ActionScript 3.0 :: Click The Play Button To Resume From That Point (wherever Paused From)

Feb 14, 2011

My Original Post:I have been designing a visual presentation in Flash CS5, there are a few movie clips on the stage that are set to play at a certain time/frame. The problem I am having is that I am not familiar with coding/actions. I want to have a play and a pause button so I can pause at any point (not a specified frame) and discuss with the audience. Then I want to be able to click the play button to resume from that point (wherever I paused from). I hope to get help and be able to learn from your answers. I don't know how clear my question is, but I can clarify if you need me to... A Reply:you can stop/play any movieclip by using the movieclip's reference:


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Professional :: Resume Play From Any Point On The Progress Bar In FLV Player?

Feb 2, 2012

Is there a way to allow a user to move playhead to any point on the progress bar (including much ahead of the loaded portion of the movie) and resume play from there? Presently a user can skip ahead only as far as the download happened.
Just in case there is no conflict with my set up, here is the code I have:


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Actionscript 3 :: Cue Point Event Fires Even If The Flv Is Paused?

Nov 9, 2011

I have created a player that loads video FLV files and plays them in a sequence. On loading the videos I retrieve the total video time by stream.client.onMetaData = ns_onMetaData;" and in an EnterFrame event I check whether the video playtime is equal the totaltime. If the video playtime is equal to the totaltime then the player loads the next video. Sometime, even if the video ends, the playtime and total time doesn't match. So to fix the issue, I decided to put an event cue point (END) at end of each video FLV. So whenever the FLV fires the END event, the player removes the current video and loads the next one.

Suppose the video total time is 44:00. The cue point is also at 44:00 in the FLV. So whenever the player gets the END event from the FLV then it loads the next one. Now the issue is, if I pause the video at 42:00 and wait for 2 sec, the player gets the END cue point and jumps to the next video. When I paused the video the timer says "42:00 of 44:00". The timer doesn't increase, that means the video has actually paused. But I still don't understand that why I'm getting the END cue point where the video has not reached the time.

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I am building a flash interface and I would like a menu where it is hidden to begin with (just a tab). You click the tab to expand it, and click again to collapse it. I've made a movieclip with animation of the menu opening up and closing, but I can't seem to work out how I'd go about making the movieclip open and close properly.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Click Button To Play And Click To Reverse?

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I have a test button i would like to have play a movie where a graphic expands. Once stopped, I would like to be able to click that same button and have the graphic go backwards. I would prefer to have timeline reverse, rather than lengthen the timeline of the mc because then i have to line up the start and end, and if one changes, i have to remember to change the other.

btn_test.onRelease = function(){  if (_root.adinstance._currentframe != 1) {  while(_root.adinstance._currentframe != 1) {  _root.adinstance.prevFrame();  else {;  }}


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This works okay, but it only plays frame 2 every other time you click it, but adds one to your score everytime you click it. What can i do

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ActionScript Code:
on (press) {;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop And Resume Play Of Child Mcs?

Dec 27, 2008

so i need to make a play/pause button on my animation, i can use stop(); to stop the main timeline. i cna use intro.stop(); to stop a movieclip with the instance name intro that is placed on my timeline.

but can I stop every single movieclip (in all different levels) that are in my timeline?

if not, how can i stop movieclipA which is inside movieclipB which is on the main timeline?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play And Resume Buttons With SetInterval?

Aug 27, 2004

Basically, I have a presentation movie with a few complexities to it.

1. The movie Plays, then waits an interval of time, then resumes (works alright)

2. The movie needs to have a pause button (that will pause the action) and a play button that will resume the action.

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On the first frame (but indicative of the rest):

/* Sound Stuff */
var mySound = new Sound(this);


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Sep 11, 2006

I want to play a sound on click of a button. I can do this in AS 2.0

//Action Script 2.0


snd=new Sound();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: MC Play At Different Speeds Upon A Button Click?

May 29, 2002

How can I have an MC play at different speeds upon a button click. For example, I want button one to play the MC "cars" at one speed, and button two to play the same MC (cars) at another speed?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play More Than Sound When Click Button?

