ActionScript 3.0 :: Making An .flv Appear Paused When Loaded

Nov 13, 2009

i have built a .flv video player and its working just fine but when it loads videos they start off stopped with a play button overlay so it has to be user initiated to start. Only problem is when they are paused at the beginning of the stream they are invisible. I have tried several things to make the video appear at the beginning but nothing works.

i have tried explicitally setting the visible and alpha props. they dont do anythign (the vid is already visible and alpha = 1 according to traces) i have tried seek(0.1) to seek ahead a bit - this doesn't work at all. tried playing and pausing the stream but that no workey either.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detect If Flv Paused?

Oct 20, 2006

I've done some searching on the subject but haven't found an answer except for if you have Flash Media Server which I don'tHow can you detect if a flv is paused?

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Paused Statement & Button Statements

May 5, 2009

How do you script a Pause of X Seconds on X Frame and also on that frame have a button release statement that can take you forwards or take you backwards, elsewhere in the timeline - Without affecting the 'Pause' statement... therefore not mucking up the timeline and causing it to jump around at the end when all catches up?I take it once a pause has taken place - a button that can take you elsewhere, if clicked on - does not Cancel the initial pause and therefore lies my problem?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Loaded .swf Do Something In The Original?

Jul 23, 2006

I am trying to make a gallery where I have index.swf call it (1) (main page) that loads gallery.swf call it (2) (by using a movie clip 'loader'). The gallery is width 2000 and scrolls when the mouse moves. When I click on one of the gallery photos, I want it to open up large but not scroll like the rest of the gallery. It is easiest to achieve if (2) asks (1) to open it in another 'loader'.Does such a function call (or something like that) exist?

Also - are these words used correctly: "(2) is the child while (1) is the parent" (or are those two words used only for objects inside the script?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Loaded SWF Clickable?

Nov 11, 2009

I am using MovieClipLoader(); to load a SWF on to the stage like this.

var myMCL = new MovieClipLoader();

Now I want to make the loaded SWF clickable so I have added the following code:

mcButton.onRelease = function() {
trace("Hello World");

I thought that would work but it doesn't.

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Getting Video To Start Out Paused In Stead Of Playing?

Aug 14, 2009

I DO NOT KNOW FLASH - let's just get that straight. I do not know actionscript, and I'm not familiar ith the interface. But I do know how to open a document, drag a .flv into the frame, add a playback skin, and save a swf for use on a web page.
The problem is that the videos all start playing on default. I'd like the user to have to hit the "play" button to play the video so that they are not inundated with sound when the page loads.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Buffer Stream When The Video Is Paused

Nov 30, 2010

I just made it clear of the differences between the progressive video and streaming video *^_^* But I do need a feature of allowing buffering the video when it's paused, which I cannot find how to do it directly... I followed an article ( url...) to manage the buffer strategy but it didn't solve my problem. My problem is: if the user has a very slow network condition, he/she might want to just pause the video manually, and wait it to be downloaded until it's 'pretty much', and he/she can watch it without interrupting. But I notice that, when I pause the video, the event "NetStream.Buffer.Flush" is triggered. And according to the language reference: "Data has finished streaming, and the remaining buffer will be emptied.", I have to re-buffer it, right? However, also according to the reference, it shouldn't stop buffering:Starting with Flash Player, Flash Player no longer clears the buffer when NetStream.pause() is called. This behavior is called "smart pause". Before Flash Player, Flash Player waited for the buffer to fill up before resuming playback, which often caused a delay. I'm using Flash Professional to do the debugging, and the traced version number is: MAC 10,0,22,91; and for the streaming server, I use red5.

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Actionscript 3 :: Cue Point Event Fires Even If The Flv Is Paused?

Nov 9, 2011

I have created a player that loads video FLV files and plays them in a sequence. On loading the videos I retrieve the total video time by stream.client.onMetaData = ns_onMetaData;" and in an EnterFrame event I check whether the video playtime is equal the totaltime. If the video playtime is equal to the totaltime then the player loads the next video. Sometime, even if the video ends, the playtime and total time doesn't match. So to fix the issue, I decided to put an event cue point (END) at end of each video FLV. So whenever the FLV fires the END event, the player removes the current video and loads the next one.

Suppose the video total time is 44:00. The cue point is also at 44:00 in the FLV. So whenever the player gets the END event from the FLV then it loads the next one. Now the issue is, if I pause the video at 42:00 and wait for 2 sec, the player gets the END cue point and jumps to the next video. When I paused the video the timer says "42:00 of 44:00". The timer doesn't increase, that means the video has actually paused. But I still don't understand that why I'm getting the END cue point where the video has not reached the time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buffer Stream When The Video Is Paused?

Nov 28, 2010

just made it clear of the differences between the progressive video and streaming video *^.^*

But I do need a feature of allowing buffering the video when it's paused, which I cannot find how to do it directly...

I followed an article (I'm not able to post the url) to manage the buffer strategy but it didn't solve my problem.

My problem is: if the user has a very slow network condition, he/she might want to just pause the video manually, and wait it to be downloaded until it's 'pretty much', and he/she can watch it without interrupting.

