ActionScript 3.0 :: Mask Stick To The Mouse?
May 9, 2010
i know how to make an animated mask to have an image on top of another to have them transition as the mask passes thru..but this time instead of animating the mask i was wondering how to make the mask be sort of a brush on the tip of the mouse pointer..
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Jul 22, 2006
I was wondering if there was a way of making your mouse cursor stick to an object for a period of time when clicked?
eg. If i clicked "about" then the mouse would stick to that button while it slid to a new location on the stage. Once the tweening stops, you can move the mouse again.
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Sep 10, 2010
I have a startDrag function set up on a loader and mask that when the mouse is down on the loader it drags, when not it doesn't. There is also 2 buttons that control whether mask1 or mask2 is used. What i would like however is when the mouse is down - the area of the loader outside of the mask is visible but only by about 10/20% alpha, that way the user can see where all the image is while dragging. Is this possible? Full code can be seen below and i have attached the zip with the .fla file:
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Oct 22, 2010
I'm trying to create a movieclip that contains 6 different images. In this movieclip, I would like, for example, a mask that follows the mouse to reveal the next picture. (ex: Image 1 has a circle mask revealing Image 2. When clicked, Image 2 will now be at the front with a circle mask revealing Image 3. And then Image 6 will not have any mask but on click will go back to the beginning)I understand that a lot of it will be up to how I order them in the timeline and frames.My problem is that in my class, we've learned how to do this for TWO images only, and the only way for the mask to move is to use the MOUSE_DOWN and MOUSE_UP events (which is where the mask is only movable if you move it yourself.)It would be a big help if someone can first answer these questions:
1)What is the function called/is for instead of a MOUSE_DOWN/UP it will just simply follow the mouse?
2)Would I have to create 6 frames with, let's say, Image1 and Image2 on Frame 1, then Image2 and Image3 on Frame 2 etc? And each frame will have its own actions layer frame?
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Aug 16, 2009
i would like to add some mouse events to the mask (which is masking something else below) and because i cant add it to the mask, what would be the best solution?
i was thinking of creating one more movieClip same size and position as the mask, but i would need to put it below everything else because the content that mask is masking should also receive mouse events...
View 8 Replies
Apr 29, 2010
i have a problem in moving the mask with mouse
what is the right code
here is the code i use
// myImage is bakground image
// myMask is masking
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Nov 14, 2010
I continue in my adventure with customizing a horizontal slider's functions. This is the very last thing I need to figure out and it is done.I have posted an SWF at the following link so you can see it working: neterhetdotcom/test/slidermask/ (change "dot" to a period "." as i am not yet able to post links)If you click on the scrollbar. You will see that a mask follows the click and displays an "orange" color... this orange color is supposed to indicate the progress of the slider across the scroll bar. the mask is positioned just to the left of the slider on the click so it allows the "orange" color for "progress" of the slider to "show up".
If you click and hold on the slider the mask does not track this motion. I need to know how to make the mask track the mouse along with the slider. The mask would have to align it's right edge to the point of the mouse click for it to work as the mask is the same width and just slightly taller than the visual scrollbar. (a narrow rectangle as well)How the scrollbars is set up in Flash is I have 2 layers with the scrollbar art on each. the bottom one is the default greay "off" state.. the top one is the orange "progress" state that has a mask attached to it so when the mask slides the orange shows up or goes away. (Thus indicating the progress of the slider across and back)So either the mask has to follow the slider button (on the left edge of the slider button) or the mask has to follow along with the slider on the mousedown state...(as long as the mask had it's right edge aligned to the mouse click)
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Jul 21, 2009
I am trying to create a simple interactive flash video, where the user moves the mouse over the image to reveal an image underneigth (almost like a rubbing-out effect).
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Aug 20, 2011
Having a problem with part of a project that I know is something small that I omitted someplace relating to mouseEnabled or mouseChildren, but I think I have tried everything and nothing seems to work.I set up a demo FLA that replicates the issue somewhat here (remove spaces)- t i n y u r l . com/4429vbx
Basically, I have a little game that involves finding things in an image with a custom mouse cursor that is a magnifying glass. One large image over a smaller version of the same image, the cursor masks the large image. There's a bunch of Math figuring out the movement/positioning of the large image on MOUSE_MOVE to match up with what you are mousing over in the smaller one, and I have a Rollover/Rollout on the smaller image to swap the cursor in/out. The problem started when I put 5 invisible buttons down inside the large image. You get cursor flicker when rolling over the invisible buttons, because smallImage.rollOut is being triggered, then smallImage.rollOver, then out, then over, etc... and I have no idea why.