Apr 17, 2011

i want to gotoAndPlay more than one sound Ex: when i click the button i want to play frame label m2 and frame labe m1 sound

playy.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK ,pl);
function pl(event:MouseEvent):void

the sound play in the same time i want to finsh play frame label m2 then stop then play frame labe m1 and stop.

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IDE :: Play Music File Once Only On Click Of Play Button Until Music Stops

May 1, 2009

Using Macromedia Flash Professional 8.

I have a website banner made in Flash. I have added a music file to it and Play and Stop buttons. I also have a Replay button to replay the banner animation once it stops.

I have put the music on a separate frame so that it will not play automatically when the banner loads. I have made the Play button direct to the frame the music is located at so that when clicked, it will go to that frame and play the music file.

The problem I am currently having is that if I click the Play button more than once, it will play the music file again on top of the current play-through.

So if I click Play, the music will play. Then if I click it again, the music will play again, but on top of the first instance of the music, so two instances of it will now be playing and it sounds horrible.

I would like to make it so that if you click Play when the music is playing, it will not play the music again until the music has stopped.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Movie Clip On Button Click?

Apr 8, 2010

I have been using flash for a while, but AS3 is a whole new world to me.

I simply want to have a movie (box1) to play when a button (btn1) is clicked.

NOTE: The button is within a movie clip (bulb1) which is within another movie clip (trees).

I tried this, but it just kept replaying the whole animation:


btn1.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
function onClick( event:MouseEvent):void

View 15 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Click Button To Play Movie In Reverse?

Apr 23, 2010

Actionscript 3 ---- Looking to have a movie clip and 2 buttons. Click the right button to make the movie clip go to the right, left button to make it go left (play backwards in the timeline) Currently the movie clip is set up as a 90 frame animation that moves across the stage on a motion tween. The right button just makes the movie clip play, so I'm looking to make my left button play that timeline in reverse. I've found lots of examples for AS2 online, but none for AS3......

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Removing 'play' - 'loop' Button From Right-click Selection

Jun 25, 2010

is there a way to remove those buttons that are found when we right-click while the SWF file is running? those buttons such as 'play','loop',etc thx

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click Button To Play Movie Clip?

Dec 7, 2010

I am working on a project that I have three movie clips animate onto the stage.I then have 3 buttons come up correlating with each movie clip.How do I script the buttons to play the movie clips?The movie clips are embeded FLV files just fyi.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Show New Form When Play Button Click?

Dec 31, 2009

i have 3 file. the first is that contain two button. play and invite friend.quiz.fla. and quizapp.***. when i click play button i want to show the quiz that store in int the i have the mouse event that call quiapp.but when i run i got an error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.    at QuizApp/createButtons()    at QuizApp()    at Quiz/playQuiz()
in createButtons(), i create three button next,prev and finish. whereas, in my quiz.fla library i have drag the button into my library but the error show nuul object reference for the button that i have created.

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Flash :: Play Movie Clip When Click On Button?

Sep 16, 2011

I working on the timeline and have some Actionscript 3 code (I have a actions layer on the timeline). I am not sure what the code is for clicking on a button(I made the buttons movie clips since I wanted to animate it) and it plays a movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play Random Sounds On Button Click?

Dec 21, 2010

What's I'm looking at doing is making a button that plays 1-20 different sounds at random each time the button is clicked (hit), and also have an image swap when that happens. A different sound and different image (the same 1 image per sound, not random images, just sounds "image1 goes with sound1").

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Movieclip Display And Play When Click On A Button?

Jul 23, 2009

I'm looking to have a movie clip pop up, play itself after a user clicks on a flash navigation button.
(something like this???)  
message_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goMessage1);
function goMessage1(evt:MouseEvent):void{    ???(play message movie clip here)???;}

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Starting Video To Play From Beginning On Button Click

May 26, 2011

I have three buttons, which starts three separate on button starts video, that's ok, but then video is not over, if to click again,it's not starts video from beginning. I'm talking about one video. I must push on other button and then on that again to start it from beginning.

ActionScript Code:
Object(this).1btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, button1);
function button1 (e:MouseEvent):void{
[Code] .....

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