But I notice that, when I pause the video, the event "NetStream.Buffer.Flush" is triggered. And according to the language reference: "Data has finished streaming, and the remaining buffer will be emptied.", I have to re-buffer it, right?

I really expect the "buffer when paused" functionality, is it possible to do?

p.s. I'm using red5, not fms, although I haven't touched the difference part of them.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check If MediaPlayer Component Paused?

Jan 8, 2007

Is there a way to do this? I want it to pauseplay toggle when you click it, but the only property I can find is "playing" which evaluates to true unless the movie is stopped, which means the playhead is back at the start.

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AS3 :: Making Button Inactive Once A Particular Image Is Loaded

Jul 25, 2011

I ma having trouble making a button inactive once a particular image is loaded.I have a portfolio section that has images loading in succession with each click of a button (the forward button)i have another button (a backward button that scrolls through the images in reverse in succession wit each click of the backward button, Problem is the button is active even when it scrolls through the images to the first image. I get the following message in the output panel:[code]I want the button to be disabled hen it gets to the first image thus stopping at the first image Or to the able to scroll through the images in reverse indefinitely just like the forward button - able to scroll through the images forward indefinitely.[code]

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Media Server :: Jumpy Streaming Once Paused For More Than 10 Secs?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a player set up to stream live tv channels. It works fine except when paused for more than 10 secs or so, it continues to stream but very jumpy, as if we press on advance/rewind button.

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Actionscript 3 :: Buffer Stream When The Video Is Paused With Flash?

Nov 30, 2010

I need a feature of allowing buffering the video when it's paused, which I cannot find how to do it directly... I notice that, when I pause the video, the event "NetStream.Buffer.Flush" is triggered. And according to the language reference: "Data has finished streaming, and the remaining buffer will be emptied.", I have to re-buffer it, right? However, also according to the reference, it shouldn't stop buffering:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Status Of The NetStream Whether It Is Playing Or Paused Or Stopped?

Jul 22, 2009

how I know the status of the NetStream whether it is playing or paused or stopped

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Whole Instances Are Paused When 1 MovieClip Instance Is Stopped

Oct 31, 2010

Here's what I have in my design:

- There's an update function in the main loop that updates position of the game objects, check whether it's alive/out of bound for deletion.

- I have certain frames/keyframes section of an object that denotes what kind of animation that object is playing (idling, exploding, death animation, etc)

For now, I only have 1 frame for the target object idling on frame 1, and 1 animation when the target object explodes from frame 2 to frame 25. Naturally, I'd like to stop the movie clip from playing it repeatedly from frame 1->25. But when I do so (putting this.stop() on frame 1). Every instances in the scene are stopped. (the player idling animation has 4 keyframes, and it stuck on frame 1).

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ActionScript :: Making A Loaded External Image Into A Button?

Jun 15, 2009

My name is Steve Oatman I am a student atAIO for a Web Design Diplomaclass: Interactive Telecommunications IMD412 XAProfessors to bussyI have a flash web site that I am putting together. I am using AS to load some images from an external source. These images are being loaded into a movieclip. These images need to become buttons once they are loadedThe images will link to the particular menu category pages beef, chicken, etc.The images are loading fine they just are not responding like a button or link.I am getting two error referencing the buttonMode and usehandCursor. Below is just one image that I am working on till I get it to work.I am getting these two Compiler error code:1119: Access of possibly undefined property buttonMode through a reference with static type flash.display:Loader.1119: Access of possibly undefined property useHandCursor through a reference with static type flash.display:Loader.This is what I have.

var myLoader01:Loader = new Loader();
myLoader01.load(new URLRequest("entrees_images/beef/beef01.gif"));addChild(myLoader01);myLoader01.x =


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Making Loaded Movie Fuzzy?

Jun 20, 2004

if i delete the preloader code/mc the image of the building displays shape but if i keep the proloader code in the movie and publish the building is fussy

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using MovieClipLoader And Making A Loop To Find The End Of A Loaded Swf?

Feb 16, 2009

I'm using MovieClipLoader to load in external swfs so that I don't need to include a preloader on each one. I'm really unfamiliar with this technique, including how to use and implement listeners and follow the functionality after using it, I've just been playing with borowed code.basically i've been trying to use this code:

var loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Menu Visible When External SWF Loaded?

Jan 5, 2011

I have my main menu movieclip placed on the main stages and I use it to load some external swfs. However when I load them, the menu disappears because it is covered by the loaded swf. How can I set the depth of my top menu so that will always be visible when the external swfs are loaded? Should the depth be set on the main time line or inside the main manu movie clip? This is the code in my main menu that I am using to load the swfs but my main menu is a movie clip placed on the main timeline...

var swf:MovieClip;
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
var defaultSWF:URLRequest = new URLRequest("swfs/welcome.swf");
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making 'percent Loaded' Estimate For A Video?

Dec 6, 2011

For my FLVPlayBack player, I want a "% loaded" message before the video begins, which counts upwards.This wouldn't be a problem if this was just the usual bytesTotal/bytesLoaded calculation, but this is a progressive video that plays with playWhenEnoughDownloaded(). In other words, I'm not counting up to when the entire video has loaded, but to when the video is going to start, based on playWhenEnoughDownloaded().