I can't use startDrag() because of the large image movement needed on MouseMove, and I tried it with EnterFrame and it's worse.Like I said, the demo isn't exactly what I have in my project, but it's close. There's no parallax math, and the project I have is class-based, but the demo is on the timeline. There are 3 levels - A is the root child, B inside of A, and 3 buttons AA, BB, CC inside of B. I have a simple circle Sprite as the mouse cursor.
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Feb 25, 2003
I want to recreate the same effect (this has been done) but with a little twist, and I do not know how to code the mask with Action Script.What I want to achieve is this:
1. Lock my mask on the Y axis;
2. When I mouse over it, the mask would move up and down;
3. The mouse cursor would disapear while being in the mask.
My flash file is almost complete. I just need the code to move the mask.
View 9 Replies
Mar 22, 2011
i know how to make an animated mask to have an image on top of another to have them transition as the mask passes thru..but this time instead of animating the mask i was wondering how to make the mask be sort of a brush on the tip of the mouse pointer.
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Jun 2, 2011
I have a display object that is set to mask another display object. I add a mouseEvent listener to the mask to listen to mouse events. It does not receive the mouseEvent unless I set its buttonMode property to true.
If the display object is not a mask, it receives mouseEvents with its buttonMode set to false.
Here is some fast example code. On the stage I have a circle that masks a square. if buttonMode of the mask is set to false, it won't receive mouseEvents.
circle.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
square.mask = circle;
//if I set buttonMode = false, the mask (circle) won't respond to clicks.
circle.buttonMode = true;
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Dec 17, 2008
This will probably be simple for some of you. How do I make the "animation" stop? The text moves, based on the mouse movement, and I put a mask over the text to only show a certain area at any given time...
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May 4, 2011
I created a graphic to simulate a volume slider. Its working, but i want a movieclip graphic (vol_switch) to follow the mask. It is only following it after i release the mouse. i cannot figure out how to have it follow on the mouse drag without taking precedence over the mask and disabling that. I tried the code in bold, but not working.
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Oct 25, 2010
It looks to me like the easiest route in AS3 is to use a Shape/Sprite's Graphics property to draw these lines, clearing and re-drawing each time the stickman changes. But some of the newer Flash 10 stuff seems to suggest a closer functionality to 3D graphics where you can define points and lines/triangles and then move the points rather than recreating all from scratch each render. Is this the case?
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Jul 30, 2009
I have a clip that I want to rotate 90deg every 12 seconds. The duration of the tween is 4 secs. I've noticed that after a while the clip doesn't rotate a full 90 degrees, and the whole thing gradually drifts out of the correct angle. If I trace the clip's rotation it shows 0, 90, 180, -90, etc. for a while then may start throwing out e.g. initial code just added 90deg to the clip's current rotation value:
var timer:Timer=new Timer(12000);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer);
...however the sticking still occurs, and may be related to other events happening on the stage, albeit these are pretty simple mouseOver events and shouldn't hammer resources.
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Oct 10, 2009
I've been experimenting with shape tweens using the line tool to make stick figures, and using shape tweens to make the figures move around. It's great fun, but I've been running into a particularly disruptive problem. For example, I'll have a stick figure in one spot at frame 1. I move it across the screen using a shape tween, and bend one of his arms over the course of 10 or so frames. The problem is, Flash seems to be misinterpreting what ought to happen during the tween. Instead of just bending the arm, Flash makes the arm rotate in a full circle. It still ends up where it ought to at Frame 10, but it takes the wrong path to get there. I've attached a video to illustrate what I mean. Look at the upper body piece right at the end. Is there any way I can fix this without having to animate frame by frame?[code]...
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Mar 22, 2010
I've got a group of buttons that don't navigate but show a tool tip. I have some of the functions working fine but can't seem to get my current button to stick. What am i overlooking here? fla: [URL]
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Nov 3, 2011
I have a bat and ball game and was wondering what eventlistener I would use to include a hand that would hold the bat instead of the mouse using the bat.I have made a new class called hand and addChild (aHand) and I want the x and y to stick to the bat I already have that is pinned at the bottom of the stage.
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Mar 17, 2009
i have a stick id like to drag and rotate. ive followed a nice tutorial for it, and it works fine but i only want to rotate my stick 45 degrees when i click it. the tutorial i followed only alows my to rotate 180 degrees ??this is the code ive used
handle.grip.onPress = function() {
handle.onMouseMove = function() {
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Jan 12, 2012
I know that trying to model character movement in Box2D is always hard/impossible, but I'm trying to see if there's any way to make an user-controlled object that cleanly slides against other objects, going up or down, that makes it look like the character is climbing/walking up or a down. The character could be modelled as a circle if that simplifies matters, but I don't see how I could get this effect using just a circle with a joint motor.
