject in myarray) {
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(myValueObject.getImageURL());
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();


This worked fine in testing for a few dozen images.  But now I'm running it with about 200 images, and about half the images load fine but the other half I get an error:
Error 2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent.
Each time I run it, different images succeed and fail.  This gives me the sense that I have somehow reached a limit on either the number of concurrent URLRequest threads that Flash can run, or the number of concurrent HTTP requests that the image server can handle... or maybe there is a timeout on Loader that I can make longer?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use A Webcam To Initiate Buttons / Functions?

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Which classes need to be imported and what is the code required for Flash to interpret a movement (waving of the hand) into initiating a function.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SWF Taking A Long Time To Initiate

May 26, 2004

I have a product demo in Flash that's roughly 1MB in size. When people access a page that this demo lives on, the demo doesn't visibly "appear" until over half of the total bytes have already been loaded..You can see this by clicking here, and seeing that by the time the swf materializes on the screen, the preloader progress bar is already over 50% (or so).How can I fix it so that at least something shows up right away, so that the user isn't staring at a blank screen for 30 seconds? The preloader seems to work ok.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Initiate Events With Jps And Loaded Clips?

Aug 4, 2007

Can you not initiate events with jps and loaded clips?

I am trying just to do a basic roll over function and its not working

function loadItem(itemID) {
newsTitle = _root.newsxml.firstChild.childNodes[itemID].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Modestly Solicited - Get And Set The Value Of Each Card To Initiate The Game?

Jul 27, 2005

I have searched many actionscript tutorials and forums in order to find a solution to my problem, so far no luck. My problem: To randomly deal 13 cards, face up, onto pre-designated coordinates of the main stage. Each card is, of course, different. Once dealt, how to get and set the value of each card to initiate the game?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delayed For Loop?

Nov 3, 2006

I've tried searching the forums for a way to load my xml menu with a small delay between each menu item. I thought I had it with this code:

function load(){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Stream, Initiate, Buffer But Dont Play?

Feb 10, 2010

is there a way to start a stream, let it buffer, but pause it on the fast frame? (or not start it at all) the manual pause call is way to slow.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Background Music Class - Initiate And Attach Sound?

Jul 13, 2011

I'm working on a background music class and found that you cannot use the Sound class in a class file. Specifically, initiating and attaching the sound. Starting, stopping, getting the duration and such seem acceptable (though I haven't tested this yet). I've done a few searches and haven't found any work arounds other than when the class is called, hand it the sound object with the sound already attached, like this:

ActionScript Code:
import bgMusicClass;
var bgSnd:Sound = new Sound(this);
var bgMusic = new bgMusicClass(bgSnd);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Initiate An Action When Movie Clips Finish Playing?

Feb 26, 2007

I have a main movie called home.fla. In this movie I only have one frame and I have place 5 different movie clips (not SWF) on this frame at different positions but on the same layer. These five movie clips are named mc_main1, c_main2.Each of these movie clips contains 5 frames, with a button on each frame. Each of these buttons also has a movie clip inside them (mc_sub1 mc_sub5). You can only go from frame 1 to frame 2 of each clip (main1, main2 etc.) my clicking on the button on frame1.The user can go to any of the main movie clips in whichever sequence they want. For example, they can choose to go to clip main3 and click on it twice (this will take the user till frame 3 of main3 and play the movie clip that is inside frame3) and then they can decide to click on main1 once and then main4 three times until they have visited all the parts of (all the 25 mc_sub) all the movie clips (main1 main5).

Once the user has visited all the 25 mc_sub i.e. once they have finished going thru all the 5 main movie clips completely, I want to display an animation (mc_animation) on the frame1 or any other frame of the home.fla movie.Is there away to determine if the user has finished watching all the 25 mc_sub i.e. if the user has gone thru each and every frame of each of the mc_main movieclips.I think the problem is that since the user can select any of the mc_main clips in any sequence, I am finding it difficult to determine when they have finished going through everything. If it was all in a sequence then I know I could have calculated if the current frame is equal to total frames and then I would have displayed the animation if the above was true; but that is not the case here.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Call The LoadMovie Initiate The Preload + External Images

Apr 16, 2005

a SWF that will serve as the main movie for the site. Inside this SWF, I have a script that loads a JPG into a holder MC that's on stage. So basically it's like this:

- main.fla
-- holder_mc (this isn't an empty MC, it has some PNG's inside)
--- external JPG loaded in by loadMovie

I'm ok with building a preloader for the holder_mc and the rest of the FLA (without the size info of the external JPG), but how would I incorporate the size of the external JPG into my initial preloader before I actually start playing everything. Would I have to set the holder_mc visibility to false, call the loadMovie, initiate the preload, and then set visibility back to true. There's gotta be a better way?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 A Delayed Mouseover Button?

Apr 22, 2009

I want to create a menusystem that bases only on mouse over functions. Tough there is one thing that might become quite frustrating for the user and that is small by mistake mouseovers that brings them to another page.So what I want to create is buttons with a delay of lets say 200ms. 200ms that the user has to have her or his mouse over the button to activate it.But I have run into some problems, and after a lot of googling the only result I got is menu-buttons that are activated directly on mouse over, but does not act out the manuver until the delay is over.So the user could practicly have his mouse in china when the button is activated. Which is not the result I want.I want a button that is activated after that the mouse has spent 200ms on the button.This is the failed direct reaction Actionscript 2.0 of the button I got at the moment.

on (rollOver) {
timer = setInterval(goto, 200);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Audio Sometimes Delayed Or Quiet?

Dec 5, 2009

I'm loading an MP3 file at runtime, and it sometimes plays a little delayed or very quiet (or it sounds like it's being partially cut off). I've also noticed that if you immediately refresh the page, the audio plays on cue and at full strength.