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Media Server :: NetStream.Buffer.Flush When The Video Is Paused?

Dec 26, 2010

I notice that, when I pause the video, the event "NetStream.Buffer.Flush" is triggered. And according to the language reference: "Data has finished streaming, and the remaining buffer will be emptied.", I have to re-buffer it, right? However, also according to the reference, it shouldn't stop buffering:Starting with Flash Player, Flash Player no longer clears the buffer when NetStream.pause() is called. This behavior is called "smart pause". Before Flash Player, Flash Player waited for the buffer to fill up before resuming playback, which often caused a delay.I'm using Flash Professional to do the debugging, and the traced version number is: MAC 10,0,22,91, and the streaming server is FMS4

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click The Play Button To Resume From That Point (wherever Paused From)

Feb 14, 2011

My Original Post:I have been designing a visual presentation in Flash CS5, there are a few movie clips on the stage that are set to play at a certain time/frame. The problem I am having is that I am not familiar with coding/actions. I want to have a play and a pause button so I can pause at any point (not a specified frame) and discuss with the audience. Then I want to be able to click the play button to resume from that point (wherever I paused from). I hope to get help and be able to learn from your answers. I don't know how clear my question is, but I can clarify if you need me to... A Reply:you can stop/play any movieclip by using the movieclip's reference:


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Flash :: Stop Mediaelement.js Player From Downloading When It Is Paused / Stopped?

Feb 26, 2011

I have a video player on my site that once paused I would like to prevent rest of the video being downloaded. I am using MediaElement.js for html5 video with flash fallback. It is annoying that I am unable to stop the video from downloading as it is a waste of bandwidth and the "progress" event continues to fire and update the UI.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Video Paused When Loading Via NetStream Object Within A Function

Apr 1, 2006

I'm having a problem loading an FLV file via the NetStream object.

The following is on frame 1 of my root timeline:

function loadMovieClip():Void {
// Create new NetConnection object


The code is EXACTLY the same, except it isn't within a function, yet the latter example plays the video correctly, and the first example doesn't.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Jpegs Loaded Into Flash Function Like Buttons?

Mar 2, 2009

im loading in a bunch of jpegs (which are ref from an xml file) but i cant seem to get the to function like buttons.

for (i=0; i<total; i++) {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("myClip" + i, i);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Loading Movie Clip While Data Are Being Loaded?

Feb 2, 2011

i want to ask if i want to make a mc loader to make the user see that the data I am getting from the database is still loading. I was using these commandsvIn.getBytesLoaded()lvIn.getBytesTotal()but I do not know where i exactly put these two commands with some formulas or what other function i am missing. Because when i put it in the function(success) part, it gives an equal value which is the total bytes loaded. I am working currently with 900+ items (will be increased after some time ) which gives around 4-5 seconds delay before all data is loaded, so i want to make a loading movie clip so that the user will know that the data is still loading.flash communicates with a php file on the server. php file communicates with mssql servermssql goes back to phpthen php to flashhere is a sample of my script (some parts where already removed to make script smaller)

lvOut = new LoadVars();
lvIn = new LoadVars();
lvIn.onLoad = function (su


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making The Loading Bar Only Be Fully Loaded At 100% An Only Half Full At 50% Etc?

Aug 20, 2003

I have a pre-loader with dynamic loading text displaying the % of movie loaded. I also have an animated loading bar which goes from left to right.Is there a way of making the loading bar only be fully loaded at 100% an only half full at 50% etc. At the moment the loading bar movie clip plays until loaded and then starts all over again if the movie hasn?t loaded yet.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash NetStream.Buffer.Flush When The Streaming Video Is Paused?

Dec 26, 2010

I notice that, when I pause the video, the event "NetStream.Buffer.Flush" is triggered. And according to the language reference: "Data has finished streaming, and the remaining buffer will be emptied.", I have to re-buffer it, right? However, also according to the reference, it shouldn't stop buffering:

Starting with Flash Player, Flash Player no longer clears the buffer when NetStream.pause() is called. This behavior is called "smart pause". Before Flash Player, Flash Player waited for the buffer to fill up before resuming playback, which often caused a delay.

I'm using Flash Professional to do the debugging, and the traced version number is: MAC 10,0,22,91, and it appears for both FMS4 and red5.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Externally Loaded Content Of Movie Clips Persistent?

Aug 3, 2009

I'm making a very simple cross-fading slide show of JPEGs loaded from a folder. I'm loading them into movie clips with:



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Flash :: Error Appears When Resuming The Paused H264/mp4 Streaming Video From Red5 Server

Nov 22, 2010

I just met a piece of error log when I was trying to resume the paused mp4 streaming. Here is the log from the server:

[INFO] [NioProcessor-1] - Frame
position was not found for timestamp:

I'm using Red5 newest 0.9.1 final for mac os x to stream the H.264/AAC encoded MP4 file to my flash app.

And there's no problem when I'm resuming the .flv file.

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