There's a "wheel joint" in the C++ version of Box2d, which I suppose I could port to Flash, but I don't know if that would give the correct effect either. Another idea I had was to have the character do little jumps, based on the normal of the object that it is touching. But I suspect that at corners, or at contacts with multiple objects, this will give weird results.
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Dec 14, 2010
I have made this little flash game that is almost done, There is just one thing that I need to know.Is it possible to make a movieClip stick to another Movieclip in some easy way?You see there is this tower in the game, that shoots arrows at an enemie.Now I want that arrow to stay on the enemie that is moving along the axis until it dies, where the arrow should just drop and dissapear after a while.I have tried alot of different things to get this to work, But with no success.the enemies and arrows are saved in two separate arrays, and the arrow have a random rotation.
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Jan 3, 2011
I am creating a media player that is supposed to run in the background and thus not obscure any other applications that the user runs.The playe is essentially a lot of AS3 with a minimum of graphics � just enough to set volume and toggle some parameters.uestion:How can I make my graphics so that it can be minimized and only appear on the tastbar?As it is now it can be maximized to cover the full screen and made small so tha it shrivels up down in the left corner of the screen.
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Aug 19, 2003
what i am doing is to make something along the lines of the "scriptable mask" tutorial Inigo was kind enough to put up.My idea is to have a large mask behind the whole of my flash site, this masks a colour image with a black & white one (nothing tricky). The image I am using is actually 5 separate images combined, and each is a pic of certain parts of the site.I also have a very basic set of buttons along the bottom... each corresponding to each section.
All I want is to set it up so that when I mouse over the buttons, the _x of the mask moves to correspond with the correct image... really very basic... or so I thought .If anything it should be easier to do than what is in Inigo's tut (where he uses the _x of the mouse to move the mask)... i just cant seem to get it to work with a nice easing effect (its easy to get the mask to simply snap to each coordinate, but I need it to smoothly move).
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Mar 31, 2010
I'm making a jigsaw puzzle in flash and there's something I just can't figure out. I want it so that if you pick up a piece, drop it next to another piece, and the two pieces are supposed to go together, the two pieces will snap together so that if you move one piece the other will move with it. I've seen some games where they somehow get movie clips to stick together when they come into contact with each other, but I haven't been able to figure out how they did it.
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Apr 12, 2010
I'm creating a simple AIR app with resize-functionality. Of course i need to position a resize-arrow to the bottom-right corner. Here's my code:
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, handleResize);
function handleResize(e:Event):void{
resize_btn.y = stage.stageHeight-resize_btn.height;
This doesn't work, my button gets out of the window very quickly. How could I make this work?
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Jul 26, 2011
I'm a bit newbie to Flash, and I'm experiencing strange problem. I have a simple flash application, which when run in Flash player looks like this
the thing is, when i resize the Flash player window, a black frame becomes visible to the left and top of the stage. is it possible that these black areas start appearing on the right side, and the stage to be fixed on the left? The strange thing is that these black areas are not part of the stage, the (0,0) coordinate is there where white area starts and not in the corner of the window, and that's causing me problems.
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Jul 20, 2009
I have a file with tweens created in the code. The file worked fine most of the time. But sometimes for no apparent reason the tween would stick at some random point through its execution. It was a small problem at first. But the more content my file has, the more it's happening and now I'm lucky if it doesn't stick! I'm loading a lot of images in externally (not with xml just with the loader class for now). I thought this would ease the problem but if anything it's becoming worse with the extra content that's added.
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Nov 19, 2009
I have bug in an actionscript 3.0 mp3 player i've written where all of the graphics (ui) are generated by actionscript at run-time but occasionally they all get stuck on the zero x and y coordinate making the program difficult to interface with. I set the coordinates of the sprites with some math: stage.stageWidth/2 and stage.stageHeight/2 for instance.
I don't know in which particular browsers this tends to be a problem but it has happened in Firefox and IE, though not consistently, which is really confusing. Has anything similar happened to anyone and might they please share their insight? Is it my fault or someone else's (i.e. - adobe, ms, mozilla, etc.)?
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Dec 4, 2009
maybe point me towards a better way to mask. png file is way too big. I have been using the mask layer option to create my own mask around a jpg image by drawing around it on the mask layer. There has to be a fetter and faster way to do this. Is it possible to maybe have a specific color range have an alpha value of 0. Similar to green screening whereas If I put the item I want to clip on a green background flash will auto take out the green for me. and by auto I mean action script maybe. I think this can be done but im not finding it.
how are these guys clipping these images [URL] they have the movie clips set up where the black background on the 3 layers of shoes is getting masked out. When I go into the shoe movie clips I see there is a black background but it just disappears when I go back to main timeline.
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