Below is the relevant code. Am I doing anything wrong, or could this be a bug in Flash player? (FYI, I'm seeing the problem with Flash in Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer.)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delayed Movieclip Navigation?

Apr 3, 2007

I am working on some schematic animations and need to implement some button driven navigation with a slight difference from the norm that I can't figure out how to do...

I'd like to start playing a movieclip which would then pause halfway through. The user would then be able to click one of a selection of buttons which would trigger the movie clip to start playing again and then load the next movie clip based on the button pressed. This means I could show the intro of the animation and then following a button press, show the outro before moving to the next selected clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delayed Child Constructor?

Jul 16, 2009

I have a timeline instanced movieclip which i'm calling a method on its parents movieclip constructorproblem is that even though the object already exists, its methods are "undefined", i have put some traces in, and noticed the child constructor is calling after its parent constructor..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Code For Delayed Swf Load?

Jan 31, 2004

here is the situation, I have the button that loads two swfs, one is the backround and the other is the news bar. However, I would like the news bar to load no sooner than the backround swf loads. I dont why but I thought this code would work - it doesn't

on (release) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: FLV Controller And Delayed Button Appearance

May 20, 2010

I'm having trouble with a controller I'm using with an FLV. I am a newbie when it comes to actionscripting. I have a project I'm working on that contains a 86:50 minute FLV and towards the end I will have a separate button appear to click on. The code I am implementing was from a different project that utilized the same functions but with a 4:49 minute FLV. I have an example of this at [URL]. As you can see the controller is set up for the 4:49 minute FLV and when the timer gets to 5:00 minutes that button comes in. I need to make the FLV play the whole way through and then at a specific point have the button appear and I can't seem to do it. Below is the only code I can see that pertains to this section.

scrub.onPress = function(){
scrub.startDrag(false, -365, scrub._y, 49, scrub._y);
dragging = "true";
}scrub.onRelease = function(){
var newNum:Number = (scrub._x - -365) * .7625;;
dragging = "false";
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Movie Delayed In Inactive Window?

Aug 4, 2011

I often want to run a movie but are only insterested in the debugging output and switch back to my code or to the debugger.I discovered, that the movie framerate is significantly slower in an inactive browser window. This causes e.g. certain async unit tests to fail when run in the Flex UI. So it's not that trivial

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delayed Time Line Advancement

Feb 15, 2010

I am building a Flash continuous play application for a company to use in a booth presentation at a sales show. In effect, it will be a more engaging Powerpoint presentation. Each slide will be a be a frame that will call an external swf into movie clip with the animation of text or fade in images in the external swf. Each external swf will stay on for about 10 seconds. I am looking for an action script that will first stop the advancement at each frame for 10 seconds (ability to edit seconds needed) and then move to the next frame and stop for 10 seconds then the next and so on and so on and at the end, start back at frame 1.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Delayed Message Processing?

Aug 6, 2009

I've been working with a 3rd-party multiplayer engine for a game I'm developing. A lot of messages get sent during certain times (loading, etc) to the point where it is possible that multiple messages may be sent per gameloop. To solve this problem, I am attempting to create a delayed message processing scheme. this function is invoked every time a new message is received:

// called by the Client
public function PushMessage(gameMsg:GameMessage):void

And at a point in the gameloop, I want to process these messages and clear the message queue. The only problem: there is no assurance that the messageQueue won't be modified during that time. The messages in AS3 are basically interrupts (possibly overlapping), and I can't find any way to temporarily disable event dispatching for a specific EventDispatcher-derived class.

So at this point I can think of only two options. The first is to write a mutex using a Boolean and setTimeout. I do not want to do this for obvious reasons (bad! BAD!). The second is to give up on a delayed processing model.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sounds Delayed When Played Online

Dec 21, 2009

I'm a bit new to AS2 but not too new at all, I have managed to play sounds in various forms but the way I tend to use and am actually using is as follows. I attach the sounds to Sound objects in the moment of loading and play them with "start" in the moment they are needed, not anything too complicated as you can see. The problem is I have noticed that within the author environment or once they are exported, the swf play the sounds ok, but once I upload to a server in the internet (not a portal, just plain html loading the swf) the sounds seems to delay a bit, as this project is a game it breaks a bit the effect when bells are ringed after you scored points.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sounds Play A Little Delayed/weird Detection?

Jan 25, 2012

I'm trying to make an instrument type thing.[URL]... How come the sounds play about half a second after you hover your mouse on one of the circles? I need it to be completely instant.


Also, sometimes, it just doesn't detect the hover at all and doesn't play a sound (if you hover too fast)..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delayed, YouTube-like Loading Of Preview Images?

Mar 15, 2006

You've probably all seen a YouTube video somewhere on the web. I'm interested in how they built their Flash player's feature that only loads the video's preview image when the video is in the view of the browser.For example, when there are multiple videos on a page, the videos below "the fold" will only load their preview when scrolled into view.

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Media Server :: Using FMLE Stream Delayed When Adding Audio

Apr 12, 2011

I am using FMLE and fms 4 ent. When using fmle to broadcast webcam without audio. It goes really fast. I am on 1gbps connection with nothing else coming to the server at moment. I tested download speeds to and from the server and they are around 700mbs. I have tried all the different audio sample and bit rate settings. All have the same result. Once audio is turned on there becaomes a 15 second delay. What am I doing wrong.


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Adobe Flex Delayed Observer For Auto-complete TextInput

Jan 25, 2011

Does anyone know if there is a Flex 3 or Flex 4 equivalent to the JQuery DelayedObserver?

If not, how could we go about implementing it in Flex?

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